Chapter 26: Siberia

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The Raft


"Certainly took you long enough to find me," Barry joked weakly as he stepped back, shooting a weak grin at Cisco.

"Not soon enough actually," Cisco said, his voice coming out sharper than he intended and Barry's grin dropped, realizing Cisco was still angry. "For us, you've only been gone a week."

"…A week?" Barry repeated stunned and Cisco nodded. "How is that possible?"

"Do you remember your trip to Supergirl's earth?" Cisco asked and Barry nodded.

"Yeah, I was there for over a day, but only a few seconds had passed on Earth-1. Wait, are you saying time passes differently on different earths?" Barry asked but Cisco shook his head.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. When you open a breach, it's like when you travel through time. You run so fast, you rip a hole in space and time," Cisco said and Barry finally understood what Cisco as saying.

"When I travel through a breach that I create, I'm not just traveling through dimensions," Barry realized and Cisco nodded.

"You're also traveling through time," Cisco finished.

"But why such a large gap between the two earths?" Barry wondered.

"The first time you did it, you were just learning how to adapt to your new speed. This time, you were more used to it and you were going a lot faster than the first time," Cisco explained.

"God, this is such a mess. It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie," Barry groaned as he ran a hand over his face.

"Tell me about it. Come on, we need to go," Cisco said as he gestured for Barry to follow him.

"I can't leave here Cisco," Barry sad, not moving.

"You want to stay in the creepy, secret prison?" Cisco asked confused.

"There are people I care about here. I can't leave them here," Barry told him.

"A friend of yours pulled some strings to get you out of here. He said to tell you maybe Cap's story wasn't so crazy after all. Whatever that means," Cisco said and Barry was silent.

"How'd you get here?" Barry demanded his mind racing.

"Your friend flew us here in a chopper. Said his name was Tony," Cisco said and Barry stiffened.

"You came here with Tony?" Barry asked stiffly and Cisco nodded in confusion.

"He seemed like he was hiding something. Is he not your friend?" Cisco inquired.

"Something like that. We don't wanna keep him waiting, do we?" Barry asked and Cisco noted the unnerving undertone in Barry's voice.

But still, it was getting him out of this place.

The pair walked out of the cell, escorted by two guards. As they passed a cell, Barry looked into the glass and saw Wanda. She looked up and gasped as he stopped. Cisco and the guards looked on in confusion as Barry walked over to the glass. Barry's eyes darkened in rage as he saw the straight jacket she was in. Barry placed his hand on the close, the rest of the world fading away as he looked into Wanda's terror filled eyes.

"I will be back for you and our family," Barry told her in Sokovian before switching to English. "I promise."

Wanda nodded, her eyes filled with tears as Barry stepped away from the wall and back towards Cisco and the guards. They soon made their way towards the hanger bay. Tony was standing in front of the chopper, talking with Ross when they spotted the group.

"Barry," Tony said as Barry and Cisco were led over.

"Tony," Barry greeted coolly.

"Wow, you can actually feel the awkward," Cisco cracked but no one was laughing.

"Get that collar off him," Tony gestured to Barry but Ross didn't move. "Come on, he's leaving anyway, what's leaving that collar on gonna do?"

Ross hesitated, but only for a moment. He nodded to one of the guards and he stepped behind Barry. The guard pressed a button on the back of Barry's collar and it came apart with a loud clang. The guard opened it up and removed it from Barry's neck as he felt the Speed Force coursing through him. Tony and Ross were unnerved by the energy they now saw flashing n Barry's eyes.

"Don't come back," Ross said regaining is courage.

Barry glared at Ross but knew that attacking the secretary of state wouldn't help matters. So he was silent as Tony led him and Cisco onto the chopper. Cisco sat behind them as Barry sat next to Tony, just waiting. The chopper started and it lifted off out of the prison. Barry's hands clenched into fists, his arms shaking, something only Tony noticed.

"Alright," Tony said as he got to his feet. "Look, I know you're mad at me but-Argh!"

Whatever Tony was going to say was cut off when Barry jumped to his feet and, to Cisco's shock, slugged him. As Tony stumbled back, Barry sped over and grabbed his arm. He flipped tony on his back and knelt down in front to f him, putting his vibrating hand to Tony's neck.

"Once I stop talking, you have thirty seconds to give me a reason why I shouldn't take your head off," Barry growled.

"You've been spending way too much time with Natasha," Tony cracked and Barry glared.

"Twenty three seconds."

"I'm just trying to help. I got you out of there didn't I?" Tony challenged.

"You put me there; you put all of us there!" Barry snarled.

"You broke the law! You read it and you broke it!" Tony justified.

"Well forgive me for not wanting to sign something I disagree with!" Barry snarled.

"It would have kept us together," Tony tried to justify.

"No, it's torn us apart. More specifically, you tore us apart!" Barry snarled. "You didn't listen to Steve, Sam and I when we were concern about The Accords, you locked Wanda in her own home and tried to manipulate Steve into signing. You didn't listen to Steve when he tried to tell you about The Winter Soldiers and you put us all in a secret super max prison!"

"I didn't know they'd put you there," Tony tried to explain.

"But you knew they'd put us somewhere!"

"I'm just trying to do the right thing," Tony tried to say.

"Bull crap! This isn't about doing the right thing, this is about Ultron!" Barry snarled and Tony would have reeled back had he been able to. "You can't face your own guilt for that, so you're trying to make yourself feel better however you can. And you don't care if you bring The Avengers down with you. So I'll ask you again, why shouldn't I take your head off?"

"Because Steve needs all the help he can get," Tony said logically.

"So, finally got your head out of your ass?" Barry said after moment.

"I made a mistake. Let me try and make this right," Tony pleaded and Barry scoffed.

"Nothing you do will ever make this right," Barry snarled but nevertheless stopped vibrating his hand, removing it from Tony's neck as he stood up. "But Steve does need help. Even if it comes from you."

"You know how to fly this thing, right?" Tony asked as he got to his feet.

"Yes, I know how to fly a helicopter," Barry said annoyed.

"I'm gonna fly ahead in my suit, you two catch up," Tony said and Barry nodded.

"Um, excuse me," Cisco, who had been in stunned silence while all this was going on, finally spoke up. "What exactly is going on?"

"I'll explain on the way, but the short version is that if we don't stop him, someone is gonna unleash people as skilled as Oliver who have been enhanced with an improved version of the Mirakuru," Barry said and Cisco paled.

"Okay, that's bed. Let's get going then," Cisco said and Barry and Tony nodded in agreement.

"But first, I've got something for you Allen," Tony said as he pulled out a duffel bag and handed it to Barry.

Barry took it wearily before putting it on the floor and unzipping it. Barry began to smile, pulling out the red suit, staring at the lightning bolt emblem on the front.



Barry landed the chopper on the ground, looking around as he stood up.

"Okay, Steve and Barnes are already here. Which means Tony is probably here to," Barry said as he noted the Quinjet and the tank bellow it. "This guy has been here for a few hours, enough time to activate these guys. You can stay here if you want."

"I came all this way to bring you home. I'm not letting you get killed," Cisco said.

Barry nodded gratefully before grabbing Cisco and speeding out of the chopper and into the facility. After speeding around, they found Tony, Steve, and Bucky.

"Barry," Steve said upon seeing him but frowned as he saw the man with him.

"And friend," Bucky noted.

"Guys this is Cisco Ramon, my...associate," Barry said, not wanting to step on Cisco's toes at the moment, "Cisco, this is Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. You already know Tony."

"Hey. I'm here to help stop the bad guys," Cisco said awkwardly and Steve nodded, holding out his hand to Cisco.

"We appreciate it," Steve said and Cisco shook his hand.

"Wow, that is a strong grip," Cisco said, flexing his fingers after Steve let go.

"I'm got heat signatures," Tony spoke up.

"How many?" Steve inquired.


The group exchanged a glance before moving out. Tony and Steve took the lead, Barry and Bucky following, and Cisco bringing up the rear. They entered the room, looking around. The Winter Soldiers were still asleep to their confusion.

"If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep."

Cisco jumped as they heard the voice speak up. The others looked around; noting the small break in the glass and the head shots to The Soldiers.

"Did you really think I wanted more of you?" Zemo asked Bucky mockingly.

"What the hell?" Bucky muttered.

"I am grateful to them though. After all, they brought you here," Zemo noted.

A light came on, revealing Zemo behind an iron chamber. Bucky and Tony turned their weapons on him as Steve threw his shield at him. However, the shield simply bounced off it, flying back into Steve's waiting hands.

"Please Captain, the Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets," Zemo said mockingly.

"Doesn't matter how strong it is, I can phase through that," Barry said confidently as they approached the chamber and Zemo flashed a nasty smile.

"I don't doubt that you could Flash, given time," Zemo said condescendingly.

"You killed innocent people in Vienna, just to bring us here?" Steve asked angrily.

"I've thought about nothing else for over a year," Zemo revealed. "I'll followed you, studied you. And now that're standing in front of me; I just realized…there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to finally find a flaw."

"You're Sokovian," Barry noted, recognizing the same accent as Wanda.

"Is that what this is about?" Steve demanded.

"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No," Zemo said with a shake of his head. "I'm here because I made a promise."

"You lost someone," Steve noted.

"I lost everything," Zemo said with the click of his tongue. "And now, so will you."

Zemo pushed a button from behind the chamber and the screen of a small TV light up.

"What's with the home video?" Cisco asked a little unnerved.

"An empire defeated by its enemies can always rise again. But an empire that crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever," Zemo explained as the screen changed to show a road at night.

"Guys, maybe we shouldn't be watching this," Barry suggested.

"Yeah, it's what he wants," Cisco agreed.

"I know that road," Tony said softly, ignoring Barry and Cisco as he looked over at Zemo. "What is this?!"

Zemo simply smirked at him. Tony turned back to the screen as a car crashed into a tree. The hood was completely trashed as someone rode up behind them on a motorcycle. Bucky, no, The Winter Soldier got off as a man crawled from the driver's seat and landed on the ground.

"Please, help my wife," the man said, his voice barely audible through the video as The Solider approached.

The soldier grabbed him by the back of his head and lifted him into a half standing, half sitting position. The man gasped upon seeing The Solider.

"Sergeant Barnes?"

"Howard?" A woman, unseen before the angle of the footage, called form within the car. "Howard?"

It was at that moment that Barry realized what was going on, the significance of what this was. Barry looked over at Tony, his greatest sympathies going out to the man. Tony was only looking at Bucky, who simply stared back with a pained, guilty expression on his face.

Tony turned back to the screen as The Soldier hit his father hard twice with his metal arm and let him fall. They couldn't see Howard's face, but it was safe to assume that Howard was dead. Dragging him by his hair, The Soldier put Howard back in the driver's seat, seemed to move him, before walking around to the other side of the car. It was hard to see what happened next exactly, but The Soldier reached inside and they could imagine what happened next well enough without seeing it. The Solider then walked passed the car, pulled out a pistol, looked right into the view of the camera, and opened fire.

Barry looked over at Tony, who was trembling with emotion. Pain and anger were clear on his face. Tony made a move towards Bucky but Steve grabbed his arm as Barry sped in front of Tony.

"Tony, don't," Steve pleaded.

"This is what he wants Tony. He's playing on your emotions; he wants you to go after Barnes. Don't fall for his trap Tony," Barry tried to reason with his ally.

"Did you know?" Tony asked as he looked at Steve.

"I didn't know it was him," Steve tried to explain.

"Don't bullshit me Rogers! Did you know?" Tony growled, clearly beyond any form of talking reasonably. Not that Barry could entirely blame him.

"Yes," The word seemed to echo through the chamber as it settled over them.

Tony took a step back, the look of stunned shock and betrayal on his face forever ingrained in Steve's memory. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, Tony struck.

He slugged Steve, his helmet coming back on as Steve went flying. He whirled towards Barry, something shooting out electric clamps which shot to Barry's feet. Barry fell on his side as Tony blasted Bucky's gun out of his hands and grabbing Bucky's metal arm. He then grabbed Bucky by the neck and flew off, slamming him out to the ground and he took the hand on Bucky's neck off. He used his foot to pin Bucky's hand to the ground and was about to use his free hand to bash Bucky's skull in when Steve's shield hit him in the head. Tony looked over his shoulder as Steve rushed him, punching him and getting him off Bucky. Angry, Tony flew at Steve and punched the shield with enough force to send Steve lying back.

Steve landed on his back and Tony used the clamps he'd used on Barry on Steve as well. Before he could do anything else, Bucky hit him in the back but Tony then grabbed him and flew him into a piece of machinery. Barry, finally managing to get the clamps of him, sped over and did the same for Steve as Tony shot off a missile. However, Bucky moved his hand so, rather than hitting him, it flew into some of the machinery. It caused an explosion and, as the machinery began coming down around them, Barry looked over at Cisco, who was trying to avoid being him. Barry sped over, got him away from the machinery remains.

"You okay?" Barry asked as he let him go.

"Way confused, but alright. What is going on Barry?" Cisco asked, completely confused by what was happening.

"I'll explain it to you after I stop Tony from becoming a murderer," Barry promised.

Barry looked over to see Bucky trying to flee and Tony flying after him. Barry sped over, knocking Tony to the ground as Bucky fled. They fell to the ground, rolling on in briefly before they both stood up.

"Tony, please stop," Barry pleaded.

"Move!" Tony barked.

"I know what you're going through!" Barry snapped and Tony paused. "He killed your parents. I know how full of anger and pain you are right now, but it doesn't have to be this way Tony. You're not a cold blooded killer. As pissed as I am with you, I know you're a good man. Don't do this."

"I said move!" Tony snapped, pressing something on his suit.

Barry suddenly screamed as he felt to the ground, electricity coursing through his body. Tony tried to fly away but his left foot was hit by Steve's shield. It caused his to falter slightly but he kept going as Cisco and Steve rushed over to the screaming Barry.

"Go, I got this!" Cisco shouted to Steve.

Steve nodded and ran after Tony. Cisco knelt down, Barry's screams of pain causing him to forget his anger at him in the moment.

"Don't worry, I got this," Cisco told him as he pulled out a phone.

Tony was about to blast Bucky when Steve jumped in the way. He used his shield to deflect Tony's blast back at him and Tony was sent falling down.

"He's not gonna stop. Go," Steve ordered and Bucky nodded as he fled.

As Tony flew back up, Steve placed his shield on his back and jumped. He threw a wire which wrapped around Tony's neck. They fell down, landing on different ramps. They both stood up, Tony aiming at Bucky but pausing to blast at Steve's shield mid-throw. It fell to bellow and Tony turned his attention back to Bucky. His targeting system had been damaged in the fight, so he pulled back his mask and aimed with his own eyes. He fired and his blast hit the lift, which had been supporting the latch Bucky had been using to escape. It slammed down as Tony put his mask back on and flew up to Bucky. Bucky briefly tried to fight back but Tony managed to put him in a choke hold.

"Do you even remember them?" Tony hissed.

"I remember all of them," Bucky said against Tony's grip.

Enraged, Tony tired to fly back down but Steve jumped off his ramp and tackled Tony. The three fell to the ground. Steve landed on the very bottom, Tony on the stone groove above him, and Bucky on the ramp above them. Steve and Tony both climbed to their feet.

"This isn't gonna change what happened," Steve tried one more time to reason with tony.

"I don't care. He killed my mom," Tony snarled before they resumed the fight.

"Okay. Hopefully, this is gonna stop the shocks. Hopefully," Cisco said nervously as he reached a hand out.

"Just do it," Barry said, his voice rattled from trying not to scream.

Cisco nodded and put his gloved hand down. He was never more thankful that he brought his Vibe gear than in this moment. Using his armored hand, Cisco was able to pull the lightning bolt emblem off Barry's suit. Immediately, the shocks stopped and Barry breathed heavily in relief.

"Oh thank god," Cisco said in relief as he threw away the emblem and began helping up Barry. "Hey, easy now. Easy."

Bucky was trying to reach in and rip out the Arc reactor when Tony blasted his metal arm off. Bucky stumbled back, dazed and in pain as he fell to his knees. Tony blasted him, sending him to the ground as an angry Steve rushed him. Tony tried to blast Steve but Tony used his shield to deflect. However, a lightning both landed at their feet, sending a shock way. They stopped, stumbling away from each other in confusion

Then Barry sped over. Vibrating his hand, he reached into Tony's armor's chest and ripped out the Arc Reactor. Barry dropped the reactor as Tony's suit lost power. Snarling in anger, Barry sent a strong kick to Tony's chest before following up with two punches to Tony's face. On Barry's last punch, Tony's mask flew off, landing on the floor before Barry slugged him, hard. Tony fell to the ground, his face bloodied as Barry breathed heavily.

"It's over," Barry said, his voice tired but firm as he looked at Tony then at Steve.

Steve nodded as Cisco raced in and Barry fell to his knees, breathing heavily.

"Hey, you okay?" Cisco asked in concern as he raced to Barry's side.

"Fine," Barry breathed. "I just really need to eat something. I haven't had anything since before I got arrested."

"I never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth," Cisco said dryly as he helped Barry stand, offering his shoulder as support.

"That shield doesn't belong to you."

Barry and Cisco looked over at Tony, who was glaring angrily as Steve, who was helping Bucky to his feet.

"You don't deserve it. My father made that shield," Tony said angrily.

It was obvious that Tony was just saying whatever came to mind in order to hurt Steve at this point. However, it came as a shock to all when Steve slid the shield out from its place on his back and dropped it. It fell to the ground with a loud bang that seemed to echo through the area. Steve walked off, supporting Bucky and Cisco and Barry followed him after a moment, leaving Tony to wallow in his anger.


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