Chapter 28: Prison Break

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Wakanda, Royal Palace


"Here's where they kept Wanda and me," Barry said, pointing over to the blueprints of The Raft that showed the section where he had been kept.

He, Cisco, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, and T'Challa stood in a private room where they were making their plan to raid The Raft and free their friends. A set of blue prints, acquired by T'Challa with help from Natasha, laid open on a table for all of them to see.

"Why would you two be separated from the rest of the prisoners?" Cisco asked confused.

"Probably because we have powers and Clint, Sam, and Scott don't," Barry noted.

"And if Tony told Ross half of what Wanda can do, she probably has extra security on her," Natasha pointed out.

"I'll get her," Barry volunteered.

"Not alone you're not," Steve argued.

"I'll go with him," Bucky volunteered and Barry and Steve looked at him in surprise. "I may have one arm, but I'm not useless."

"Thanks," Barry nodded at him and Bucky returned it with his own nod.

"We should probably get Clint, Scott, and Sam's gear to. We don't want a man like Ross having access to it," Steve noted.

"They would likely be here," T'Challa pointed to a room in between Wanda's section of the prison and the where the others were being kept. "According to Ms. Romanoff's contacts, it is a storage area. If Secretary Ross has your friends' gear on The Raft, it will be there."

"Nat, get them," Steve ordered.

"Someone needs to watch your back while you get our friends," Natasha argued.

"It would be my honor to accompany you Captain," T'Challa spoke up but Steve shook his head.

"Ross finds out you were involved, could cause an international incident and a war with the US. You've done enough for us," Steve assured him.

"You still need someone to go with, in case you run into trouble," Barry pointed out.

"I'll go," Cisco said and everyone looked at him surprised. "I've seen the place; no one deserves to get locked up there without a trial. If you need someone to watch your back, I'll do it."

"Trust me Steve, I've got over two years of experience when I say you'll find no one better to watch your back," Barry said and Steve nodded.

"Well Mr. Ramon, welcome to The Avengers," Steve said as he held out a hand.

"Mr. Ramon is my father, call me Cisco," Cisco said but still shook Steve's hand.

The Raft

Same time

"Sir, Barton isn't talking," One of the agents told Ross is the security room.

"Of course he didn't. Barton has been trained to withstand torture, to never break, no matter what the pressure," Ross said calmly, unfazed.

"So what do we do sir?" Another agent inquired.

"Barton may seem emotionless, but he isn't. He is not as cold hearted as he seems, he has a weakness: he has a father's love for his child. And like any father, he will do whatever it takes to protect his child," Ross said, his eyes darting over to the security feed that showed Wanda in her cell.


Late morning

"And this is what exactly?" Steve asked as The Avengers, T'Challa, and Laura stared at the device Cisco had given him.

"It's an inter-dimensional extrapolator. It creates small breaches and acts as an inter-dimensional communicator, so Mr. Black Cat here-" Cisco gestured to T'Challa.

"Black Panther," T'Challa said sounding insulted but Cisco ignored him.

"Can reach you if anything happens on this earth while we're on Earth-1," Cisco finished.

"When you said he was a genius who could fix almost any problem, given time, I thought you were exaggerating," Natasha told Barry, who simply smiled.

"This is ingenious Mr. Ramon. You would do well here among out scientists," T'Challa said impressed as he took the device from Cisco, examining it.

"Steve, you okay?" Natasha as she noticed the faraway look in Steve's eyes.

"Your Highness, once we leave here, I'd like to see if you could make a delivery for me," Steve said as he thought of Tony.

The Raft


Clint was lying on his cell, staring into space as he worried. Ross knew about his family, his cronies had been interrogating him about them for half the morning, at least Clint assumed it was morning. But Clint knew men like Ross, he wasn't going to give up until Clint told him where. Which made Clint worry about what Ross would do next.

"Mr. Barton."

Clint looked up from his cot. Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear, he though dryly as Ross stood outside his cell.

"How are you enjoying yourself?" Ross asked like Clint was an honored guest at some hotel.

"Well, my room could use a bit more sun. And these walls? Man, you guys need to think about redecorating," Clint said and Ross smiled unpleasantly.

"We both know you have a family out there. And you will tell me where they are," Ross said and Clint scoffed.

"Yeah, I think you have a better chance of Ultron coming back as a force for good," Clint said and Ross chuckled.

"You're a father. I am a father myself, so I understand your devotion. You will do anything to protect your children. Even give up your own life. But you have more than one child. Even one who is…not your own," Ross said as he pulled out a phone.

Ross turned around the phone so Clint could see. Clint's hands clenched, gripping the sides of the mattress as he saw Wanda. She had a collar of some sort around her neck, mechanical in nature. It was no doubt nullifying her powers. She was in a strait jacket, restraining her hands. But it was the look in her eyes that made his blood run cold. Wanda appeared dazed, as though she was unaware of what was happening around her.

"Tony mentioned that you were fond of Ms. Maximoff. I can see that he was right," Ross mentioned and Clint got to his feet, rage in his eyes.

"What did you do to her?" Clint growled.

"Her powers were fighting back, little by little. We didn't want her trying to break out of her collar and cell. It is a simple drug meant to lure her into a comatose like state. This, believe it or not, was an act of mercy on my part Mr. Barton. But I can just as easily make things very…unpleasant for Ms. Maximoff," Ross mentioned and Clint's hands clenched into fists and his knuckles turned white.

"You lay a hand on her, when I get out of here, I'll kill you and everyone in this second rate Alcatraz," Clint snarled and Ross smiled thinly.

"The thing is Mr. Barton, everyone has a weakness. You have a father's love for your child. You can protect your child, you just need to pick which child you are going to protect," Ross told him.

Ross turned and walked out of the room. He walked back into the control room but stopped. He saw his guards and personal, who had been up and working when he had left, now on the floor or slumped over in their seats, out cold.

"Hey, Governor Tarkin," A voice called out from the side.

Ross turned to see Cisco standing in the corner of the room. Before Ross could react, Cisco shot out a blue beam from his hand and it hit Ross full on. Ross slammed against the wall head first and fell to the floor, out cold.

"And I've been wanting to do that since I first met the guy," Cisco said gleefully as Steve walked out of the shadows.

"Come on, we need to move," Steve ordered.

Barry and Bucky peered around the corner, seeing three guards standing in front of Wanda's cell.

"Three guards, I can take 'em," Bucky said confidently.

"Don't doubt that you could," Barry noted. "But a much faster way would be-"

There was a gust of wind as Barry sped over. Within seconds, Barry stood over the unconscious guards and Bucky laughed as he came out from behind his hiding place.

"I'm starting to see why Steve likes you," Bucky said as Barry plucked a key card from one of the guards.

Barry simply responded with a smile before sliding the key card win the slot. With a beep, there was the sound of the door being unlocked. Barry all but wrenched the door open and walked inside the cell. Barry stared at his girlfriend, who seemed like she completely catatonic. Barry walked over to her as Bucky entered room, watching the scene and getting flashbacks to his own time in Hydra.

"Wanda? Wanda, it's me," Barry said as he knelt down in front of her.

There was still no reaction from her, to his alarm. He took her face in his hands, making her look at him. He stared into her eyes which were unfocused as they stared at everything and nothing at the same time.

"What did they do to you?" Barry asked horrified.

"She's on some sort of drug," Bucky noted disgusted. "Hydra did things like this from time to time. We need to get her back to Wakanda, they can get her the help she needs, and figure out what drug she's on."

Barry nodded but before they could make a move, they heard the sound of footsteps, lots of them. Barry and Bucky exchanged a glance as they stood up. They walked out to see dozens of guards aiming their guns at them.

"Looks like Romanoff was right about that extra security," Bucky noted.

"So, any of you guys the big tough guy who drugged my girlfriend?" Barry demanded.

"Get on your knees and put your hands on your head or we will open fire," One of the guards barked.

"I count twenty five against two. The odds hardly seem fair," Bucky noted.

"I agree, they should just give up now," Barry said with a smirk.

Then Barry sped over, punching out a guard and grabbing the rifle from another, using the butt of the weapon to strike the guard hard enough to knock him out. Bucky rushed forward, grabbing the gun off a guard and flipping him over, bringing him down on his knee hard enough to knock him out and knocking out a few of his teeth in the process.

"Thanks for coming back for us," Scott said after he, Sam, and Clint were let out of their cells.

"You never have to say thanks," Steve assured him.

"Cap, my family-" Clint began.

"I know, they're safe," Steve quickly assured him as he put a hand on Clint's shoulder. "Natasha broke off from Tony and the others after the fight at the airport. Fury got word to her that their safety had been compromised. She got them out and we all met up. They're safe Clint, I promise."

Clint nodded, the relief he felt nearly overwhelming. But there was still one last thing he worried about.

"Wanda, Ross has her on some kind of drug," Clint said and Steve frowned.

"Barry and Bucky are getting her now. We can get her medical attention once we get out of here," Steve said.

"Where? In case you forgot Steve, we're wanted men," Sam argued.

"We've been offered asylum in Wakanda," Steve said and Clint and Sam started. "A lot's happened. I'll explain when we get out of here."

"Which I think should be before Ross and his evil Men in Black come to," Cisco spoke up and Clint, Sam, and Scott noticed him for the first time.

"Um, who is this?" Clint asked, eying Cisco suspiciously.

"Cisco Ramon, resident of Earth-1," Cisco introduced himself and Clint and Sam's eyes widened.

"Barry's friend?" Sam asked and Cisco's lips thinned.

"Something like that. Come on, we need to get to the check point," Cisco said, holding out his hands and opening a reach.

"Okay, what is that?!" Scott exclaimed startled.

"It's a breach. Just walk through it and you'll end up at the check point," Cisco explained.

"You sure about this guy Steve?" Sam asked skeptically.

"Barry vouched for him, that's good enough for me," Steve said, walking through the breach as if to prove his point.

Clint, Sam, and Scott exchanged uncertain glances before Clint shrugged and followed Steve through the breach. After a moment, Sam followed after and Scott looked at the breach uncertainly.

"I better not end up in some weird dimension because I am not doing that again," Scott said but followed the others through the breach.

Cisco rolled his eyes but jumped through the breach, which closed behind him.

Bucky stood over the pile of unconscious guards as Barry picked up the unmoving Wanda bridal style.

"Told you I'd come back," Barry whispered into her ear as he walked out.

"Nat," Clint said as she reached them at the check point, a bag slung over her shoulder.

"Hey Clint, Sam," Natasha greeted before gesturing to the bag. "Your gear is in here. Still can't believe I got stuck with pick up duty."

"Cisco doesn't know what their gear looks like, so you had to," Barry said as he and Bucky walked in.

"Is she…" Clint trailed off as he stared at the unresponsive Wanda.

"She's out of it, doesn't seem to know what's happening," Barry said, a quiet fury in his voice that Clint felt as well.

"Let's get here out of here. Ramon, take us home," Natasha ordered and Cisco nodded.

"Next stop, Wakanda," Cisco said as he opened another breach.

"I expect a story about how the guy trying to kill Barnes is now offering us help," Clint said.

"It's one hell of a story," Barry said as he walked towards the breach.


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