Chapter 33: an end and a beginning

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Star Labs

Late afternoon

Barry sat in the speed lab, a hand on his chin as he stared into space, lost in thought. Steve lingered in the doorway before walking in.

"You okay?" Steve asked and Barry shook his head.

"Not really," Barry said and Steve nodded as he sat down next to Barry.

"You want to talk about it?" Steve asked and Barry was quiet for several moments.

"I didn't think about it Cap," Barry said softly. "When we decided to come back here, to this place…I didn't think about how hard it would be, to face my past. Everything looks the same but it's different. I'm different. I spent so long missing them but now that I'm back I feel this…distance between me and them. I'm not the same man I was a year ago…and I'm not sure they can accept that."

"Give them time. Remember, it's only been nine days for them. You dropped a huge piece of information on them, let it sink in, give them time to get to know you as you are now," Steve told him wisely.

Barry nodded, looking thoughtfully as footsteps approached the room. The pair looked up to see Oliver walk in, Laurel trailing behind him. From the nasty look she shot him, Laurel hadn't forgiven Barry for his part in her imprisonment. Honestly, Barry couldn't think of a reason why she should.

"Heading back to Star City?" Barry asked as he and Steve got to their feet.

"Yeah," Oliver gave a stiff nod and Barry sighed.

"Look Oliver, I'm sorry I kept this from you," Barry began.

"I don't want your apologies," Oliver snapped before softening. "Because you don't owe me one."

"What?" Laurel asked shocked.

"Yeah, what?" Barry asked equally shocked.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about any of this. But, with everything that went down with your dad, I can understand how this didn't cross your mind. And you told me the truth. Which is more than I can say for the rest of your team," Oliver said, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Actually, I did."

The four of them tuned around to see Cisco lingering in the doorway.

"What do you mean you did?" Oliver demanded.

"After my brother died in a car accident a few months ago, I sent an email to your system at your lair, telling you about her," Cisco gesturing to Laurel. "When you didn't show up here, I figured you decided to just leave her here."

"I never got any email," Oliver said, his mind racing. "But Felicity would have."

"You think she kept it quiet?" Barry asked surprised.

"It's the only thing that makes sense. Felicity has an almost OCD need to know everything on our system. There is very little chance she didn't read that email," Oliver said, a fury settling in his stomach.

"Felicity Smoak? Typical," Laurel scoffed and Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"You know her from your earth?"

"You could say that," Laurel said vaguely but didn't elaborate.

Oliver felt there was a story there but didn't push. She may look like his Laurel, but she wasn't. While she was a carbon copy of his late love and friend, she was a complete stranger to him. He just hoped he wasn't making a huge mistake.

"You must be Oliver Queen," Steve, bringing Oliver out of his thoughts as Steve held out a hand to him. "Steve Rogers. Barry's told me a lot about you."

"Funny, he hasn't mentioned you," Oliver said, shooting Barry a look but accepting Steve's offer of a hand shake.

"He wouldn't have, we didn't know each other then," Steve explained and Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"So how did you two meet then?" Oliver asked as they lowered their hands to their sides.

"That's a long, complicated story I'll explain to you another time. But I think Star City is going to start missing its mayor and protector," Barry said and Oliver nodded.

"Yeah, let's getting going. If I never see this place again, it'll be too soon," Laurel said bitterly as Cisco began leading her to the breach room.

"Thank you, for telling me about her," Oliver told Barry.

"Don't thank me. I don't deserve any thanks. But I want you to know, if she steps out of line, I will be there to take her down," Barry promised.

"You won't need to, because I'll take her down myself if that happens," Oliver said as he eyed Barry. "You seem...different."

"Good or bad different?" Barry asked as Oliver continued to eye him.

"That remains to be seen," Oliver said before turning to follow after Cisco and Laurel.

"You were right about him, he is a little…extreme," Steve said as he stared after Oliver.

"Kind of reminds me of you in some ways," Barry said and Steve laughed.

"Maybe," Steve admitted before frowning. "Barry…there's something you need to know. About Wanda."

"Is she okay?" Barry asked concerned as he turned around.

"She's gonna be fine. But there is something that you should know," Steve said as he placed a hand on Barry's shoulder.

After sending Oliver and Laurel back to Star City through a breach, Barry, Cisco, and Steve reentered the cortex.

"Why did we not think of this before?! This saves so much time," Cisco said before he noticed the faraway look on Barry's face. "You okay man?"

"Yeah, fine," Barry said as he shook his head. "Yeah, not sure how we didn't think of this before. It will save a lot of time for getting to and from Star City when we need their help, I admit."

As they reentered the cortex, Team Flash stood up.

"Barry," Joe said and Barry winced.

"Look, I'm sorry I ran out of here after dropping that on you. That wasn't fair," Barry apologized.

"You don't owe us an apology. If anything we owe you one," Joe said as he walked over to Barry. "I can only imagine how hard it must have been to realize you were trapped in that new, strange place with no way home. That must have been so difficult for you."

"It wasn't all bad," Barry assured him.

"No, I see you made some great friends," Joe said as he looked from Steve to where the others Avengers stood in the corner. "I want to thank all of you. You helped my son through a difficult period. For that, you will always be welcome in my house."

"Thank you Mr. West," Steve said humbly.

"Please, call me Joe," Joe insisted.

"Well Joe, know any place some of us can stay? Because I don't think we're all gonna fit here," Clint pointed out.

"I've got room, at least one of you can stay with me," Cisco volunteered.

"And we have a spare room at our house," Wally pointed out.

"Unless you want your old room back?" Joe said as he turned to Barry.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Barry hedged, knowing he and Iris under the same roof was a bad idea. "I think I'm just gonna bunk here."

"Come on, I know it's awkward, but we can make it work," Iris said, walking over and trying to take Barry's hand, surprised when he pulled his hand back.

"Guys, can Iris and I have the room?" Barry asked as he looked around at everyone.

The Avengers and Cisco quickly left, knowing what was about to happen and not wanting to be anywhere near it. The others looked a little confused but nodded, leaving Barry and Iris alone.

"Barry, what is it?" iris confused and Barry sighed.

"We need to talk Iris. Things…have changed. I have changed. I'm not the same man I was," Barry began.

"I know. I understand that it's been a year for you. I know we can't just pick up where we left off but I'm willing to work on our relationship if you are. I love you Barry," Iris said optimistically and Barry sighed again

"Iris, I love you. A part of me will always love. Just…not like that. Not the way you want, not anymore," Barry said gently and Iris face paled with each word he spoke. "While I was on Earth-66, I had to let go of the possibility of finding my way back here. I had to let go of you. For so long, you were my world, my everything. A world without you in it was terrifying but also… exciting I guess is the word. And eventually-"

"No," Iris held up a hand, trembling. "Don't say it. You told me you loved me. That the sound of my voice would always bring you home. You said that Barry!"

"I know and I meant those words with all my heart. But that's who I was, not who I am. I had to move on with my life. And eventually, I fell in love with Wanda," Barry said, hating the tears that ran down her face, wanting to wipe them away as he had multiple time in the past but knowing he couldn't. "The man you loved…that's not me. Not anymore. The love we had will always be special to me, but our relationship ended the moment I found myself on Earth-66. I'm sorry Iris…but it's over."

Barry turned around and began walking away from Iris. He heard her beginning to sob but kept on moving. Nothing he could say or do would help Iris in the long run. It wasn't his place anymore. For so long, he thought his only place was by Iris' side. Maybe at one time, it was. But not anymore.

"How's she doing?" Clint asked as he and Caitlin stood in the med-bay, Caitlin checking Wanda over one more time.

"She'll be fine Clint. She's a little dehydrated and needs some food, plus I'm a little worried about how much stress she's been under, but she'll be fine," Caitlin assured him, even as she kept from telling him the real reason Wanda had passed out.

It was best her patient knew before anyone else did.

"Good, that's good," Clint said as Barry walked in.

"How's our girl doing?" Barry asked as he stared down at Wanda's sleeping form.

"In summary, a little dehydrated, not getting enough food, and overstressed, but she'll be fine," Caitlin assured him, seeing the look Barry was giving Wanda and smiling slightly.

"That's good," Barry said, noticeably relaxing.

"Clint, why don't we see what we can do for you and your family?" Caitlin asked, walking over and trying to lead Clint away.

Clint got the hint and gave another look to Wanda but looked at Barry, knowing she was in good hands. So he let Caitlin lead him out so they could see about arrangements for his family.

Once they were gone, Barry sat down in a seat next to Wanda's bed, sighing.

"Better tell him from across the room. Or better yet, a phone call. From China," Barry muttered.

"Tell who what?"

Barry looked up to see Wanda's eyes blinking open, her vision obviously coming into focus.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Barry said as he stood up, walking over to the bed she was on.

"Tired. And confused. What happened?" Wanda said as she sat up.

"You passed out," Barry said as he knelt down next to her bed, taking her hand.

"I passed out? Why?" Wanda asked stunned.

"Dehydration, not eating properly, a lot of stress. But, those are only factors in why," Barr said vaguely, gently caressing her smooth hand in his own.

"What?" Wanda asked confused and Barry tried to find the words.

"Wanda…I'm not quite sure how to say this," Barry admitted, not looking at her as she watched him in confusion.

"Barry, you're scaring me. Whatever it is, we can deal with it together," Wanda said and Barry smiled slightly.

"I hope you feel that way after I tell you what it is. Wanda….you're pregnant."


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