Chara swears vengeance

Far away, Chara could see the charred remains of her once-proud home, now reduced to ashes. Her heart raced, cutting her sky adventure short as they drew near. When they were close, Duvessa slowed her flight and descended gracefully. The moment their feet touched the ground, Chara slipped from Duvessa's grasp and raced towards a nearby tree—the very tree under which Estaben, her father, had placed her lifeless body on that fateful day.

At the foot of the tree, a body wrapped in a sheet of cloth was laid out beside a shallow, rectangular hole dug into the earth. Chara knelt next to the body, removing the sheet to reveal her father's face, Estaben. Her voice faltered as she whispered, ''No way, Father... What happened?'' Silent tears streamed down her cheeks as she held his head, shaking with emotion.

Duvessa stood a meter behind Chara, her voice firm and serious. ''He killed himself.''

Chara stared at Duvessa, a mix of disbelief and anguish on her face. ''No... That's not true. My father couldn't do something like that,'' she protested weakly, her voice trembling with tears that continued to fall.

Duvessa, unmoved by Chara's distress, answered in a grave, serious tone. ''His hands were gripped tightly around a piece of wood that had been plunged into his chest. That's a fact.''

Silence descended on the clearing, save for the sound of Chara's choked sobs.

After a moment,Duvessa turned her attention to the figure hiding behind the tree, her voice now heavy and harsh. "Are you not tired of hiding? Reveal yourself, now!"

Unbeknownst to Chara, a man had been hiding behind the tree. Duvessa, however, had been aware of his presence all along, having spotted him running to conceal himself before they landed.

''Do you want me to come for you?'' Duvessa demanded, her voice rising.

The man trembled as he hesitantly emerged from his hiding place, raising his hands in surrender. His name was Orson, Estaben's assistant, whom he had entrusted with the patients before leaving for the castle.

"Orson..." Chara called out when she saw him.

Duvessa spoke firmly. "Explain yourself. What are you doing here?"

Orson trembled and replied, "I was trying to bury him. He was my boss." He turned to Chara. "I'm sorry, Chara. I wasn't there when all this happened."

Duvessa pressed him for more information. "Where is the other person who was lying beside the ruins?"

"I-I don't know," Orson stammered, his hands still shaking. "Some people claiming to be his family took the body."

"Finish what you started," Duvessa instructed before alighting to a nearby tree branch, where she perched with her legs crossed, right arm resting on her thigh with her palm cupping her cheek, and her piercing gaze sweeping the surroundings.

As soon as Duvessa departed, Orson hastened to Chara's side, kneeling next to her. "Are you alright, Chara? Did that demon woman harm you in any way?" he asked, concern evident in his expression as he kept a watchful eye on Duvessa's movements.

Chara stood up, wiping the tears from her face. "I'm okay, uncle Orson. Let's proceed with the burial," she said, her voice steady despite the sorrow she felt.


Orson was surprised by Chara's response, standing still as he processed her words. When he turned his head, he caught Duvessa's piercing gaze fixed on him, her form still perched on the nearby tree branch.

After Estaben's body was placed in the grave, Chara paused the burial and walked to the charred remains of their home. She collected a handful of ashes, remembering the happy memories they shared there. She clenched the ash tightly, her anger growing. After a moment, she stood and returned to the grave, pouring the ashes on her father's body and helping Orson cover him with sand.

When they finished, Orson checked to ensure Duvessa wasn't watching, then whispered to Chara, "I'll distract her. Escape to the infirmary."

"What are you scheming, human?" Duvessa's voice boomed behind Orson before he could execute his plan.

Orson jumped, terror coursing through him. Duvessa approached Chara, wrapping her arms around her in a possessive embrace. "This girl is like my child. She has my blood in her. Ask yourself why she's alive," she said.

Duvessa turned her attention to Chara. "What do you say, Chara? Do you want to go with this man?" she asked in a gentle tone.

Chara disentangled herself from Duvessa's hold, her expression grave. She turned to face Orson, her voice serious. "Orson, this is okay, I feel much safer this way, even if I don't know what's happening."

Orson's confusion was evident on his face as sweat dripped down his forehead. He couldn't comprehend the relationship between Chara and Duvessa.

Duvessa's voice was resolute. "I won't end your life because of this girl, but you have five seconds to disappear from my sight."

Orson retreated, hesitating for a moment before he looked at Chara one last time and fled the scene.

Duvessa turned to Chara, her voice soft and persuasive. "What is your wish? What are you planning to do next? I will help you achieve anything. From now on, you can think of me as your mother."

Chara, her back turned to Duvessa, began to speak in a distant voice as if recounting a memory. " My father was one of the greatest doctors in this Kingdom. He worked tirelessly to help others, even sacrificing time with his family. But when a plague hit, people accused him of creating it to control them using fear. They tied us up inside our house and set it on fire. My mother, despite being tied, used her mouth to untie me. As the flames burned our skin, my sisters screamed in agony, and I felt helpless. My mother collapsed from the burns, my sisters were silent, and I knew they had perished.I managed to escape the flames, but a man outside struck me with a pole, preventing my escape. I kept trying to flee, but he was unrelenting. Then, I heard my father's voice calling to me, and he fought the man to pull me from the fire...after that, I don't remember anything. But that's how the people my father sacrificed himself to help treated us. They took everything from me."

Chara's voice quivered with emotion as she turned to face Duvessa, who listened silently.

"Vengeance. I want to make the people of this kingdom pay for their deeds," Chara said, her eyes blazing.

Duvessa, her face impressed, held out her hand.

Chara, feeling a new resolve and purpose in her being, moved towards Duvessa with resolute steps grasping her outstretched hand firmly. Duvessa's expression turned eerie, a subtle smile playing on her lips.

As Chara clasped Duvessa's hand, she felt a sense of determination fill her. Vengeance would be hers no matter the cost. Though her family had perished, her grief was tempered by a cold, calculating fury. She felt no remorse, only a consuming desire for revenge. Little did she realize that it was the blood of Duvessa, flowing through her veins, that had dulled her grief and sharpened her need for vengeance.