Troublesome visitor

Under the velvety night sky, a comfortable house sat nestled in its serene location. Its sturdy, gray stone structure was surrounded by a wooden fence, painted in a rich brown hue, that guarded the property without the need for a wall or gate. An iron sheet roof, now a deep crimson in the moonlight, protected the dwelling from the elements.

The air in Leios and Ava's home was still and cool as they opened the door, the flagstone floor greeting them with a chilly embrace. The fireplace's ashes were cold and dormant, its warmth long since dissipated, and the maps on the walls seemed to whisper their secrets in the silence. The ornate furniture seemed to sag under the weight of the day, and the day bed's soft cushions beckoned for weary limbs.

Leios sat on the table then leaned forward, resting his head on his arms, his eyes closed as the day's weariness began to overtake him.

" I'm wiped out." Nemesis said as she threw her body on the daybed.

Ava's hand reached for the tinderbox by the fireplace without a second thought. She struck a spark and watched it catch, a small flicker of light in the chilly room. With practiced hands, she built the fire slowly, adding kindling and then logs until the hearth crackled and hissed with warmth. She paused for a moment, her gaze falling on Nemesis who sprawled across the daybed, her stomach pressed against the soft fabric, one knee raised and angling towards Leios, her foot tucked beneath her, the soft arch of her foot peeking out from beneath her chestnut, choppy hair. She exuded a dangerous allure, her posture inviting yet threatening, her eyes smoldering with desire and intrigue.

Leios asked, his voice laden with fatigue, "Hey Ava, how were you able to tell it was Nemesis from the way she had covered her whole body?"

" The patchouli perfume she's wearing is what made me recognise her" Ava replied, standing up from the fireplace with her hands on the waist. Her face full with satisfaction as she watched the fire burn, bringing warmth in the once chilly room.

" come I didn't smell anything?" Leios asked, his face masked with confusion but Nemesis replied from the comfort of the daybed. " There is no way you could, the wind was blowing opposite us."

" Then why was Ava able to smell it?" Leios asked again,rising his head from the table to face Nemesis.

" That's because she was in the direction the wind was blowing to." Nemesis replied as she shifted on the daybed to find a more comfortable position.

"Come on, you don't need to explain everything to him. We can just tell him I have some kind of special powers." Ava complained, facing Nemesis with a huff.

Nemesis turned lazily on the daybed, the skin of her stomach peeking out from beneath her short blouse. With a yawn, she replied, ''I'm hungry. Don't you have anything to eat in this house?"

"Ava, don't you think this bandit has no shame?" Leios retorted, but Nemesis was quick to counter, her monotone, husky voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh Leios, spare me your judgments. I asked for food because I'm hungry, not because I have no shame."

"You still haven't explained the reason you attacked us," Ava said, taking a step forward to challenge Nemesis.

"I didn't attack you, Ava," Nemesis replied, rolling her eyes with a shrug. "I attacked Leios for his rude behavior. He touched things without permission, so I just gave him a little reminder of his manners."

Leios was momentarily stunned, his eyebrows knit together. "What a weird girl," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ava huffed and turned to Nemesis, her lips pressed in a thin line. "We still don't trust you, got it?" she snapped before storming off to the kitchen.

"I'm going to take a bath," Leios said, standing up from his chair and pushing it back under the table. "Don't try anything while I'm gone." With a final glance at Nemesis, he turned and disappeared into the hallway, the sound of his footsteps fading as he made his way to his room.

Nemesis let out a quiet chuckle and rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," she murmured to herself, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Leios emerged from his room, freshly changed and clutching a towel around his waist. He made his way through the dimly lit hallway, following the warm, steamy air to the bathing room. Opening the door, he was enveloped in a cloud of steam, the warmth seeping into his skin.

He dropped the towel and stepped carefully into the steaming pool, his muscles sighing in relief as the warm water enveloped him, embracing every stiff muscle and easing the ache from his body. He closed his eyes, letting the heat wash over him.

As Leios soaked in the pool, memories of the past rose to the surface of his mind. He recalled the face of the woman who had once shared his life, her kindness towards him like a mother to a child. She had been fond of male company, yet her heart had been good. Her departure from his life remained a mystery to him, but he harbored no bitterness towards her. In the depths of his heart, a silent wish lingered—to see her again and share with her the story of his life since she left.

The memory of his first encounter with Ava, a chance meeting that changed the course of his life, rose to the forefront of his thoughts. At nine years old, he had been desperate and hungry, the cracks in his lips a painful reminder of the week he had gone without food. Ava, then twelve, had been a stranger passing by with a basket of food—too tempting a sight to resist. He had snatched the basket, but before he could flee, a mob had caught up with him. But just when all seemed lost, Ava had intervened, coming to his aid despite his attempt to rob her. That day, she had not only spared him from a beating, but had taken him in from the streets and into her life.

Ava was a guiding light to Leios, teaching him about the world and filling his life with compassion. In his heart, she occupied a place of deep affection and gratitude, and he had vowed to protect her from any harm. For Leios, Ava was more than just a friend—she was a savior and a sister.

But the encounter with Nemesis had shattered the illusion of his own strength, leaving him humbled and shaken. In the face of her power, he realized that his skills were meager in comparison, his ability to protect Ava sorely lacking. As demons invaded the kingdom and uncertainty gripped the land, Leios knew he could no longer afford to be complacent.

With Ava's safety in mind, Leios steeled himself against any complacency.

Lost in thought, Leios startled as the door to the warm room flew open with a loud bang.

"Leios, are you planning to stay in there all night? The food will get cold!" Ava's shout roused him from his reverie, a flustered blush creeping up his neck.

"Hey, have some manners and knock next time!" he replied, his embarrassment laced with a touch of irritation.

"Huuh?" Ava shot back, "I haven't forgotten where you laid a hand on me. This is payback." Her tone was pointed, her eyes narrowed in mock severity.

Leios froze, realizing exactly what Ava meant. He stayed silent, recognizing that he'd better not challenge her on this one.

The table was set with a venison stew, thick and fragrant, served in heavy wooden bowls, the steam rising like a warm embrace. Crusty bread was arranged in a basket, ready to sop up the rich gravy. And for dessert, a spiced apple tart, its golden crust glistening with a dollop of clotted cream.

As they took their seats around the table, Leios, Ava, and Nemesis felt an unspoken bond, the silence punctuated only by the clinking of spoons against bowls.

"You're eating surprisingly calmly, Nemesis," Ava remarked, a teasing lilt in her voice. "I was expecting you to be stuffing your face and shouting at me to bring more food."

Nemesis' response was a soft chuckle, laced with sarcasm. "Even I have some dignity, Ava."

Turning to Leios, Ava surveyed the empty plate in front of him. "Want seconds?" she asked.

"Sure," Leios replied, his own appetite still not satiated.

As the last morsels of food disappeared from the table, Leios lent Ava a hand to clear away the dishes. Nemesis, meanwhile, made her way back to the daybed.

Ava retreated to her room, emerging moments later with a simple, woolen blanket, its deep blue color fading in spots, but well-worn and comfortable. She placed it in Nemesis' hands, a silent gesture of kindness.

"Make sure you lock your bedroom door, Ava. This girl might try something when we sleep." Leios said to Ava, then continued, "If anything happens, shout and I'll hear you from my room." With a final glance toward Nemesis, he disappeared down the hallway.