
'Gramps?' Leios thought, turning to Ava with confusion on his face.

"Ava dear, I had a feeling about this, so all this time gramps was right?" Ava's grandpa said, his arms open wide, his smile warm and welcoming.

The group stared, their eyes darting between Ava and her grandpa in disbelief.

Ava rushed forward, tears filling her eyes. "Gramps, I can't believe it! It's really you!" she exclaimed, throwing herself into his arms. Her tears fell freely, her heart overcome with emotion.

"Of course it's me, grandpas never change," he said, laughing as he held her close. "How else would you recognize me?"

"I'm sorry I left you alone," Ava said, her voice choked with emotion.

"What are you talking about, child?" her grandpa asked, his voice firm but loving.

She looked up at her grandpa, her eyes still watery with tears. "I'm sorry," she said, "I thought I'd disappointed you."

"Disappointed me?" her grandpa replied, his voice filled with warmth. "I'm proud to see you standing tall and strong, the grown granddaughter I've been praying for!"

Ava smiled, her lips turning up in a wide, warm grin. "I've missed you, Gramps," she whispered.

"And I've missed you, my child," her grandpa replied, wiping away the last of her tears. "Now stop crying and hold your head high. You are a strong, brave woman, and I am proud to call you my granddaughter."

Ava looked up at him, her eyes shining with love. "Thank you, Gramps," she said. "You've always believed in me, even when I doubted myself."

"That's what grandpas are for, dear," he said, ruffling her hair playfully.

"Please," he said, turning to his group and gesturing them inside, "let's get out of the cold. We can introduce ourselves inside."

Ava, smiling, took her grandpa's hand and led him into the tavern. "You all look like you've had a rough time," she said, her voice filled with warmth and compassion. "Come on in, make yourselves comfortable."

As the group followed Ava and her grandpa into the tavern, their footsteps echoing on the wooden floor, a sense of exhaustion hung over them. Leios watched silently as they seated themselves around a large, round table in the corner, their sighs of relief audible.

Turning to her grandpa, who had also seated himself, Ava asked, her smile wide and genuine, "Can I get you all something to drink? And perhaps something to eat as well? I'm sure you're all hungry."

"That would be wonderful, dear," her grandpa replied, his eyes twinkling. "My granddaughter has always had a flair for hospitality."

Ava winked at the group and gave them a little 'just a minute' gesture, her fingers forming an 'okay' sign. "Just give me a moment, I'll be right back!" she called over her shoulder as she made her way to the counter.

The group returned her smile, albeit wearily. "Take your time," Omiros said with a nod, speaking for the group.

Leios joined Ava behind the bar, where they began sorting out the supplies they had left.

At the table, Camilla spoke up admiringly, "What a beautiful and jovial child."

"She reminds me of our own daughter, Livia," Caius added, a proud gleam in his eye.

"Aaah, Dad!" Livia said shyly, blushing at her father's remark.

Ava's grandpa chuckled.

"Of course she's like my granddaughter," he said, a twinkle in his eye. "The gods must have been watching over us to bring us all together like this."

Omiros gave a small, humorless laugh. "Coincidence, indeed. Or perhaps it was fate that led us here, to the only tavern open in a ghost town, then happening to be your daughter's." He shook his head, his eyes downcast. "All this running. I just pray we've found a safe place, for our sakes and for the children's."

The group nodded their heads in agreement with Omiros' words, a sense of relief washing over them.

"For once, you make sense," Caius quipped with a smile, lightening the mood. The group chuckled silently, their familial warmth growing. Strangers who came together for survival were now seated at a table, united like a family.

Ruby sat quietly, his face downcast, the only one not partaking in the jovial banter. Unlike the others, he had no family left.

Juniper held her baby close, a wave of gratitude washing over her. Her child was safe, and for that she was grateful. To her, her baby was everything. She leaned against her husband, Omiros, a silent exchange of appreciation passing between them. She knew he was proud of her, and she of him, for their steadfast determination to protect their child.

Ava's grandpa smiled to himself, the warm glow of the tavern's lanterns casting a soft light on his face.

Caius and Camilla exchanged a glance, their eyes shining with pride. They had managed to escape the sandy terrain, even as it threatened to engulf their daughter Livia in a sandstorm. They had pulled her to safety, steeling themselves against the howling winds. And now, here they were, together, at a safe haven.

The group turned to Ava's grandpa, their expressions one of gratitude and respect. They saw him not just as a leader, but as a parent, a guiding light in the darkness.

As they sat in quiet reflection, Ava and Leios appeared carrying trays laden with plates of food and glasses of ale and water.

"Vegetable stew and bread is what's on the menu today," Ava said, distributing the plates to each person. "The supplies have been low since the demons appeared, so I hope you don't mind."

Omiros clutched his stomach, "Who cares about what stew it is! Right now I'd eat just about anything!"

Ava's grandpa smiled, a twinkle in his eye. "Vegetable stew is the best," he said, taking a sip of ale. "The secret to a healthy, long life! But when you find venison, don't hold back!"

Ava shot him a mock-stern look, "Are you saying this isn't enough, Gramps?"

The group laughed, the tavern filling with their joviality.

"Don't get me wrong, dear," her grandpa said, his smile widening. "I love veggies, and I'm sure our friends do too." He winked at the group.

"That's right!" Livia chimed in, excitement in her voice. "Veggies are my favorite!"

As the group ate, their mouths finally tasted something after a long time of swallowing only saliva. Their stomachs were painful, yet they couldn't do anything. Survival was their top priority; they could last a few days without food, but if caught by a demon, their lives could end in an instant. Juniper, in particular, had a rough time. With a baby to breastfeed, she had no food to consume, but she persisted, her determination unwavering despite the impossible odds.

As she ate, she dipped a small piece of bread in the vegetable stew and fed it to her child.

At the table, Ruby sat silently, staring down at his meal. Ava's grandpa noticed his solemnity and wrapped his arm around the young man's neck. "No matter what happens, we need to survive to fight another day. There's always a reason for one's survival. So eat, to survive, and fight until you find that reason."

Ruby remained silent, his gaze still fixed downward, but he slowly began to eat, not wanting to spoil the group's good spirits.

Ava's grandpa smiled and nodded in approval, then returned to his own meal.

As they ate in silence, Omiros broke the quiet. "Ah, I have a question," he said, directing his words to Ava.

"Is there something wrong with the food?" she asked, her voice betraying a hint of concern.

"Not at all! This food is second only to Juniper's cooking," he said with a laugh, scratching his head.

"You're embarrassing me," Juniper said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"What burning question do you have?" Ava asked.

"Or do you just want seconds?" she teased. "There's plenty left."

"I'll gladly have seconds after I finish this," Omiros replied, grinning. The group laughed, their spirits lightening in the face of the teasing.

Caius chimed in, "Didn't you want to ask a question?"

Omiros cleared his throat, looking between Ava and Leios. "Haha, shouldn't that be the last thing on your minds in a kingdom overrun by demons?" He smiled sheepishly.

Ava furrowed her brows in confusion, "Last thing on our minds? We haven't done anything wrong."

"Haha, I don't mean it as a bad thing," Omiros clarified. "It's just, you two seem so carefree in a kingdom ravaged by demons."

Ava tilted her head in confusion, her brows furrowing deeper. "What are you getting at?"

"Well, when we arrived, you two were standing there..."

Before Omiros could finish, Juniper placed her hand over his mouth, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Ava and Leios stared at the couple in silent confusion for a moment. Then Ava's expression shifted as realization dawned on her.

Ava quickly turned to Leios, whose expression mirrored her own, then back to Omiros. "We weren't doing what you think!" She said, a note of annoyance in her voice. "Leios was just removing something from my eye."