Ava's suggestion

Relief washed over them as they recognized the voice. The mysterious figure was not a demon, but a familiar face—Nemesis. She stood against the trunk of a tree, her right arm raised in a friendly gesture, while her left held a rectangular woven basket.

The tension in Ava and Leios' shoulders eased, their adrenaline-fueled vigilance giving way to confusion. Why was Nemesis out here, alone in the dark?

Still puzzled by her presence, Ava and Leios began to move forward, tentatively closing the distance. As they approached her, now only three meters away, the subtle yet captivating scent of patchouli reached their nostrils, almost as if she had meant for them to pick up on it.

Her short chestnut hair, held captive by the breeze, danced like a curtain in the night, adding a mesmerizing element to the already surreal scene.