Escape 2

The veil of night still cloaked the room as Arabella's eyes fluttered open, their sharp gaze surveying her surroundings with calculated intent. Beside her, Viktor lay motionless, the dull cadence of his breathing indicating the depths of his slumber.

The potent spirits Arabella had plied him with the night before were now wreaking havoc on his body, their heavy-handed influence known to her from the very first drop. Her lips curved into a subtle smile, for it had all gone according to plan.

Bare and shivering, Arabella crept from under the blanket, her chilled skin a patchwork of goosebumps. The frigid floor caressed her toes as they traced the dark expanse in search of her sandals, her scant panties offering little protection against the chill that permeated the room.