Leios' teacher

"Won't you take a seat? Or are you scared of me?"

Nemesis sighed audibly, then moved slowly and sat at his side a few distance away. The fragrance of patchouli perfume became concentrated in the atmosphere, giving Leios nostalgia.

"You say interesting things, Leios..." She slightly bent ahead, her arm resting on her knee and her hand cupped on her cheek. 

There was some silence before she spoke again without turning. "Jeez, your gaze is suffocating me."

"Your face has just suddenly interested me."

"Are you saying you like me? I never knew you were that forward."

With his gaze wandering around her face, Leios replied. "I mean...your face is fresh...your hair is dishevelled...you haven't applied that glittering thing on your lips...and...you also haven't applied the black substance on your eyelashes." He paused. "Have you just got out of the bathing room?"