Chapter 42

After a night without giving Miku much of a chance to do anything, I successfully stole her Sephira, and right now she's sleeping while I'm looking at her Sephira.

'I need to find a good place to keep this... but where?' This has always been a problem, there's no place to store something so important without risking it being stolen by someone.

There's also the problem of what to do with Miku.

'... I'll let that crazy chick take care of Miku.' I revert to my male form and take a picture of myself with Miku, then send it to Mukuro with the exact location along with a message saying I was seduced by Miku and now Mukuro can do whatever she wants with her.

"I'm outta here before that crazy chick shows up." I disappear from the location, leaving Miku to her fate. Maybe she'll get out of this alive if she's super lucky, though I doubt she'll have that much luck.

I'm soon back at my place and see that Mukuro isn't here.

"The breakfast table is cracked and turning to dust... guess this is the last time I'll see Miku." Not that it's relevant, I got what I wanted from her, so the rest doesn't matter.

For now, I decide to keep the Sephira hidden inside my body using Reversion.

"Message from Shiori." I read what Shiori sent, a good morning message along with a thank-you for the meetup and for cheering her up.

I just send a good morning message back, saying it was no big deal, while starting to get ready for school.

While I'm in the shower, I hear the sound of the door opening, but the sound is already inside the house.

'Mukuro... she got in without me even noticing.' She disappears and reappears in her inverted form, which is truly powerful.

'I still need to get her Sephira, but it'll be harder to extract since it's inverted. I need to do some tests on how to put a Sephira crystal in someone without real affinity for it.'

After the shower, I come out in my school uniform and see Mukuro, who's already ready, though her expression is gloomy.

"Any problem, Mukuro?" I ask with pure hypocrisy, knowing she has a problem and that I caused it, after all, she's obviously like this because of the image I sent.

"Nothing, brother... I'm just not in a great mood today. Here's your breakfast." She points to the table, where I see an omelet.

There's a drawing of Miku's body made with sauce, but it's split in half, and part of the drawing looks like it's disintegrating.

'How subtle.'

"You don't need to be mad, sis. Nothing too serious happened between us, I promise the me right now has never been intimate with that girl." My tone is honest because it's true. The me right now has never been intimate with Miku, only the me in female form, and we're fundamentally different since I've never inserted anything from my male body into Miku.

This seems to momentarily ease Mukuro's temper.

"Why did you send me that cruel photo?"

"I needed you to do something to help me, but I didn't want to ask directly because I was busy thinking of something."

"Anyway, thanks for dealing with my problem." She perks up when I thank her.

In any case, if she didn't kill Miku, I probably would have, since I don't want her interfering, after all, she could just talk to Shiori about our temporary deal, and that would be a problem.

"Brother, don't do those cruel things again, okay? I was so sad that I thought about disintegrating the city."

"I see..." Her tone isn't a joke.

'What a shitty choice.' I thought it would be at most a block, but it seems she's even crazier than expected.

"And how's Origami... I mean, how are you now?" As soon as I mentioned Origami, the aura around her darkened.

'It's going to be difficult to touch on these topics for now.' Anyway, I'll deal with that later, I need to remove the Sephira from Origami, who's also inverted.

"I'm better now, brother. I'm going to school now, okay? See you later... and don't take too long with that slut." She knows I'm going to visit Origami.

"Sure, I'll be quick." Origami doesn't need much care since she's a spirit, at most I just need to make sure she doesn't escape, after all, I still need her Sephira too.

'I don't think I need all the Sephira.' Maybe 5 or 7 are enough, I just need to make sure Shiori has enough power to devastate the planet on her own.

In other words, as long as Shiori has the strongest Sephira, it should be enough, even in a small quantity.

'I think the strongest Sephira are Mukuro's, Kurumi's, Natsumi's, Origami's, Nia Honjou's, and... maybe Tohka's? She's normally about average, but in her inverted form, she's powerful enough to cause great devastation with just a swing of her sword.'

Anyway, I have a lot of things to do, and I can start using Origami as a guinea pig... but it would be dangerous to give Origami more Sephira, so I need to find another guinea pig that's easier to control.

Of course, there's Mukuro, but I don't think she's 100% reliable, she might try to control me if she gets stronger than me.

'Maybe... Yoshino...' She's a child, and I can easily deal with her even if she gets stronger, especially because she's the cowardly type, so she won't try to kill me if she gets more powerful.

'I'll deal with that later, I'm going to see Origami now.' I go down to the basement and enter the room where Origami is confined.

Soon I see Origami, who looks at me with a mix of hatred and grief. She seems to be torn between feelings of hatred and betrayal.

"What do you want from me? Why don't you just kill me already?" She speaks with anger, but with less aggression than the Origami from the previous world. The two Origamis have merged into one, making it easier to talk to her.

"... I still need you, that's why you're still alive." Once she's no longer useful, I'll get rid of her.

'Wait, can I kill Origami?...' Origami was quite relevant in the work, I can't just kill the main characters directly. I need to rethink this decision carefully.

Miku was quite irrelevant, so there was no problem if I killed her, but Origami is not irrelevant.

'I need to look at this better, maybe I should have Shiori eliminate her.' If it's Shiori, there's no problem.

"You!... Why are you like this? Why do you make so little of human life?" Her way of speaking is as if she doesn't consider me human. It's also a way of speaking that mixes the Origami from the previous world with the new Origami.

"Origami, did you know?" I speak while she looks at me without understanding.

"Lives are not special because there are plenty of them." Anything that exists in large quantities is not special.

"Spirits are not special either, even though there aren't many of them, and in the end, I don't even think the gods are special."

"To me, everything is like a big machine, the universe is the machine, and the worlds are the gears."

"And living beings are even smaller gears, they make the machine work, but they can easily be replaced."

"That's why I believe that everything that's alive is not really special, because it's not truly unique."

"Everything that's not unique is also not special. In the end, maybe even the universe isn't special, because there might be more than one."

"What a cold view of the world. I guess that's all one can expect from an aberration like you. I don't know how I ever believed in your friendship." She speaks with barely contained anger.

"Cold? Haha, are you sure that's the right answer? My answer isn't cold, it's realistic."

"Everything that exists can be replaced. Humans do it all the time, think about cell phones. When a new one comes out, the old one is abandoned. Living beings are the same way."

"New ones come, and the old ones are abandoned. It's the natural course that makes this great machine called the universe turn, because every machine needs to get new parts at some point."

"Neither you, nor humans, nor I are special. We're all gears in the same machine, the only thing that changes from one to the other is the usefulness of that gear."

"But in the end, there will always be that gear that will destroy the machine's perfect process." That's me, the faulty gear that will start to destroy other gears.

"Anyway, I just came here to see if you were properly contained." She's perfectly contained and can't use her demon king, so I'm done with what I came here to do.

"I have to go to school now, have a good morning, Origami."

"You'll pay for this one day."

"... Maybe yes, maybe no, the universe isn't usually very fair." I know well how it can be unfair to anyone.