Shiori's POV:
'Where is he...why isn't he answering!!' I've called Aurelio more than 39 times, but he's not picking up, I'm already in total panic here, he went out with Yoshino and 30 minutes later Ratatoskr alerted that Yoshino had inverted.
We're now at the Ratatoskr base watching as [Eclipse] also appears, this only makes me more worried about Aurelio.
Strangely, I don't call Yoshino, in fact I feel anger towards Yoshino for putting Aurelio in danger, if it weren't for her he wouldn't be at risk of death in this way.
"Hey, what the hell is that!!!" Kotori couldn't help but curse when out of nowhere [Eclipse] summons a weapon totally different from an angel and a demon king, a giant scythe that emanates a heavy energy.
The power released from that weapon is so high that Ratatoskr's systems can't calculate it, so it just flashes red, alerting that it releases a lot of energy.
"Aurelio, where are you, please be okay" I murmur while biting the nail of my thumb, I'm very nervous and desperate, things are only getting worse and there's no sign of Aurelio, and he's not answering the calls.
I bite my nail so hard that it breaks, but I don't care about that, I briefly glance at the base screen, but quickly go back to the calls.
On the screen, Yoshino starts a fight with [Eclipse], but for some reason Yoshino summons two spiritual weapons, Kotori is almost tearing her hair out because she doesn't understand this abnormal mess we're seeing.
Reine also seems nervous, which is strange for her normal personality, she seems not to understand anything of what we're seeing now.
"Hey Reine, what the hell is a [Fallen Angel]? We don't have anything like that!" Kotori yells at Reine, lately Kotori has been stressed, so she's more bossy.
While they argue, the fight goes on and the one with the advantage is obviously [Eclipse], his spiritual weapon is absurdly strong to the point where Yoshino's weapon doesn't have much effect.
"H-Hey, Yoshino's demon king...cracked?" Vice Commander Kannazuki says, and soon everyone looks at the screen with total surprise, and Reine seems strangely nervous about what she heard, on the screen we see Yoshino's Demon King with damage.
Something that has never happened before, an Angel has never been damaged and a Demon King, which is even stronger, has never been broken either, in other words, [Eclipse] has accomplished two unknown feats in quick succession.
Kotori mutters, wondering what will happen to Yoshino if the weapon breaks, since it's a part of her, but to me that doesn't matter, I just want to know about Aurelio.
He became so important to me that I think I can't stand the idea of losing him, and the situation in the images is very serious and dangerous.
With every second we watch the fight, it becomes more and more unbalanced, the AST can't even get involved because [Eclipse] has done something that prevents them from getting there.
'Aurelio, please be safe' I keep thinking about this as I call him, it's been more than 57 calls without him answering.
The fight gets more intense, but in the end the result of this abnormal fight is Yoshino's vital signs on the monitor stopping, she was simply evaporated by an attack, and even with all this, the only thing I feel is pure concern for Aurelio.
I can't help but imagine that Aurelio was caught by this attack, everyone seems dissatisfied and sad, Yoshino died, but even with that I can't care.
She's nice, a sweet and innocent child..., but I didn't know her that well, I only helped her seal her spiritual powers and it ended up being a useless effort in the end.
I ignore the incident while continuing to call Aurelio non-stop, hoping that nothing bad has happened to him.
"Shiori, please stop this" Kotori comes to me and takes the phone out of my hand.
"HEY, I'M USING IT" I say in a hurry as I try to get the phone back desperately, my fear that Aurelio might have died acting in the moment.
I manage to get the phone back, but my action has only made the already heavy atmosphere even heavier, after all, an acquaintance has died and I'm acting this way.
"Aurelio? Is this serious, Shiori? There have been more than 79 calls, can't you see he's not going to answer!!" She says angrily to me, Yoshino's death has clearly affected her heavily.
"I-I know, I'm just worried" I try to justify what I'm doing, I feel a bit embarrassed to be confronted by everyone like this, it almost seems like they're silently judging me.
"Shiori, are you even taking this seriously?!!" Kotori starts arguing with me.
"She died and you're doing this crap instead of paying attention?" I get angry at this, just because someone died doesn't mean I have to focus only on that.
"Aurelio was with her, he might have died too, why are you angry with me? I'm just trying to see if he's okay!!!" I say angrily to her who is arguing with me.
"I didn't say not to be worried, but stop acting like an obsessed lunatic, you've already called 79 times, if he didn't answer, he won't answer just because you keep calling" Kotori yells at me, all eyes are on us watching the argument without knowing what to do.
"Obsessed lunatic? Are you hearing yourself? How is being worried about someone who might have died being an obsessed lunatic? You've always hated Aurelio, I bet you don't even care" I also yell at her with barely contained anger and venom in my voice.
"Shut up, can't you see that idiot is influencing you, look at you acting all weird because of a guy you barely know..." Kotori says, insulting Aurelio, this is the last straw for me.
"I don't know Yoshino" I interrupt her.
"I've never seen Yoshino before helping her, we spent little time together and I don't even know what kind of life she led before, how is that any different from Aurelio, he's... my best friend, it's natural for me to be worried" I tell her and leave the room.
I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense, I wander around the base calling Aurelio, afraid that something has happened to him, I hope everything is okay.
To me, Aurelio is special, he helped me when I was down because I had become a girl, he's always given me good advice and we've also had many reflective conversations.
He's smart and always has an answer for everything, yet he befriended me and even gave me a chance to be with him even though I was a guy before, it's obvious I'd be worried.
I have no way to be more concerned about Yoshino than about Aurelio, Yoshino is almost a stranger to me, while Aurelio is my best friend and also the person I love.
And seeing my sister, the one I trust, talking about him like this fills me with disappointment in her, how can she make so little of Aurelio's life?
I was already disappointed in her for seeing her having sex with the one I love, now seeing her giving so little value to his life really angers me.
How can she treat him like that? She makes me question whether I'm really trusting the right person, this is the second time she has deeply disappointed me.
My trust in her is quite fragmented and if anything else happens, I don't think I'll be able to trust her anymore.
Soon on attempt 145, Aurelio answers, this makes me give an immediate sigh of relief.
"Aurelio, are you okay?" I ask hurriedly while a smile appears on my face, if he answered, then he's alive and probably fine.
Which is great for me.
"Hello Shiori, I'm fine, some things happened and I had to get out of the area quickly...Yoshino, is she alright?" He asks, I've had many conversations with Aurelio, he knows about spirits, so it's no problem telling him this.
"She...she died..., but I can't say much about it on the phone, I just wanted to confirm that you're okay..."
"Thank you Shiori, you're so nice...I hoped someone else would be worried...unfortunately you were the only one, it seems I'm not as important as I thought" He speaks in a self-deprecating tone.
"But thank you very much, you don't know how happy I am that you were the first to contact me" This cheers me up immediately.
"It's okay, I'm also glad I was the first to call you..." I hear footsteps.
'Tsk...' This irritates me, it's Kotori, I don't have the patience to deal with her complaints, I'm angry with her for saying so much nonsense.
"Aurelio, I'm glad you're okay, I'll have to hang up, we'll talk more later, okay?"
"Okay, thanks for the attention, take care" He says and then hangs up, I look at Kotori who arrived just in time.