Buying the Game

Bai Yunfei talked with Yu Yan about the game for quite some time, but they also discussed other things. The world was completely different from what Bai Yunfei was used to — in terms of both technology and customs — but he quickly adapted.

The fact that they both spoke the same language — which was a bit strange to think about — made Bai Yunfei's adjustment much easier.

He was a powerful cultivator. His mind had been honed to a higher level, capable of memorizing numerous attack, defense, and cultivation techniques, among other things. Understanding how things worked here came naturally to him.

Of course, everything was a matter of adaptation, but to gain further help from Yu Yan, Bai Yunfei came up with a somewhat strange story.

"I only remember being hit hard on the head, and now everything's a bit fuzzy," Bai Yunfei said. "Take a look here."

He had, in fact, been struck on the head during his fight against another cultivator in a different world. But of course, there was no way Yu Yan could know that.

She came closer and indeed saw a scar on his head, which was already a bit healed. "That hit must have been bad, but it looks like it's getting better. Hold on a moment."

Yu Yan went to the place where they kept the household medicines and bandaged Bai Yunfei's head. He looked a bit funny with the bandage wrapped around his head, but it helped Yu Yan calm down.

"So, you don't remember anything?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, no," Bai Yunfei replied. "But don't worry, I'll get back on my feet. Do you think there's any work I could get? I don't want to be a burden to you all here."

Bai Yunfei already knew that resources were important. In his former world, spiritual stones were used for many things, and a poor cultivator couldn't survive without them.

Here on Earth, he would also need resources to eat and buy what he needed to live.

"I'll see if I can find something for you," Yu Yan said.

She had a thoughtful look. "Don't you want to go to the hospital? They could help you with your memory problem."

Yu Yan was a little concerned about the situation since it was quite unusual. She wanted to trust Bai Yunfei because he seemed like a good person, but with all the news she saw on the Internet, trusting blindly didn't seem wise.

"I don't think they'll be able to help with that," Bai Yunfei said.

Although she wanted to press further, Yu Yan simply accepted it. "Alright. Well, how about we set up your computer to play tonight? Luckily, I have an old one that should be enough for you to use."

"That sounds interesting!"

Yu Yan's house had a guest room that was rarely used. That became Bai Yunfei's room, where he slept and also played his new cultivation game, Path to Ascension. They set up a simple arrangement in the guest room, with a desk and a computer near the bed.

"You'll have to go without a chair for now," Yu Yan said. "It shouldn't be a problem since you just need the helmet to enter the game."

"Right," Bai Yunfei agreed, though he had no idea what she was talking about.

He watched as they set up the computer and the helmet for the game.

"We just need to buy a copy of the game. Want to go to the store? I can pay for it now, and later, when you get a job, you can pay me back," Yu Yan offered.

That was a significant gesture of kindness for Bai Yunfei. As a cultivator who always fulfilled his obligations, he would certainly repay her in the future.

For him, someone lending their monetary resources was something worthy of admiration. Moreover, she was offering him a place to stay and helped with the computer.

So, they both left the house and walked together to the nearby electronics store. The streets were quiet since it was the afternoon, and most people were at work. Even when people were off work, the city was small, so the streets never got too crowded. Bai Yunfei preferred it that way.

He could still remember the first time he visited the capital of the province where he lived. The number of cultivators there had blown his mind. He could barely walk through the streets, and that feeling of being suffocated was something he hated.

'Maybe that's why I chose to live in a palace above the clouds?' Bai Yunfei thought.

On the way, Yu Yan showed him some spots around the city. She pointed out a few restaurants, the library, and even the school she attended as a child.

"I work at a café, and I think I could get you a job there. Do you have any experience serving customers or making coffee?" she asked.

Bai Yunfei smiled. "I have some experience."

He had one of the biggest shops back in his world. His Qi-infused alcoholic drinks were sold across many provinces, and he was well-known among people worldwide.

Making that kind of drink was different from making coffee, but he was confident in his skills.

"Great, that'll make things much easier. Well, we're here," Yu Yan said, spreading her arms to present the electronics store.

The store wasn't very large, but it had what they needed. They went straight to the section where the games were sold, and there it was, Path to Ascension.

"You can usually buy the game online, but I like collecting the physical boxes, so that's why we're getting it here," Yu Yan explained when she noticed Bai Yunfei's curious look.

Bai Yunfei didn't understand much about the Internet or downloading games. For him, keeping a physical copy of an item was exactly what he would do, and at that moment, he felt he had a bit in common with Yu Yan.

They bought one of the last copies in the store, paying at the counter — it cost about 300 yuan. Bai Yunfei had no idea if that was expensive or cheap.

The cashier rang up the game and put it in a bag. He looked at the two of them with a smile and said, "Excited to play the new game together? It'll be a lot easier starting out if you're playing in the same region."

Yu Yan felt a bit flustered when she heard that. She glanced to the side and noticed Bai Yunfei's almost perfect face, one of the benefits of being a strong cultivator.

Bai Yunfei took over the conversation, grabbing the bag from the cashier. "We're excited, but we're not a couple."

"Oh, sorry about that," the cashier said, a little embarrassed.

The two of them left the store with the new game and headed back home.