Chapter 3



Alpha Logan slapped me and it sent shivers through me immediately. 

"Haven't you learnt your lesson, my dear Luna? How many times have I told you never to disobey me?" He tone was high in anger. He had found me in the forest. 

"I'm sorry. Please.." My voice trailed off. I was tired even though my voice wasn't loud enough to plead anymore. I just wanted it all to end. 

"Why? Are you scared of your Alpha?" He moved closer to where I was kneeling and shivering. He had just given me some beating just a few hours after we got back from the forest and it seemed he still wanted to do more. He was never tired of raising his filty hands on me, it literally gave him joy to see me in pain. 

I couldn't look up to him as I looked down to the floor even though he was a few distance away from me. 

Oh dear Goddess, help me out of this one and I will never doubt you ever again. 

My body was too weak for another round of beating which I would get from Logan. My ribs were literally burning and my heart couldn't bear the pain anymore. It was both physical and emotional but mostly physical. 

But suddenly, Logan got hold of my hair and forcefully threw me to a corner where I crashed into the huge sofa but he still didn't let go of my hair. It seemed he wanted to yank them off their roots. 

"Answer me!" He screamed at me, still not letting go. "Do you want to be punished again?" 

"No." I managed to let the words out of my mouth. I finally looked up to the man who had made my life a living hell for the past three years. I wanted to say a lot to him but that would get me more punishments if I said a word against him. 

He was a monster not an Alpha. I had tried to fight him back once but I got beaten up to a pulp and couldn't leave my bed for many weeks. It had always been better for me to shut my mouth so as to receive fewer punishments. 

"Who were you with in the forest? Who?! You're sleeping around now, huh? you bloody slut. What can anyone do to help you?" Logan asked me, pulling me up to sit on the floor while he bent to face me. 

He was breathing heavily and he looked at me with pity but I wouldn't let myself be deceived. This man was heartless and ruthless to the core. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I cried since there was nothing more I could say to pacify him. 

"I guess I have to keep a good eye on you. You're becoming more stubborn. Why can't you be a good Luna and obey your Alpha or do you want to get punished? Or maybe I should punish your friend on your behalf." He scoffed, smiling like a brilliant idea just hit him. He stood up pacing the room. 

I knew this monster, I knew what he was capable of doing and I knew he wasn't bluffing. I quickly ran to him holding his knee and pleading with the little energy I had. 

"Please, don't hurt my Cleo. Please.." I begged. Cleo was the only person that was a family to me in this dirty park. Everyone else treated me like shit. I wouldn't let any harm come to Cleo. 

He laughed sarcastically and bent down to face me. 

"I was joking, love. Now, be a good girl, take off those filthy things you're wearing, take a bath and wait for me. Let's make some babies." 

I was taken aback with this order, we just had sex few hours ago after he had beaten me, why would he want to do it again. He saw the surprise on my face then he smiled. 

"I know what you're thinking but I need an heir to my throne. Don't you want children? Our children?" He asked and I almost vomited at the thought of having a child with a ruthless man like Alpha Logan. I had just taken the last pill of contraceptives that I had after we made out, now he wanted to do it again? 

After placing a disgusted kiss on my forehead, he stood up to go. 

"Get ready, we'll make love in twenty minutes. I'll be back soon." 

How could I stay here and get impregnated by this monster? My heart was racing and I couldn't think properly. It was over my dead body. Would I have this monster's child? I had to come up with a plan or I'll be doomed forever. 

I managed to get up to the chair beside me to nurse my injuries. I went to the locked cupboard where I hid my contraceptives and as I looked at the empty bottle my heart sank. 

I had two options, either to ask Cleo to get me another bottle of drugs or to run for my dear life. I couldn't reach Cleo now so I couldn't ask her to get one for me so I was left with the only option there is. To run. 

I quickly made a rope using the bedsheet by tying the ends together. When I was sure it was steady, I gathered the courage to climb down holding the wall for support. I held on for my dear life and when my feet touched the group, I felt total relief. I was about to run to the left when my heart suddenly dropped to my stomach. 

My deep blue eyes met with cold brown ones. It seemed like the whole world came to a stand still and I wanted the wide ground to open up and swallow me.

The cold words that came after ran down my spine and made my blood cold.

"Going somewhere, my dear Luna?"