"Hey, big guy," Eugene slurred, trying to smile. "This isn't what it looks like."
The bouncer's face remained expressionless as it carried them towards the exit.
"Wait, wait!" Jacques protested. "We didn't start this! It was that cyborg asshole!"
Their pleas fell on deaf audio receptors. With a mighty heave, the bouncer tossed them out onto the street and they landed in a heap on the grimy sidewalk, groaning in pain and confusion.
"Well," Eugene said after a moment, "that could have gone better."
Jacques pushed himself up, wincing at his bruised ribs. "You think? Fuck. We're suspended cops getting into bar fights. We're turning into goddamn clichés."
Eugene laughed, then immediately regretted it as pain shot through his jaw. "Ow. Fuck. But hey, at least we won, right?"