"No idea, but I smell something," Eugene pushed the door open and moved forward, his nostrils flaring. "And it's not human."
Amèlie hurried behind him. "Wait, what? Smell? Not Human? What are you talking about?"
Eugene continued down the slope, scanning the treeline. "I don't know. But ever since I got that werewolf thing, my smell...got enhanced. Like I can smell for miles away."
"Really? Wow that's useful." Amèlie matched his pace, occasionally glancing back at the station.
"I know right."
A column of dark smoke suddenly billowed up from the forest, rising above the treetops in thick plumes.
"What the hell," she said, stopping in her tracks.
Eugene paused at the sight, then shook his head and resumed walking. "Let's keep moving. Maybe the bar that we came through down the road can help us."
"Good thinking."