Chapter 256

Kazuo didn't need to be a forensic expert to know that.

But what the hell could he even write about this? "Sashimi Victim Found at Harbor" wouldn't exactly grab headlines, and if he went with the truth—yeah, right, the truth—he might as well pack up his shit now.

He could already imagine Takeshi's reaction if he submitted something like: "Murder by Vampire? Witness Claims Neck Wounds Look Like Fangs." The guy would laugh so hard he'd choke on his cigarette. And then fire him immediately after. Maybe Gwen could take over his desk; she seemed like she still had her career optimism intact.

He let out a grunt. "Well, shit."

"What do you think?" Gwen asked from behind him.

He glanced over his shoulder. "What do I think? I think if I write what I actually think, Takeshi will roast my ass over an open flame and use my bones as chopsticks."

"So… you don't think it's just some kind of knife?" She turned toward the body without stepping any closer.