Kazuo let out a grunt as they walked into the newsroom. Right away, Takeshi flagged them from across the room with his tie loose and his shirt half-untucked like he'd been wrestling deadlines since dawn.
He didn't even wait for them to get close. "You're late. What the hell's going on down at the docks?"
Kazuo shot Gwen a look, and she gave him that wide-eyed "don't drag me into this" shrug she liked to pull whenever things got heated. Fine. Kazuo wasn't in the mood to sugarcoat anything anyway.
"We've got a body, some shitty surveillance footage, and a witness who sounds like he's two bad days away from wearing a tinfoil hat," he said, dumping his notebook onto the desk. "Oh, and maybe—just maybe—a vampire."
Takeshi stared at him for a beat too long, then scrubbed a hand over his face. "A what?"
"Relax," Kazuo said before he could start yelling. "I'm not saying we're pitching Dracula to the evening edition. Just telling you what we saw."