Prolog: One day early.

It was late morning and a couple found themselves driving through a forest. The one currently driving was a young man with olive skin, green eyes and ear length wavy black hair, his physique showed a moderate degree of athleticism. His name was Adam Williams. He wore a slightly faded red tank top with black cargo pants and a simple pair of gray sneakers. 

His girlfriend who sat across from him in the passenger seat was Natalie Brown. She had slightly pale skin with straight black hair and blue eyes. She wore a thick red zipper hoodie with blue cargo pants and a pair of mid knee length hiking boots. Her chair was slightly pushed back as she relaxed with one of her earbuds in while listening to an audio book. 

Adam glanced over at her for a second before asking with a sigh, 'Could you please remind me why we have to be at camp a whole day before the other counselors?' 

Natalie paused her audio book and turned her head slightly in order to face Adam. Her answer sounded exhausted like she had told him a dozen times, 'Because Mr. Matthew asked us if we could come a day early in order to help was a couple of basic things around the camp.' she was about to press play on her audio book when Adam spoke again, 'Yes, I get that but it's an entire extra day of work that we're not going to get paid for. I'm pretty sure we're the only ones who volunteered.' Adam paused and then mumbled under his breath, 'Or at least you made me volunteer with you.' 

Natalie could hear that although she did not respond to it simply stating, 'It's not going to kill us to help out a little.' She then went back to listening to her audio book. 

The drive to the summer camp continued, Adam at some point had decided to turn on the radio and listen to music. As he was about to change to a different station, he noticed something in his rearview mirror. It was a large shape moving quickly across the road into the other side of the forest. 

Adam's expression changed to a more serious one as he attempted to get a better glimpse at it. 

Natalie noticing Adam's relaxed demeanor changed and asked curiously, 'What's up do you see something?' At this point Adam had diverted his attention back to the road. He then answered with, 'I think I saw a bear or something.' Natalie upon hearing that relaxed a little and, in an attempt, to ease Adam's mind she said, 'The camp still quiet a distance away, if it is a bear I don't think we'll run into it. 


By the time they arrived at camp it was already midafternoon. Adam drove through a wooden archway which had a sign hanging underneath it which said chrysalis camp. 

The camp itself was well maintained with a multitude of facilities. Adam and Natalie took their duffel bags out the car and brought them to the counselor's cabins. Which was near the lake. There were ten counselor's cabins however since the two of them were a couple they would be staying in the same one. Which left one of the counselors' cabins vacant. 

While both of them put their bags down neither bothered unpacking as they wanted to get straight to work. As the two were about to leave the cabin Natalie stopped as she had received a notification on her phone. Adam stood underneath the doorway waiting for her to finish reading the message. 

Natalie looked at Adam with a slightly annoyed facial expression which was unusual for her, "Mr. Matthew just texted me he said he was having car troubles he won't be able to make it today.'' Adam upon hearing this tilted his head upwards and let out a loud sigh, "That's even more work we're not going to get paid for!'' 

He then proceeded to vigorously shake his head left and right in an attempt to get out of his bad mood, "Well whatever let's just get this over with so we can relax.'' 

The two then began making their way to the various facilities of the camp. As they did so Natalie noticed heavy clouds rolling in, it made her feel uneasy as she thought to herself. The camp may be deserted for now but since it was sunny I didn't notice it. Those clouds make the place look a lot more ominous. 

Natalie didn't dwell on the thought for too long not wanting to freak herself out. She decided to focus on the fact that it was getting colder. She unzipped her thick red hoodie, revealing a warm navy-blue sweater. She handed it to Adam in passing while thinking to herself. The day started off warm but I figured it would get colder. I'm glad I grabbed one of his jackets, he would have been working in the cold. He would've been too stubborn to get one while he was working. 

Adam paused for a moment while he held his jacket. He then continued while softly speaking to himself. "I thought this was mine.'' 


They spent the remainder of the afternoon taking care of simple tasks. Such as taking stock of food as well as the equipment needed to run the camp. Making sure the various facilities were functional as well as helping with a bit of scheduling. 

By the time they had finished it was already night. Although the work wasn't the most demanding having to do so after such a long drive, took a toll on the two. 

They were so tired in fact that they had decided to unpack their things tomorrow as they simply wished to relax. Natalie went to their cabin while Adam had decided to use one of the nearby bathrooms. 

Once he had finished, he left the bathroom. On his way back to his cabin He noticed one of the trees nearby seemed off, like it was tilted at an angle. He contemplated whether or not he should take a look at it. The tree didn't seem to be like that when we first arrived. He continued to think about it for a moment then sighed, "Who am I kidding it's probably just old and the bad winds might have just loosened its roots.'' 

Coming to that conclusion Adam had decided to ignore the tree and instead simply make his way back to his cabin. He opened the door only to be greeted by the sight of Natalie who only had a pajama pants and bra on at the moment. 

She was startled for a moment before she composed herself and gave him a knowing look. Adam silently accepted her invitation stepped in the room and closed the door behind him. 

The two of them spent a couple minutes making out on their bed, their lips intermingling with one another. Adam was about to take things further by removing Natalie's bra when the two of them were suddenly interrupted, buy a knock on their door. 

The two separated from one another confused. Natalie put her shirt back on while making a suggestion, "It's probably Mr. Matthew, He did say he was having minor car troubles. So, he probably got the problem fixed and is just arriving late.'' 

Adam sighed in annoyance while walking over to the door, "It's bad enough he wasn't here to help us with the work. Now he's interrupting our personal time, He'd better be here to apologize.'' 

As Adam opened the door, he took a step onto the staircase which led down from their cabin. Unfortunately, the steps which seemed to be fine before was now broken. He tripped and fell; he would have gone tumbling down the stairs but he was caught by something. It felt like a net only it was far sharper, it easily cut through his clothes and dug deep into his skin. He screamed out in pain as he could feel blood begin to soak his clothes. 

Natalie was about to help Adam upon seeing this however what she saw stopped her dead in her tracks. It was something with a massive yellow eye with multiple black irises, yet at had a large humanoid mouth and it smiled at her. 

Natalie would have screamed but whatever this thing was didn't give her the chance.