Chapter 55: Power

National treasures?

Is that possible? It's very possible.

These things are clearly not something that ordinary people could make.

They also don't seem like something that ordinary people could collect.

Even if they were from a wealthy family, they probably wouldn't be able to hold onto such treasures!

The devils didn't forget to bring them when they fled for their lives. This shows how important they are.

'Don't move these two things,'

'I'll call the team leader!'

Zhang Yong made a quick decision.

If there was something he didn't understand, he would just ask for advice.

He ran back to the phone and called Li Boqi. It took a while before Li Boqi answered the phone.

'What is it now?'

'Team leader, we found two extraordinary things in the Japanese spy car.'

'Don't make a fuss. What's extraordinary about them?'

'One is a solid gold Buddha's head. It's the size of a basketball. The other is a nine-storey jade pagoda...'


Li Boqi seemed to be thinking about something over there.

Zhang Yong remained silent.

After a moment, Li Boqi slowly said, 'A basketball-sized Buddha's head, made of pure gold?'

'Yes. It's so heavy. I can barely lift it by myself.'

'Don't move. It could be the missing Buddha's head from Qixia Temple. It's worth a fortune!'


'I'll be right there. You guys guard the scene. No one is allowed to come near, not even the emperor.'


Zhang Yong hastily agreed.

My, my, it really is a national treasure!

Where is Qixia Temple again?

Never mind. It doesn't matter. What's important is that this thing has been recovered.

A stroke of luck. The Japanese spy has been caught. Wealth has been made. And it is possible to recover two national treasures. Truly, fame and fortune have come together.




Suddenly, there was a gunshot.

He looked to the side. He discovered Wu Liuqi.

This villain is shooting the secret agent from the Party Affairs Department to make sure he's dead.

Haha. This is standard operating procedure.

You never want a live one. If they're not dead, you have to shoot them again. And if they are dead, you still have to shoot them again.

If they're dead, you can frame them for anything. If you leave a live one, you're just asking for trouble. You can't do something so stupid.

But shooting a live person is really hard for most people.

So Wu Liuji is a bit of an exception. The guy is tall and good-looking. But he's ruthless. Likes to smile. Like a great white shark.

He picked up a large bill and threw it at Wu Liuji from a distance.


he shouted.

Wu Liuji caught the bill in one hand.

His arm sank. It obviously weighed a bit. It was difficult to hold with one hand.

'The team leader will be here soon,'

'He told us to stay put.'

Zhang Yong conveyed Li Boqi's orders.

Of course, no one objected. No one felt any pressure either.

There were more than 30 of them, so nothing could possibly happen to them. Unless the Japanese launched a surprise attack.

'It's a pity...'

Zhang Yong looked at the two front wheels of the Studebaker.

He had blown them both out. He wondered if he could get his tyres changed in the Songhu area. Was there a Studebaker store?

It seems that at this time, Chen Nai-fu had not yet come to China. Steampunk was not that well-known. Although it had already been used by someone, it was definitely not as famous as Ford or Chevrolet.

He thought in a muddle...

I wonder how the bookstore in Huaizhou is doing.

Boss Fang...

came to Wu Liuqi's side.

'Have you counted them?'

'Yes, I have. There are twelve in total.'

'Good. Dispose of them all.'


Wu Liuqi led the men to get started.

They carried the bodies of the dead Secret Police agents to the nearby countryside and dug a pit to bury them.

Their weapons, of course, were all collected.



Zhang Yong sneered.

Good kill. Twelve taken away in one wave.

With such deep hatred, the Secret Police will definitely not let it go.

They will definitely retaliate.

If they retaliate, the Lixingshe will also suffer losses.

When there are losses, there is hatred. The feud between the two sides will become deeper and deeper. No one can solve it.

In fact, before I got involved, the Juntong and Zhongtong had a deep-seated hatred. Now that I have secretly fanned the flames, the two sides will definitely not be able to live together.

They are too busy taking care of themselves to have much energy left to deal with the Red Party.


A little while later, Li Boqi arrived.

Zhang Yong, Cao Mengqi and Wei Yong came up to greet him. They watched as Li Boqi got out of the car clutching a Thompson.

They looked at each other.

What's going on? Are they going to fight the Party Affairs Investigation Department?

The team leader is going in person?

Wow! Suddenly they were pumped up. They were the ones who were least afraid of trouble. They went straight to Ding Mochuan's house and killed him!

The result...

'Take it!'

Li Boqi handed the Thompson to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong took it with confusion.

What's it for?

'Put it in your car. It can save your life in a dangerous situation,' Li Boqi said in a dry tone.

'Thanks!' Zhang Yong finally understood. So he did care about him.

It was also true that the pistol had not been very effective before. If Zhang Yong had had a Thompson, Ye Wansheng would not have dared to get close.

For the secret agent industry, the Thompson was definitely considered heavy weaponry.

The key point was that the bullets used in the Thompson were the same as those used in the Colt M1911 pistol. They were universal.

In other words, once you have your own Thompson, you don't have to worry about running out of bullets for your Colt M1911. It's easy to keep a few rounds secret.

However, this Thompson is different from the ones used by other people. It has a 30-round straight magazine.

That's good too. It's lighter and easier to handle.

With a drum magazine that holds 100 rounds, the Thompson's firepower is truly excellent. But it's bulky. It's not easy to control.

Wei Yong, Cao Mengqi and the others are all veterans of the battlefield. After long hours of hard training, they naturally have the best control of the Thompson. But Zhang Yong is new to this. A straight magazine is more suitable.

He puts the Thompson back in his car. Then he returns to Li Boqi's side.

By now, Li Boqi has already started examining the solid gold Buddha's head. His expression is very serious.

'Yes, it's the national treasure that was lost from Qixia Temple.'

'Is it valuable?'

'It's worth a fortune. Besides, it's not about the money.'

'When was it lost?'

'Three years ago.'

'No investigation?'

'The Jinling Police Department investigated. The Military Police Command investigated too. But they have no clues.'

'These Japanese are really bad.'

'Nonsense. The Japanese invaders are ambitious and never give up their desire to destroy us. We don't even know how many of our national treasures they have stolen! Now that we have recovered one, we can say that we have fulfilled our mission.'

'That jadeite building...'

'I don't know where it was lost either. But it must be something. I'll report to Boss Dai right away.'

Li Boqi turned around and left.

In the days before mobile phones, he had to go far away to make a phone call.

Zhang Yong leaned closer to the Buddha's head. He reached out and felt it. It didn't move. Alas, he couldn't even wipe some gold dust off it. It was so tightly secured.

He looked back at the jade building. It seemed that the jade on it could be taken off.

But in the end, he didn't dare.

This is a national treasure! It's the wealth of all the Chinese people!

He wasn't crazy enough to do that...

After a while, Li Boqi returned. His expression was still serious. Only his eyes revealed a little excitement.

Zhang Yong surmised inwardly. This guy isn't going to get promoted, is he?

That would be pretty good.

If Li Boqi gets promoted and rich, he'll rub it in my face...

'Boss Dai said,'

'We have done a good job. Recovering two national treasures is an honour for the Secret Service of the Lixing Society. He will report to the Committee personally. So the Committee was aware of the loss of the Buddha's head.'

'Boss Dai has ordered that everyone be rewarded 50 taels of silver!

Li Boqi was concise.

Zhang Yong immediately put his skills to good use and helped distribute the silver.

He had already handed out 50 yuan before, and now he handed out another 50 yuan. The latter was a reward from Boss Dai.

But Boss Dai was just using it as a way to curry favour with the authorities...

'Thank you, Boss Dai!'

'Thank you, Boss Dai!'

Zhang Yong took one envelope of yuan and slipped it into his pocket.

The Zhongshan suit had pockets. It was just the right size for holding the yuan. It didn't look very elegant, but what did elegance cost?

There were exactly two pockets, so he put one envelope in each.

'District Chief Zheng and Director Tang have just left for Nanjing. When you called just now, I was just seeing them off...' Li Boqi added.

'Huh?' Zhang Yong was a little surprised. They had just arrived and were leaving?

It seemed that these two bigwigs had not been in Songhu for long, so why were they leaving again?

Could it be that there was another fierce power struggle at the top?

'They are all going abroad,' Li Boqi said, 'and they won't be back for a while.'

'Abroad? Where?' Zhang Yong was curious and gossipy.

'Germany,' Li Boqi replied, "It seems they are going to discuss the new German-equipped division.'

'Oh," Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

It turns out to be follow-up military trade! This is a good thing.

The more German-equipped divisions, the stronger the strength, and the more powerful the fighting in two years. We can beat the devils....



'Boss Dai has asked me to temporarily take charge of the capture of Japanese spies in the Shanghai area.'


Zhang Yong understood.

No wonder Li Boqi's eyes had a hint of excitement.

It turned out that he had been entrusted with an important task!

Although there was no explicit promotion, temporarily taking charge and presiding over the work was considered progress.

I thought Li Boqi didn't have any ambitions. It turns out that he is after power!

That's good.

It's good to have ambitions.

Catch a few more Japanese spies and let Li Boqi try being a station chief.

Heh heh...