new beginning

The new beginning


Kai chen's eyes fluttered open to a blue sky painted in hues of dawn, the unfamiliar scent of damp soil filling his lungs. His body ached, muscles stiff and uncooperative as he struggled to sit up. The last thing he remembered was collapsing in his small studio during his intense training session. But this …. Wasn't his apartment. He glanced around, his sharp eyes scanning the thick, dense forest that stretched endlessly in every direction. There no sound of distant traffic, no hum of the city life, just the rustling of leaves and the calls of unknown creatures in the distance.

"where the …..?"he muttered, brushing dirt from his hands. He tried to stand up, his legs trembling beneath him. He blinked and frowned as he glanced around again. His heart pounding in his chest. Was this some sort of elaborate prank? Had someone kidnapped him? Maybe a group of martial arts fanatics thought they could mess with him.

His mind spun, piecing together fragments of memories. He had been alone, as usual, immersed in his training when his body gave out. But how did he end up here? The wilderness around him didn't match anything near the city he lived in, not even close. The flora did not look any familiar.

He examined the dirt beneath his feet, the rough texture of the grass. Everything felt real. Too real to be a simple prank. Could he have been drugged and brought here to this remote area? He checked his body for any signs of injury but found none.

"What kind of joke is this?" he whispered to himself, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of life.

As soon as the initial shock of his surroundings faded, Kai realized he needed to move—find food, water, and shelter. Martial arts had trained him to push his body beyond its limits, but nothing could have fully prepared him for this raw, unfamiliar wilderness.


The air was different here—thicker, heavier. And the forest... it felt ancient, like it had been untouched for thousands of years. The towering trees seemed almost predatory, their thick branches twisting toward the sky like skeletal fingers. It wasn't long before Kai felt the gnaw of hunger and thirst gnashing at his insides.


Moving silently through the underbrush, he scanned the area for signs of water. His ears picked up faint sounds—the rustling of small creatures in the bushes, the distant croaks of unknown animals. Then, suddenly, a rustle nearby. Kai froze, dropping low to the ground.


From the bushes emerged a creature—something that looked like a wild boar but with longer tusks and a thicker, bristling hide. Its eyes glowed faintly, a predatory gleam within them. Kai's muscles tensed instinctively, but he quickly realized that, while dangerous, the creature wasn't beyond his capability.


His lips curved into a thin smile. "Let's see how tough you are."


With a sharp exhale, Kai dashed forward. The creature snarled and charged at him, but Kai's reflexes, honed by years of relentless martial arts training, were faster. He sidestepped the beast with fluid precision, landing a kick that sent it tumbling. But this boar-like creature was no ordinary animal. It recovered quickly, its hide seemingly shrugging off the impact.


"Not bad," Kai muttered, intrigued by its resilience. In any other situation, hunting a wild boar with nothing but his bare hands would be insane, but this place was different. The animals here were stronger, tougher, but not enough to pose a true challenge. His body, though weary, still moved with the grace and speed of someone who had mastered every technique on Earth.


The beast lunged again, but this time Kai was ready. He dodged to the side, grabbed a broken branch, and used it to strike the creature's vulnerable neck. The impact was enough to bring it down with a sickening thud.


Kai stood over the fallen beast, breathing heavily. The thrill of the hunt had always been a part of his training. This world, whatever it was, wouldn't change that. The creatures here might be stronger than normal, but they still fell to skill.


Wiping sweat from his brow, Kai dragged the carcass to a nearby clearing, already working out how to fashion a basic tool to cut the meat. Water was still a priority, but this would have to do for now. As night began to fall, he managed to build a crude shelter using thick branches and leaves, ensuring he wouldn't be caught vulnerable.







Exhaustion tugged at his muscles as he sat near a small fire, the heat barely cutting through the night's chill. The meat from the boar had been tough, but it filled his stomach, giving him just enough energy to focus. The firelight flickered across his face as he looked out into the dark woods, his thoughts racing.


This was no prank. No elaborate kidnapping. Whoever—or whatever—had brought him here had left him in a world far more dangerous than any training dojo back on Earth. The animals alone had been enough to confirm that.


Still, there was something more. He could feel it in the air—the subtle weight pressing against his skin, as if the very world held power he couldn't yet understand. Was this place some hidden valley? A remote part of Earth? Or was it something else entirely?


The questions haunted him as he leaned back against a tree, staring up at the unfamiliar stars above. Sleep came in restless waves, but the fire kept the creatures of the night at bay.


For now.