


Kai lingered in the shadows as the escort group recovered from the battle. His sharp gaze followed their movements. Despite their efficient handling of the attackers, it hadn't been a flawless battle. The young man, Wu Tian, was skilled but still showed moments of hesitation. The guards had struggled before overcoming the bandits, and one had fallen during the fight.


Then there was Lady Lan. Her movements had been swift and precise, though she joined the fight later than the others. The cold, detached expression on her face spoke volumes. She held herself with an air of superiority, as though nothing could touch her, as though the world around her was insignificant.


Kai's mind processed the events as he observed them from the shadows. The way Lady Lan fought, it was… different. There was something more to her strikes, something beyond mere physical strength and skill. Her sword seemed to carry a strange aura, a force he couldn't fully understand.


He felt it, almost instinctively—there was something unnatural at play here. A power he had never encountered before, but the exact nature of it remained unclear. Was it some secret technique? Or perhaps some hidden weapon or tool she wielded? Kai couldn't say for sure, but he knew one thing: this was no ordinary skill. Whatever it was, it gave her an edge.


But that edge wasn't invincible. He noticed how Lady Lan had waited to enter the battle, only acting when her guards had already begun to struggle. Was it arrogance, or was there something else to it?


He filed the thoughts away. Now wasn't the time to confront these mysteries head-on. He had always been patient—waiting for the right moment was second nature to him. For now, they would lead him to what he needed to know about this strange world. They were useful tools, nothing more.


The escort group moved on, deeper into the forest, and Kai followed, keeping his presence hidden. He would continue to observe them, for now.




As dusk began to settle over the forest, Wu Tian walked beside Lady Lan. His face was tense, and his eyes flickered briefly toward the trees, his suspicion rising. He leaned closer to Lady Lan, his voice quiet.


"Someone is following us."


Lady Lan, her jade-like face as cold as ice, didn't break stride. She didn't even bother to turn her head, though her eyes flickered with a hint of amusement. "And who might that be?"


"Not sure," Wu Tian whispered, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword. "I caught glimpses of him twice now. He's been trailing us since the ambush. His movements are deliberate… careful."


"A common mortal," Lady Lan replied dismissively, her tone cold. "If he is no threat, then we have no reason to concern ourselves with him."


Wu Tian frowned but said nothing more. He trusted Lady Lan's judgment, but his instincts still nagged at him. Whoever this person was, they were skilled enough to follow them undetected for this long, and that bothered him.


Lady Lan remained indifferent. "Let him follow. If he becomes a nuisance, we'll deal with him." Her tone carried no malice, only cold practicality.


Wu Tian gave a curt nod and continued to lead the group forward. He kept his senses sharp, knowing that if this mysterious follower revealed himself, they would be ready.


Meanwhile, Kai, hidden in the shadows, had heard every word. He wasn't surprised they had noticed him. If anything, he had expected it. But their dismissal of him was useful. Let them believe he was insignificant. That way, they wouldn't see him as a threat until it was too late.


His mind lingered on Lady Lan's strange power. He still couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than he understood. But for now, it remained a mystery—something to be uncovered later. Until then, he would continue to observe.


Kai moved silently, keeping a safe distance from the group as they ventured deeper into the forest. The setting sun cast long shadows, but he felt no fear. He had spent years mastering the art of survival, and this world, though strange, was no different.


As night fell, he continued to follow, cold and calculating. He wasn't interested in these people personally, only in what they could offer him—knowledge, clues about this world, and eventually, power.