The recruitment

The next morning, the air in Xianjin City buzzed with anticipation as the sect recruitment officially began. A large crowd gathered in front of the Jade Lotus Sect's grand gates, where potential disciples eagerly awaited their chance to prove themselves. Banners waved in the wind, adorned with the sect's lotus emblem, symbolizing purity and growth, but behind the beauty was the harsh reality of the trials ahead.

Kai stood among the crowd, his expression calm, yet his mind was alert. He had overheard several discussions about the recruitment process the previous night—talks of spiritual roots and martial arts bodies dominated the conversations.

Spiritual roots were one of the main determining factors in one's cultivation speed. Lower-grade spiritual roots were common among the crowd, and those unfortunate enough to possess them could take as long as six months just to sense qi. These individuals would likely struggle for years, advancing slowly through the ranks of cultivation. On the other hand, those with celestial-grade spiritual roots were considered rare prodigies. They could sense qi in as little as two weeks, making their journey far smoother and faster. The difference in speed could decide whether one became an ordinary sect disciple or a future powerhouse.

As the crowd continued to gather, a few Jade Lotus Sect elders appeared atop a raised platform near the gates. Each elder wore flowing robes, their auras exuding strength and calm authority. With a single gesture from the lead elder, the crowd hushed, their attention locked on the upcoming announcement.

"The sect recruitment begins today," the elder's voice boomed across the plaza. "The Jade Lotus Sect seeks those who are not only strong but capable of growth. The trials will test your spiritual roots, your bodies, and your will to survive. This will not be an easy path, but those who succeed will have the opportunity to ascend."

The crowd murmured, excitement and nervousness mingling in equal measure. Kai glanced around, observing the expressions of the hopeful disciples. Some looked confident, while others seemed anxious, perhaps knowing their spiritual roots might not stand out.

"Those with strong spiritual roots will advance quickly," the elder continued, "but do not despair if your roots are of a lower grade. Determination and effort can overcome even the greatest of natural disadvantages. Our sect values both natural talent and hard work."

The elder gestured toward a group of sect disciples who had lined up near the entrance to the sect. "Your first trial will involve testing your spiritual roots. Those with the highest potential will move on to the more difficult trials. Beyond that, we will test your martial arts bodies and combat skills in various scenarios."

Kai felt a flicker of curiosity. Martial arts bodies were another major factor in one's cultivation success. A powerful martial arts body could allow someone to channel their qi more efficiently, augmenting their physical prowess and resistance. These bodies were forged through relentless training and honed through combat.

After the elder's announcement, the crowd was split into smaller groups. Kai found himself in a group with around twenty others, all of them waiting their turn to step forward and have their spiritual roots tested.

He listened as a nearby pair of recruits whispered about the final trial—beast hunting in the Jade Forest, an area within the sect's territory. It was said to be teeming with spirit beasts, creatures infused with qi that ranged from docile to deadly.

"The Jade Forest is no joke," one recruit muttered. "Even the weakest beasts there are stronger than an average cultivator in the early stages. And some of them... well, let's just say, they've taken down more than one overconfident disciple."

Kai's attention perked at that. He'd heard of spirit beasts before but hadn't expected them to be a part of the recruitment trials. The Jade Forest was infamous for its dangers, and while it could serve as a powerful training ground, it was also a death trap for the unprepared.

"The beast hunt will be brutal," another recruit said. "But it's a chance to prove yourself. They say the sect elders are looking for more than just talent—they're watching how we deal with real danger."

Kai absorbed the information silently. The beast hunt would be a test of survival, skill, and strategy—things he had honed in his own way, even before arriving in this world. It would also be an opportunity to gauge the strength of the other recruits.

After what felt like an eternity, Kai's group was called forward for their spiritual root test. He stepped forward with a calm demeanor, his mind focused. The elder overseeing the test gestured for the first participant to place their hand on a glowing orb, which was designed to measure the quality of their spiritual roots.

The process seemed straightforward. As the first few recruits placed their hands on the orb, it glowed faintly, signifying that their roots were of average grade. They were given nods of approval but no special recognition.

most of the candidates roots ranged from low grade - to middle grade. 

Then, a girl stepped forward, her hand trembling slightly as she touched the orb. It flared bright, its glow much stronger than the others before her. Gasps went through the crowd, and the elder overseeing the test nodded with approval. "A rare celestial-grade root," he announced.

Whispers erupted among the recruits. Such a grade was exceedingly rare, and everyone knew that this girl had just secured herself a place among the top contenders. A celestial-grade root could only appear in one in a 100,000.

When it was finally Kai's turn, he stepped forward without hesitation and placed his hand on the orb. The glow that followed was steady and strong—not as bright as the celestial-grade, but still enough to catch the elder's attention.

When it was finally Kai's turn to test his spiritual roots, the crowd had already witnessed several cultivators with average to high-grade roots, and the atmosphere had grown expectant, especially after the celestial-grade reveal earlier. Kai stepped forward, calm as always, but the whispers among the nearby recruits had started to pick up.

"Do you think he'll have a rare root?" someone asked quietly.

"He's been quiet, but there's something about him," another murmured. "He might surprise us."

Kai placed his hand on the glowing orb, and for a moment, nothing happened. The crowd held its breath in anticipation, waiting for the orb to react. Then, a faint shimmer appeared. At first, it was a soft red, but as the energy pulsed, the glow grew darker—deeper. A black tint slowly bled into the red, swirling ominously. The orb flickered, casting strange shadows across Kai's face. The combination of red and black was unusual, and whispers quickly turned into low murmurs of intrigue.

Even the elder overseeing the test raised an eyebrow, watching the orb closely.

"What does that mean?" one recruit asked, trying to understand the strange phenomenon.

"Could it be some kind of demonic root?" another speculated, their voice full of both awe and fear.

The elder didn't speak, his eyes narrowed as the orb continued to glow in the strange hue. For a few heartbeats, it seemed as if Kai's results would reveal something extraordinary, something beyond the norm.

But then, the red and black glow slowly faded away, leaving behind a more common, subdued light. It was no longer mysterious or unusual. The final reading on the orb was clear: middle-grade spiritual root.

The crowd's excitement deflated almost instantly. The tension that had built up in those moments of uncertainty dissolved into murmurs of disappointment.

"Just middle-grade?" a voice nearby said, almost with disbelief.

"I thought he'd be more special than that," someone else muttered, shaking their head.

Even the elder, who had shown a flicker of interest earlier, gave only a brief nod before moving on to the next recruit. "Middle-grade spiritual root," he said flatly, without much fanfare.

Kai withdrew his hand from the orb, unfazed by the reaction. He wasn't looking for attention or recognition. Middle-grade was more than enough for him to work with, and if it lowered others' expectations, all the better. But he could sense the weight of the stares on him—people had expected something more, something unique, and the fact that his root wasn't exceptional had left them underwhelmed.

As the test continued, Kai moved back into the crowd, his mind already on the next phase of the trials. Despite the whispers of disappointment surrounding him, he felt no need to bother thinking about it.