The outer sect (part 2)

As the new disciples settled into their surroundings, they were herded towards their living quarters, a large, dormitory-style building nestled at the edge of the outer sect. The wooden structure was functional but simple, devoid of any lavishness, fitting the status of the outer disciples.

The Outer Disciple Dorms were large enough to house dozens of new recruits, each one assigned a small, plain room with a single wooden bed and a straw mat. Kai glanced at his new living quarters—bare walls, minimal furniture, and a small window that let in a sliver of natural light. The dormitory was communal, and the rooms were stacked closely together, offering little privacy. The other new recruits had already begun claiming their spaces, the air buzzing with hushed conversations and the occasional grumble of dissatisfaction.

"Outer disciples don't get the luxury of courtyards like the inner sect," Li Shen commented from across the room, leaning against the doorframe with a grin. "You'll have to earn that kind of privilege."

Kai nodded, not particularly bothered by the dormitory's simplicity. He had grown accustomed to surviving in far worse conditions. Still, his mind noted the contrast. The inner disciples, those who had earned their place through talent or hard work, lived in private courtyards that offered peace and quiet, allowing for better meditation and cultivation. A clear hierarchy existed in the sect, and it was reflected in their living arrangements.

Senior Disciple Rong stood at the entrance to the dormitory, explaining the rules of the sect. "As outer disciples, your life here will be disciplined. You will follow a strict schedule, attending training sessions led by the elders and taking part in sect duties. Your progress will be measured not only by your cultivation but by your contribution to the sect."

With that, he held up a small, circular wooden token. "These are your contribution tokens," he said. "Each of you has been assigned one. It records your contribution points, which are earned through completing tasks, participating in training, or contributing to the sect in various ways. You can exchange these points for resources, techniques, or even access to more advanced training."

Kai took the token handed to him. It was light, engraved with the Jade Lotus Sect's emblem, and bore his name, "Kai," in small characters at the bottom. Flipping it over, he saw the number 0 etched into the surface, indicating his current balance of contribution points.

"Without points, you won't be able to access the sect's better cultivation techniques, medicinal pills, or even food beyond basic rations," Senior Disciple Rong continued. "The more points you have, the faster you'll rise in rank. The outer sect operates on merit—strength and effort will determine your future here."

Kai understood the significance immediately. Contribution points were the lifeblood of advancement in the Jade Lotus Sect. Without them, one would remain stuck, unable to improve at the same rate as others. It was a system designed to reward the diligent and ambitious, while leaving the lazy and unmotivated behind.

"You'll begin with basic duties around the sect to earn your initial points," Rong explained. "But in one month, you will have your first major opportunity. The Beast Forest test."

A murmur ran through the gathered disciples. The Beast Forest was a well-known section of the sect's territory, a wild, dangerous area teeming with spirit beasts of varying strengths. Only the strong or the lucky emerged unscathed.

"In one month," Rong continued, "you will be tested by entering the Beast Forest to hunt spirit beasts. Those who succeed will not only gain contribution points but may also gain access to resources such as beast cores, rare herbs, or even breakthrough opportunities. But beware—this test is no easy feat. Many have failed, and some have even perished."

Kai's eyes narrowed. The Beast Forest sounded like the kind of place that would test not only one's physical strength but their mental fortitude. He had faced dangers before, but in this world of cultivation, spirit beasts were likely far more powerful than anything he had encountered back on Earth.

The disciples exchanged glances, some looking anxious, while others, like Li Shen, seemed excited by the challenge.

"As outer disciples, you'll also be given basic robes," Rong added. "These brown robes mark your rank. Simple, rough fabric, but they'll serve you well enough for now."

Kai took the robe he was handed—a coarse, brown garment, far less impressive than the elaborate robes worn by the elders or inner disciples. It was a reminder of his place at the bottom of the sect's hierarchy, but that would change in time.

Li Shen, standing nearby, grinned and tugged at his own robe. "Well, these don't exactly scream 'future powerhouse,' but we'll make do, eh?"

Kai smirked slightly. "It's not the clothes that make the cultivator."

"True, true," Li Shen replied, clapping him on the shoulder. "But still, I wouldn't mind trading this in for one of those inner sect robes. You've seen them, right? Silk, embroidered with gold—makes you look like you're a step away from immortality."

"Focus on surviving the Beast Forest first," a voice interrupted.

Feng Lian had appeared again, her arms crossed as she eyed the group. "The Beast Forest isn't just about strength. It's about strategy. Those who rush in without thinking will be the first to fall."

Li Shen rolled his eyes but nodded in acknowledgment. "Right, right. Always with the caution, Feng."

Kai remained quiet, observing the interactions around him. His mind was already racing ahead, formulating plans. He didn't know much about spirit beasts, but he had seen enough of this world's dangers to know that underestimating anything could get him killed.

As the sun began to dip, casting long shadows over the sect's grounds, Kai slipped into his assigned room, pulling the rough brown robe over his body. The token clutched in his hand felt heavier now, its significance settling in.

He had one month to earn his place. One month before the Beast Forest test. But he was no stranger to challenges, and the thought of failure didn't deter him.

The outer sect was merely the first step. There were far greater heights to climb.