The Elders' Perspective

In the secluded chamber reserved for the Jade Lotus Sect's most trusted elders, a tense discussion unfolded. Elder Xu, the sect's eldest, had summoned the meeting, and the gravity of the situation was clear from the way the room fell silent as he spoke.

"We can no longer ignore what's happening," Elder Xu said, his voice grim as he addressed the group. "The attack on the disciple was no mere accident. This was deliberate, and it bears the mark of demonic involvement."

The other elders exchanged uneasy glances. Demonic sects were a taboo subject, whispered about in dark corners but rarely addressed head-on. To acknowledge their presence was to admit weakness, to suggest that the Jade Lotus Sect—while not one of the most powerful sects—was vulnerable.

"Are we certain it was a demonic sect?" Elder Shen asked, his brow furrowed. "It could have been a rogue cultivator or an isolated case of possession. We've had disciples succumb to qi deviations before."

Elder Xu shook his head. "This was no ordinary qi deviation. The disciple's energy signature was tainted—corrupted. And the method used to possess him... It matches what we know of demonic techniques."

Elder Lan, the only woman among them, sighed. "If this is true, then we are in more danger than we thought. Demonic sects do not act alone, and they certainly don't attack without reason. They must have a plan."

Elder Xu's expression darkened. "Exactly. Which is why I believe there are more of them. Possibly even within our ranks."

The room fell into stunned silence.

"You think we've been infiltrated?" Elder Shen's voice was incredulous, though there was a note of fear in it as well.

"We cannot dismiss the possibility," Elder Xu replied. "If they have spies among us, then the recent attacks on other sects may be only the beginning."

Elder Lan tapped her fingers against the arm of her chair, deep in thought. "We need to be careful. If we start accusing our own without evidence, we could tear the sect apart from within."

"Agreed," Elder Xu said. "Which is why we will not be making any accusations just yet. But we must increase our vigilance. Every disciple, every elder, every movement within the sect must be watched closely."


Outside the elders' chamber, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Word of the meeting had spread among the disciples, though none knew the full extent of what was being discussed. Rumors, however, were enough to stir anxiety.

Kai and Yan Mei stood near the entrance, unnoticed by most of the disciples who had gathered in the courtyard, whispering about the meeting. Kai's expression remained as cold as ever, but Yan Mei's unease was visible in the way her arms were crossed tightly over her chest.

"They're hiding something," Yan Mei said quietly. "The elders wouldn't call a meeting like this unless something serious was happening."

Kai didn't respond immediately, his eyes scanning the faces of the disciples around them. 'Fear is spreading, and fear makes people weak,' he thought. The sect could not afford weakness, not now.

"They won't tell us everything," he finally said. "But whatever it is, it's bad."

Yan Mei sighed, her gaze shifting towards the training grounds in the distance. "I've been hearing rumors about demonic sects. Do you think it's true?"

Kai's eyes narrowed. He had heard the same whispers, but he wasn't the type to jump to conclusions. "Whether it's true or not doesn't matter. We need to be ready for whatever comes."

Before Yan Mei could respond, a figure emerged from the crowd—an inner sect disciple by the name of Lan Qing. She had gained a reputation for her skill in swordsmanship and her calm under pressure, and it was clear from the way she carried herself that she was one of the sect's rising stars.

"The elders have finished their meeting," Lan Qing announced, her voice cutting through the murmurs of the disciples. "There will be changes in the way we operate. We are to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior immediately."

The crowd of disciples exchanged uneasy glances. Lan Qing's words confirmed their fears—something was happening, something that could threaten the entire sect.

Kai remained silent, his thoughts already racing ahead. 'If they're telling us to be vigilant, it means they don't trust everyone. They think someone inside the sect is involved.'

Yan Mei glanced at him, her expression thoughtful. "What do we do now?"

Kai's gaze shifted to Lan Qing, who had begun organizing groups of disciples for extra patrols around the sect grounds. "We watch, we train, and we wait. Whatever's coming, we won't be caught off guard."


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the Jade Lotus Sect, the elders continued their discussion in the chamber. Elder Xu paced slowly, his mind heavy with the weight of responsibility.

"We cannot fight this alone," Elder Xu said, breaking the silence. "We need to contact the neighboring sects and form an alliance. If the demonic sects are truly on the