Suspicious Little Headmistress

Through the halls of the Institution, Aeric and Celestia made their way, their voices had laughter and camaraderie. Aeric's hand was still wrapped around Celestia's shoulders, her golden hair shimmered over his arm as the glow of enchanted lanterns lined the walls of the Institution.

She was entertaining Aeric as she had promised with tales of the Dawn Region, and maybe later they would finally have that walk around the Region itself.

Her blue eyes were sparkling as she shared her story, while Aeric listened and watched her with loving eyes.

"You have very little idea, Aeric. She is my mother, I've seen much of her, " she continued with her daisy-like accent, her tone rich with a mix of affection and exasperation. "Even now, she insists on hosting these grand dinners every month. She says they're to maintain alliances amongst Regions, but honestly, I think she just likes an excuse to drink too much wine."