New Abilities

Hey everyone! Just a quick note—this novel has longer chapters than my usual, around 2.5 to 6k words per chapter. Because of that, I'll be releasing 3 to 4 chapters a week. If you want to get ahead, though, you can read up to 25 chapters in advance over on my Patreon:

Be sure to check out the auxiliary chapter and read the warnings before diving in. Thanks for giving this story a shot, and I hope you enjoy the ride!




F Tier:

Remy (Ratatouille)

Ability: Exceptional sense of smell and taste, allowing him to create exquisite dishes as a chef.

E Tier:

Lightning McQueen (Cars)

Ability: Incredible speed and racing skills, allowing him to compete at the highest level of professional racing.

Frank Martin (Transporter)

Ability: Expert driver and combatant, with an exceptional ability to deliver packages and people under dangerous circumstances.

Random Ability of D++ Tier (Altered. This ability is beyond A level is gifted by system):

Haki (One Piece)

Ability: A special ability in the One Piece universe that allows users to sense and control their own willpower, as well as sense and intimidate others with weaker willpower. It can also be used to enhance physical attacks or even render Logia-type devil fruit users vulnerable to physical attacks. 

Adjusting to the Marvel Universe! Adjustment completed. Haki can interact with elemental bodies. Haki can be taught to others.

Lightning McQueen turned into an AI with only driving skills. Cannot connect to other devices. Cannot integrate with Master.]

"Wow." Nero gulped as he looked at the screen.

[Would you like to learn Haki now, Master?] Sorella asked.

"Hmm, yes. And please call me Big Brother from now on. You are my sister after all." Nero chuckled.

[As you wish, Big Brother.] Sorella answered and in the next second, Nero flinched in pain.

"What is it babe?" Maria asked in worry.

"Information overload." He grunted. He learned many things about Haki all of a sudden and it made his head hurt.

[As you may guess Big Brother, Haki is overpowered when mastered. For the first draw bonus, the system gifted this ability to the familia, which is its initial step. As you practice more and reach the peak, it will turn into a fearsome ability.]

"Thanks Sorella." He nodded. From what he can see in Prince's memories, Peak of Observation Haki allowed the user to see the future. It was indeed a fearsome ability. "What am I going to do with Lightning McQueen? I can summon it, but I only want to drive one car. I cannot cast that away. And to be honest, Lightning McQueen looks childish."

[Big Brother, as the Family Head, you can integrate cards to other registered members of the family.] Sorella said as he was pondering.

"You mean?" He asked in hope.

[You can register your car and integrate the card to it. It will gain its abilities, and will become a self-driving car with a personality.] Sorella answered.

"That is amazing!" He was amazed, "How about its personality?"

[As I said earlier, all the summoned cards are loyal to Big Brother. That means characters summoned to this world will have to adapt to their new worlds. Since that car has a history, when it gains personality, it will adapt to its memories. From what I can see, you cherished that car, and loved it dearly. It will become a lovely car that loves you back. But even if it wasn't the case, it would still be loyal to you. It would become intorevert instead.]

"Let's do it, Babe." Maria at this time started to pull him towards the car, "I want to see it."

"Okay." He smiled. He too wanted to see how the car would change. They came to the warehouse via car, so it wasn't far from them. Nero walked up to the car and pulled the card out of nowhere. It was red with yellow strikes. 

"Sorella, integrate the card with Nyx." Nero said, as he held his breath. Maria walked up to him and held his hand in hers, as she leaned on him.

[Integration starting.


It didn't even take ten seconds, but Nero felt like he was holding his breath forever. As he heard Sorella's confirmation, he let out the breath he was holding and walked up to Nyx.

"Nyx?" He asked in trepidation. 

"Little Brother!" The car exclaimed in the next second.

"Little Brother?" Maria gasped as she laughed.

"Hmm? Nero's father always called me his daughter, and since Nero is his son, it makes him my little brother no?" The car asked in a cute voice.

"Cannot defeat that logic." Nero chuckled, "Nyx, I am glad you like me. I was afraid, I treated you badly."

"Meh, you were even better than father." Nyx's spotlights shrugged, "Anyway, I am glad to be liberated."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Nyx, but can I ask you to act normal in public, please?" Nero asked, he didn't want SHIELD or worse HYDRA to end up in his door.

"Of course, don't worry, Little Brother, I know what to do." She winked.

"Good. Let's move on to the other cards." He said, as he thought, "Sorella, can I teach others these abilities?" 

[Yes. All the family members can learn abilities of other universes.] Sorella answered.

"That is a relief." He nodded, and decided, "Integrate Remy and summon Frank Martin." 

[As you wish, Big Brother.] In the next second, a man appeared in front of him with a suit and leather gloves. 

"Master." Frank kneeled on one knee, as he gazed at the ground.

Frank Martin was the main character of the Transporter film series, a professional driver who specialized in transporting goods, often of questionable legality or dangerous nature, for various clients. He was portrayed as a highly skilled and disciplined individual, with exceptional driving skills and proficiency in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry.

Frank was known for his strict adherence to a code of conduct that included never changing the terms of his contracts and never looking inside the packages he transported. He was a man of few words, often preferring to let his actions speak for him. Frank was also shown to have a strong sense of justice and loyalty, which often put him at odds with the criminal elements he worked for.

Physically, Frank was tall, muscular, and athletic, with short cropped hair and a stern expression. He wore a sharp suit and carried himself with an air of confidence and professionalism.

"Call me Boss." Nero put a hand on his shoulder and helped him get up.

"Yes, Boss." Frank nodded.

"How much do you know?" Nero asked. He didn't know how System brought people to this world. 

"I have my memories and given the chance to live in another world. I was bored, so I took it. I know little about this world but enough to know big names. As much as a local would know at least." He answered.

"I see." Nero nodded, "Do you know my background?"

"Yes." Frank clenched his fist. Nero could see that his anger was real. He wasn't faking it.

"Frank, I decided to take back what is mine, and avenge my family." Nero slapped his shoulder, "I want you to go to Kingpin and work for him. I need a couple of years before I can start my plans, until then, rise up in rank and wait for my command." 

"As you order, Boss." Frank nodded.

"Take this money." Nero pulled out a couple of hundreds and handed them over to Frank, "I will write down a training program for you to follow that will help you awaken Haki. Be careful with it, and don't use it openly if you can."

Nero and Maria returned home, hand in hand, and made their way straight to Nigel's study. Nero knew he had to divulge everything to him, even if Nigel might not agree with his plan. As they entered the room, Nigel looked up from his paperwork and flashed them a warm smile.

"Welcome back, Little Boss," Nigel said, beaming.

"When will you stop calling me that, Nigel?" Nero sighed, exasperated. He had implored Nigel to call him by his name numerous times, but the old man was too stubborn.

"Not today," Nigel smiled, still calling him by his pet name.

"Nigel, I've made a decision to go to New York in a year or two," Nero announced, taking a deep breath. Nigel was initially surprised, but then happy, and eventually, worried.

"Is it about revenge or family business?" Nigel asked, giving him a knowing look.

"Both," Nero answered honestly, not wanting to hide anything from him.

"You're not strong enough, Little Boss," Nigel shook his head, concern written all over his face. "I've told you, those people are not normal."

"I know. I believe you," Nero said seriously, flames flickering from his hands. "But neither am I."

He proceeded to explain everything to Nigel. He had been raised by the old butler and trusted him more than anyone else. Furthermore, Sorella had stated that no family member could betray his trust as long as they were shown in the Core Family Tab. Upon checking, Nero found that both Maria and Nigel were listed there. It wasn't that the System was forcing them to keep his secrets, but rather, it required their loyalty to be almost 100%. The System also protected their minds from any intrusion by powerful psychics. Therefore, Nero had no qualms about sharing his secrets with them.

"That is…" Nigel started.

"Unbelievable?" Nero and Maria quipped simultaneously, chuckling.

"Yes, that," Nigel agreed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"So Nyx is an autobot now?" he asked excitedly.

Nero laughed heartily at the sight of the old man's excitement. "Allow me to demonstrate," he said, gesturing for Nigel to follow him. They made their way to the garage, where Nyx was fast asleep. Upon hearing their footsteps, she stirred from her slumber and fixed her gaze on the newcomers.

"Old fool!" she exclaimed, referring to Nigel.

Nigel was taken aback. "What do you mean, Nyx?"

"You nearly killed me twice!" Nyx retorted, moving towards Nigel.

Nero interjected with an authoritative voice, "Enough, Nyx. I am sure Nigel didn't mean any harm."

"Hmph!" Nyx snorted from her exhaust, turning away in disdain.

"Nyx, I apologize. The first time, I was in a hurry to get Little Lord to the hospital. I couldn't slow down," Nigel explained.

"I'm talking about those other times," Nyx retorted sharply. "The first time you almost drove me off a cliff, and the second time you were drunk and almost hit another vehicle."

"Oh, those times," Nigel chuckled awkwardly. "I had forgotten about them."

Nero stroked Nyx's hood affectionately. "There's no need to be upset, girl. Let's forget about the past and move on."

"Anyway," Nero turned to face his family, "I would like to speak to you about my new abilities. Starting with Maria..."

Nero's eyes drifted over to Maria, his beloved partner. It was difficult to convey the depth of emotions he felt when he gazed into her eyes. They had been through so much together, and yet their bond only seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. Their journey had been a long and arduous one, but it had brought them to this moment, and Nero knew in his heart that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

From the very first time they had met in high school, there had been something special about their connection. They had bonded on a spiritual level that transcended mere physical attraction. They both understood that love was much more than just about sex, and they respected each other enough to wait until the right time. Now, as they stood together in this moment, Nero realized that Maria was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

"Maria, my love," Nero's voice was soft and filled with affection. "I cannot express the depth of my feelings for you. You are the one who understands me like no one else, who can make me laugh when I'm feeling down, and who supports me in everything I do. You are my best friend, my confidante, and my soulmate."

Nero took a deep breath, gathering his courage for what he was about to do. "So, Maria, I want to ask you something. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you share your life with me and build a future together? I promise to love you, cherish you, and stand by you through all the ups and downs of life."

As he spoke, Nero got down on one knee, pulling out a ring from his pocket. It was a Mist Guardian Ring, a silver band with a large indigo gemstone in the center that glowed with the power of the Mist Flame. The ring granted its wielder the ability to control and manipulate illusions and delusions, making them an incredibly formidable opponent in battle. The Mist Flame's illusions were so convincing that it was often challenging to distinguish between reality and fiction.

However, the ring's true power could only be unlocked by its rightful owner, who had to possess a strong will and unwavering determination. After much thought, Nero had decided that the holder of the Mist Power in his family would be Maria, his beloved future wife. With her boundless imagination, indomitable character, and unwavering support, she was the most suited for this power.

"Maria," Nero spoke once more, his voice filled with sincerity and love. "You are the love of my life, and I cannot imagine a future without you. Will you say yes and make me the happiest man in the world?"