Mary Jane’s Dilemma

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Mary Jane Watson stood by the fountain in the park, her eyes scanning the surroundings. She felt a mix of anxiety and anticipation as she waited for her new friend, Maria Valdez. Ever since that terrifying night with Harry, her life had taken an unexpected turn. Harry Osborn, once thought to be a decent and humble man despite his status, had revealed a darker side when he tried to force her to his house. It was Diego's bodyguard, John, who had intervened, stopping Harry and saving her from an unimaginable fate. Mary Jane didn't want to imagine what could have happened. After that night, she met Maria, a friend of Diego's. Mary Jane, despite her aspirations for the stage, shared a love for painting.

The sound of footsteps drew her attention. Maria, with her wavy brown hair and expressive blue eyes, approached with a warm smile. They had met through Diego after that fateful night. Maria, an art major with a mature outlook on life, had quickly become a source of strength and inspiration for Mary Jane.

"Hey, MJ! Sorry, I'm late. Got caught up in the studio," Maria said, her voice light and teasing.

Mary Jane smiled, feeling some of her tension melt away. "No worries. I was just enjoying the view."

Maria giggled, "You already have the outlook of an artist, enjoying the moment."

Mary Jane chuckled, feeling more at ease. "Thanks, Maria. Sometimes it's nice to just... be."

Maria's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Well, you certainly picked a great spot for it. This park is practically a masterpiece itself."

Mary Jane nodded, glancing around. "It's peaceful. And after everything that's happened, I need a bit of peace."

Maria's expression softened. "I can imagine. Harry Osborn is a real piece of work. I'm glad John was there to help."

Mary Jane shuddered at the memory. "Yeah, me too. I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't stepped in."

Maria reached out, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze. "You're safe now, MJ. And you're not alone."

Mary Jane smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Maria. I really needed to hear that."

Maria waved her hand dismissively. "What are friends for? Besides, we're here to create some art and forget about all that drama."

Mary Jane laughed. "You're right. Let's focus on the positive."

Maria grinned, pulling out her sketchbook. "Exactly! Now, show me what you've been working on. I bet it's amazing."

Mary Jane hesitated, then opened her own sketchbook. "It's nothing special, just some ideas I've been playing with."

Looking at Mary Jane's sketches, Maria couldn't help but feel a pang of recognition. The first drawing was a stage with a blurry figure standing in the spotlight. The second depicted a car driving into darkness, leaving the light behind. The third showed a young man who seemed oddly familiar to her. Maria's eyes sparkled with insight as she flipped through the sketches, each one revealing more about Mary Jane's inner turmoil and aspirations.

Maria could easily see their meanings except the third one. First, signified Mary Jane's dreams and hopes, his goal in life. Second was the setback she experienced recently, the car ride with Harry, horrible, dark but in a sense a journey for Mary Jane to discover the truth in life, but third, Maria felt the boy was familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

She smiled, "Is this your crush?"

Mary Jane blushed, a small smile playing on her lips. "No, just my childhood friend... It's just a drawing."

Maria's grin widened. "A very detailed drawing. He's got that classic 'boy next door' look. What's his name?"

Mary Jane hesitated for a moment before answering softly, "Peter."

Maria almost blurted out "Peter Parker?" but she swallowed her words just in time. Now it made sense why the boy in the drawing looked so familiar. Just a few days ago, Sofia had pulled up Peter's face when they were discussing Spider-Man in the office. Nero had mentioned that Mary Jane was close to Peter, but Maria never imagined she would find a sketch of him in Mary Jane's sketchbook. It seemed that after what happened with Harry, Mary Jane realized her childhood friend—the "nerd," as Anthony had referred to him the other night—was the true nice guy, unlike the fake Harry.

Maria smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You know, MJ, if I didn't know better, I'd say you have a thing for childhood friends."

Mary Jane's cheeks flushed deeper. "It's just a drawing, Maria."

"Sure, just a drawing," Maria teased, flipping through the other sketches. "But it's a pretty good one. You've got talent, MJ."

Mary Jane smiled shyly. "Thanks. I guess drawing helps me process everything."

Maria nodded thoughtfully. "Art has a way of doing that. It's like a window into your soul, showing what words can't express."

Mary Jane looked down at her sketchbook. "I suppose so. Sometimes it feels like the only way I can make sense of everything."

"Well, keep at it," Maria encouraged. "Who knows? Maybe one day, you'll have a gallery show, and people will be lining up to see your work."

Mary Jane laughed softly. "One can dream, right?"

Maria leaned back on the bench, stretching her arms. "Speaking of dreams, what about the stage? Still planning to become a Broadway star?"

Mary Jane's eyes lit up. "Absolutely. It's my biggest dream. There's something magical about performing, about becoming someone else for a little while."

"Then don't let anything stop you," Maria said firmly. "Not Harry, not anyone. You deserve to chase your dreams."

Mary Jane nodded, her resolve strengthening. "You're right. Thanks, Maria."

"Anytime," Maria replied, her tone warm.

Maria pondered for a moment if she should push Mary Jane towards Peter Parker. She loved honest guys—her love of life, Nero, was one—and she wanted Mary Jane to have someone like that. However, she also knew it wasn't her place to make that decision. After all, Peter was also Spider-Man, a vigilante who fought crime in most of his free time. Mary Jane might not want such a life, knowing her boyfriend was risking his life outside. Although she felt that they were quite compatible, she decided it wasn't her choice to make and just got up.

"Let's walk around a bit," Maria said, stretching and offering her hand to Mary Jane.

Mary Jane nodded, taking Maria's hand. "Sounds good. I could use the distraction."

As they strolled through the park, Maria glanced at Mary Jane, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, MJ, you have a talent for picking the most dramatic spots. This park could be right out of a romance novel."

Mary Jane laughed softly. "Maybe that's why I like it. There's something poetic about it."

Maria smirked. "Oh, so you're a secret romantic, huh? I knew it."

"Don't tell anyone," Mary Jane joked, nudging Maria playfully.

Maria giggled. "Your secret is safe with me. "

They continued walking, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. "So, about this Peter guy. You said he's a childhood friend?"

"Yeah, we've known each other since we were kids," Mary Jane replied, her tone nostalgic.

Maria smiled. "That's sweet. It's nice to have someone who's known you for so long."

"It is," Mary Jane agreed. "Peter's always been there for me, even when things got tough."

Maria didn't push the conversation in any particular direction, keeping things light but also curious about Mary Jane's relationship with Peter. "Sounds like a good friend."

Mary Jane chuckled. "Yeah, you know, the guy that is always there for you, the one that you can always count on. Always had this nerdy charm, you know?"

Maria laughed. "Nerdy charm? That's a new one. But hey, nerds can be cute too."

Mary Jane smiled, her eyes sparkling with memories. "Yeah, he's definitely cute. Just... in his own way."

"Hey, nothing wrong with that. The world needs more cute nerds," Maria teased. "But seriously, it's nice to have someone who's been there through thick and thin."

"Absolutely. Peter's like family," Mary Jane agreed, her tone warm.

"Family-zoned, huh? Poor Peter," Maria joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Mary Jane rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. "It's not like that. He's just always been... there."

"Sure, sure," Maria teased, nudging her playfully. "Sounds like classic denial to me."

They walked in silence for a moment, the soft crunch of leaves underfoot the only sound. Maria glanced at Mary Jane, noticing her pensive expression.

"You know," Maria said thoughtfully, "sometimes the people who are always there are the ones who matter most."

Mary Jane sighed, her gaze distant. "It's just complicated. After what happened with Harry, I don't even know who I can trust anymore."

Maria nodded, understanding. "Trust is hard to rebuild once it's broken. But not everyone is like Harry. There are good people out there."

"Like Peter?" Mary Jane asked, her voice almost wistful.

"Exactly," Maria replied. "And like you. You deserve to have people in your life who genuinely care about you."

Mary Jane smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Thanks, Maria. You're one of those people, you know."

Maria grinned, linking her arm with Mary Jane's. "Damn right I am. Now, let's find a café and get something sweet. My treat."

They continued walking, the tension from earlier easing with each step. The park's peaceful ambiance seemed to wrap around them, providing a brief respite from their troubles.

As they reached the café, Maria held the door open with a flourish. "After you, m'lady."

Mary Jane laughed, stepping inside. "Why, thank you, kind sir."

Maria chuckled, following her in. "Alright, let's see what they have. I'm in the mood for something decadent."

They browsed the menu, the rich aroma of coffee and pastries filling the air. Mary Jane pointed to a chocolate cake that looked almost too good to eat.

"That one," she said decisively. "And a latte, please."

Maria nodded, placing their order. As they waited, she glanced at Mary Jane, noticing the slight furrow in her brow.

Maria guessed, "Thinking about college?"

Mary Jane looked surprised. "Can you tell?"

Maria chuckled, "Been there. I don't look a day over 18, but I graduated, you know."

Mary Jane laughed. "You are a day over 18? You've got to tell me your secret then."

Maria winked. "It's all about the attitude. And a bit of paint and canvas therapy. What about you? Any thoughts on where you want to go?"

Mary Jane sighed, taking a sip of her latte. "I'm torn. My father wants me to go to college, while I want to go to LA and take my chance. I was here in Boston to see some colleges with Harry, actually. Then there's home... I'm not sure if I should go far."

Maria leaned back, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "Classic dilemma. Follow your dreams or follow the expectations. Boston's a good place for art, though. Lots of history, lots of inspiration."

"True, but LA has the allure of Hollywood. It feels like the place to be if I want to make it on stage," Mary Jane responded, her voice filled with longing.

Maria's eyes sparkled with amusement. "The stage calls to you, doesn't it? I can see it in your eyes. That fire. Boston might be safe, but LA... that's where stars are born."

Mary Jane chuckled softly, "You're not making this any easier, you know."

"Hey, it's your dream we're talking about. But honestly, do what feels right for you. Don't let anyone else's expectations dictate your path," Maria said firmly.

Mary Jane nodded, appreciating Maria's supportive words. "I guess I'm just scared. What if I fail?"

Maria grinned, leaning forward. "Failing is part of the journey. Every artist stumbles. The important part is getting back up and learning from it. Besides, you've got talent."

They sipped their drinks in companionable silence for a moment before Mary Jane spoke again. "It's funny, you know. I never thought I'd be here, having this conversation with a person I didn't even know a few days ago. Life's taken some unexpected turns lately."

Maria nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Life's like that. Unpredictable. But sometimes, those twists and turns lead us to exactly where we need to be."

Mary Jane smiled, feeling a sense of peace. "You're right. Maybe all of this is leading me to something better."

Maria raised her cup in a toast. "To unexpected journeys and the courage to follow our dreams."

Mary Jane clinked her cup against Maria's, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "To following our dreams."

They finished their drinks and decided to head out. The late afternoon sun cast a golden glow over everything, making the moment feel almost magical.

Outside the park, a sleek Black 1964 Aston Martin DB5 gleamed under the afternoon sun, drawing Mary Jane's attention immediately. She couldn't help but marvel at the car's classic elegance and well-maintained condition. Her curiosity peaked when she noticed a tall, handsome man leaning against the car, smiling warmly at them.

Maria's face lit up as she saw the man. "Nero!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. She ran to him and leapt into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as he caught her effortlessly. The two shared a brief but passionate kiss before Maria finally disentangled herself, her cheeks flushed with happiness.

Mary Jane, still standing a few feet away, was stunned by the scene. "That's Nero?" she asked, more to herself than anyone else.

Nero, hearing her, gave a polite nod. "You must be Mary Jane. Maria has told me a lot about you."

Maria, still holding onto Nero's arm, grinned. "And he's been dying to meet you, MJ. Nero, this is my friend Mary Jane."

Nero extended his hand with a charming smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mary Jane."

Mary Jane shook his hand, feeling slightly overwhelmed. "Nice to meet you too, Nero. Your car is incredible."

Nero chuckled, glancing back at the Aston Martin. "Thank you. She's quite special, isn't she?"

Maria nudged Mary Jane playfully. "Nero's got a thing for classic cars. He could talk about them all day if you let him."

Nero laughed. "Guilty as charged. But enough about cars. Now, how about we take a ride?" Nero suggested, opening the car door with a flourish.

Mary Jane hesitated. "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude..."

Maria laughed, "Nonsense! Nero loves showing off his car. Besides, it'll be fun!"

Nero grinned. "Hop in, Mary Jane. I promise it'll be an experience to remember."

With a final, uncertain glance at Maria, Mary Jane climbed into the back seat. Maria slid in beside her, and Nero took the driver's seat. The car roared to life, the engine purring smoothly as they drove off.

As they cruised through the city, the tension in Mary Jane's shoulders began to melt away. The luxurious interior, combined with the gentle hum of the engine, was soothing. Nero glanced at her in the rearview mirror. "So, Mary Jane, Maria mentioned you have a passion for painting?"

Mary Jane nodded. "Yes, I find it very therapeutic."

Nero's eyes sparkled with interest. "Art is a powerful outlet. Maria's paintings are extraordinary. I'd love to see your work sometime."

Maria nudged her playfully. "See? I told you he was supportive."

Mary Jane smiled. "I'd like that. Maybe one day."

Nero nodded. "Whenever you're ready."

As they drove, Maria chatted animatedly about her latest project, her enthusiasm infectious. Mary Jane found herself laughing and joining in, feeling lighter than she had in days.

They eventually stopped near a pond, and Nero parked the car. The tranquil setting seemed a world away from the chaos of the city, a perfect spot for unwinding. Nero stepped out, extending a hand to help Maria and Mary Jane from the car.

"This place is beautiful," Mary Jane said, taking in the serene surroundings.

Nero smiled. "It's one of my favorite spots. A bit of peace and quiet never hurt anyone."

Maria nodded, her eyes twinkling. "Nero knows all the best places. He calls it his 'escape plan."

Nero led them to a small bench by the water. "Sit, relax. Take in the view."

Mary Jane sat down, her eyes reflecting the calm waters of the pond. "It's hard to believe places like this exist in the city."

The peace was abruptly broken by the arrival of three young men, their unsteady gaits and glazed eyes betraying their intoxication. They swaggered over, eyes roving greedily over Mary Jane and Maria. The sight of them made Mary Jane's heart race with fear, dredging up memories of Harry's unwanted advances. Instinctively, she stepped closer to Maria, seeking the safety of her friend's presence.

Maria, sensing Mary Jane's discomfort, stood her ground, her expression hardening. "Can we help you?" she asked, her tone sharp and unwelcoming.

The leader of the group, a lanky guy with a scruffy beard, grinned, his eyes lingering on Mary Jane. "Just thought we'd join you lovely ladies," he slurred.

Nero stepped forward, his presence imposing. "You're not welcome here," he said coldly, his golden eyes flashing dangerously.

One of the other men snickered, clearly not recognizing the threat. "Hey, we're just trying to have a good time," he said, leering at Maria.

Maria crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "You have two seconds to leave before we make you," she said, her voice icy.

One of them said, "C'mon man, don't be greedy. You have two bitches here, share one with us."

Maria saw the dangerous glint in Nero's eyes, so she touched his shoulder and said, "Let me deal with this. I wanted to test my power."

Nero looked at the thugs then nodded. He knew she was more than capable of dealing with a few thugs.

Maria stepped forward, her stance relaxed yet ready. "You boys picked the wrong day to be assholes," she said, a hint of a smile on her lips.

The leader laughed, clearly underestimating her. "What are you gonna do, sweetheart? Be beautiful to death?"

Maria's smile widened. "Something like that."

Before they could react, she moved with lightning speed, her fists connecting with precision. The first thug went down with a single blow to the jaw, his eyes rolling back as he crumpled to the ground. The second one barely had time to register what happened before Maria's knee met his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

"You think you can just walk up to women and do what you want?" Maria hissed, her voice dripping with disdain. She twisted the leader's arm behind his back, pushing him to his knees.

Nero watched with a satisfied expression.The leader tried to struggle, but Maria's grip was unyielding. "You little bitch, let me go!" he spat, his voice strained.

Maria leaned in close, her blue eyes blazing. "I hate men like you most. Think you can do whatever you want to women, and when faced with resistance, your little ego still doesn't allow you to bow your head." She stepped on the man's head, pressing it to the ground.

The thug whimpered, his bravado crumbling under Maria's intense gaze. "Please, let me go. I didn't mean it."

Maria scoffed, applying more pressure. "Didn't mean it? You meant every word. You just didn't expect anyone to stand up to you."

Nero watched with a mixture of pride and amusement. "Let's wrap this up, Maria. We have better things to do than waste time on trash."

Maria released the thug, who scrambled to his feet and stumbled away, his friends dragging themselves up and following quickly. She turned back to Nero and Mary Jane, her expression softening. "You okay, MJ?"

Mary Jane nodded, still a bit shaken but grateful. "Yeah, thanks to you."

Maria smiled reassuringly. "Anytime. Let's get back to the car." They reached the car, and Nero opened the door for Mary Jane. She slid in, followed by Maria.

Mary Jane, nestled safely between her friends, felt the tension of the day start to fade. The city lights blurred past as they made their way back, the hum of the engine and the gentle banter between Maria and Nero providing a comforting backdrop.


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