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The team sat in their darkened office, eyes fixed on the multiple screens mounted on the walls. The channels flickered, each station diving deeper into the fallout surrounding General Ross. With Donald out tracking down his own past, Nigel had taken a seat near the back after returning from Banner's mission.

A news anchor's voice cut through the room. "General Ross, under intense scrutiny, faces allegations that his unauthorized experiments on mutants and metahumans were part of a government-funded project. The reaction from both Congress and the public has been swift. Senator Wilde, who has been outspoken on this issue, has released a statement condemning Ross's methods."

They watched as the screen shifted to Senator Wilde standing on the Capitol steps, surrounded by microphones. His tone was blunt, seething with disgust. "These actions are not just an abuse of power; they're an abuse of human rights. Experiments on mutants, deploying untested weaponry on U.S. soil… This is not the future we want for our country. And we're holding everyone involved accountable, starting with Ross."

Diego let out a low whistle. "Old man really dug his grave, huh?"

Sofia shrugged, looking mildly amused. "Guess he thought he would be untouchable forever. Shame he forgot the internet exists." She flicked through a few windows, pulling up social media. Each screen buzzed with outrage, hashtag after hashtag calling for Ross's immediate removal and investigation.

One particularly damning post from an influencer popped up, the comment section exploding with agreement: "Ross calls himself a patriot, but what kind of patriot tortures his own people? #RossGate."

Anthony leaned back, arms crossed. "Seems like they're taking this one personally. The guy didn't leave himself a single ally."

Another anchor's voice filled the room, this time over footage of Ross trying to dodge questions. "As the scandal spreads, an investigation into Ross's financials reveals black funds tied to private corporations and offshore accounts. Some of these funds appear to have been rerouted into unapproved projects focused on metahuman containment."

"Ah, so they're digging into his money now," Sofia noted, barely containing a smirk. "When in doubt, always follow the money."

Nigel's gaze stayed locked on the screen, expression impassive. "They'll want to know every cent. If Ross was buying lunch with government money, they'll find out."

Sofia glanced at him, amused. "Yeah, well, this isn't just a lunch bill. We're talking millions funneled into labs and projects that make Frankenstein look tame."

The news shifted to a military spokesperson who looked like he would rather be anywhere else, answering questions from reporters. "As of this morning, General Ross's position is under review. Until further notice, his clearance is suspended, and an internal audit is underway."

The reporters pressed forward, yelling over each other.

"Does the military deny involvement in the Titan Killer project?"

"Is it true Ross manipulated data to exaggerate threats?"

The spokesperson hesitated. "I can't comment on the specifics of any ongoing investigation, but I can assure you that we take these matters seriously."

"Right," Diego muttered, smirking. "Nothing says 'serious' like a canned statement."

Sofia clicked onto another screen, this one displaying a Facenote post that had already gone viral. A woman, claiming to be the sister of one of the mutants held in Ross's labs, had written a lengthy post condemning Ross and everyone connected to his project. "He destroyed my brother's life in the name of 'safety.' No one signed up to be a test subject. Who's holding him accountable?"

Anthony shook his head. "Looks like every skeleton in his closet's coming out at once. People are furious."

"They should be," Nigel added quietly, watching the screen with a cold look. "He got too used to treating lives as numbers on a report. Now he's just another number they want removed."

The camera cut to an angry crowd gathering outside a military building, holding signs with slogans like "Not in our name," and "Ross out NOW." Chants filled the air, and the screen zoomed in on one particularly vocal protester yelling, "We're done with cowards hiding behind 'national security' as an excuse to play god."

The news continued to show damning footage and interviews with former lab workers, each clip adding to the spectacle. One former lab technician, his face blurred, claimed Ross's team routinely broke protocol. "I saw things that would make your skin crawl," he said, his voice shaking. "They didn't care about consequences—they wanted results, no matter the cost."

Anthony frowned. "Even the lab rats are speaking up now. You think Ross will take them down with him?"

"Damn yeah he will," Diego replied. "He's in survival mode. No one's safe when a man like him starts sinking."

The screen shifted again, showing reactions from the public across various social media platforms. A news report displayed an assortment of posts, each one attacking Ross's reputation:

"Is this what our taxes fund? Torture and experiments on innocent people?"

"Ross represents everything wrong with unchecked power. Time for real change."

Nero stood up and clapped once, cutting through the noise of the news broadcasts. "Alright, listen up. We've dealt with Ross. Neogenes have made their mark in Harlem, innocents were spared, Banner's under our watch, and our three platforms are growing faster than any of us planned. With the last leak, they're solidified as the place people trust to vent, expose, and get the truth."

Maria sauntered up to Nero, chuckling, "So, what's next, boss? You digging into Donald's past?"

Nero shook his head. "Donald's past will need our attention, sure, but that'll take its own course. For now, let's focus on something more… immediate. Seems like our friend Iron Man might be walking into some trouble soon."

Anthony frowned, curious. "What kind of trouble are we talking?"

Nero nodded to Sofia, who brought up a screen, displaying an image of a stocky man with electric whips coiled around his fists, eyes fixed on the camera with a crazed, defiant glare. "This guy, Ivan Vanko. Also goes by Whiplash," Sofia explained. "Fresh out of a Russian prison, and with a personal vendetta against Stark. Daddy issues and all. But Vanko's not just a bruiser; he's built his own tech using Arc Reactor designs."

Diego raised an eyebrow, leaning in. "So he's on Stark's level, tech-wise? A rogue genius?"

"Not quite, but close enough," Sofia replied, scrolling through Vanko's known assets. "He doesn't have Stark's resources, but he's resourceful. He's been sourcing parts from the black market and a few old connections he hasn't burned."

Nigel, watching from the back, smirked. "So, he's out there wielding Stark's own tech against him? This'll be fun."

Nero corrected, "Not exactly Stark's tech. Vanko claims his father and Tony's were partners before Howard Stark deported Anton Vanko, accusing him of selling the Arc Reactor designs on the black market. Anton spent his life after that drinking himself to death and leaving his grudge for his son to carry on."

Anthony raised a brow. "So he was guilty, then? Maybe he deserved it?"

Nigel shook his head. "It's not that simple. Stark deported Anton, sure, but it's not like Howard kept the Arc Reactor tech under lock and key. He sold it to the military himself." He shrugged, glancing at the others. "It's a messy line to draw. Howard was a 'patriot'—but in the end, that just means he was selective about who got to use his weapons. The same tech that Vanko's father nearly got thrown in jail for was killing Anton's people back in Russia, all under the banner of 'patriotism.' It's the kind of thing that has two faces, depending on which side you're looking from."

Anthony sighed, crossing his arms. "And Vanko's convinced it's his job to 'correct' the injustice, huh?"

"Something like that," Sofia replied, pulling up additional information on Vanko's activities. "He's been in the underground circuit for a while now, making connections, getting resources wherever he can. The guy doesn't care if he burns the world down as long as Tony Stark goes down with it. It's personal to him, and he's bringing everything he's got."

Diego tilted his head, eyeing the footage of Vanko on one of the screens. "So, he's got enough tech to actually cause damage? Or is he just out there playing mad scientist?"

"Oh, he's got the power," Sofia said, typing up a report. "His little arc reactors are nowhere near Stark's original, but he's smart enough to build something that'll hold up in a fight. He's managed to design some seriously dangerous tech despite the budget—whips made from pure energy, and a power source that could put the Arc Reactor to shame if he could get the right components. Guy's not just a thug swinging gadgets around; he's got plans."

Nero pointed at the screen, his eyes hardening as he studied Ivan Vanko's image. "I get why the guy's out for blood. Stark's dad screwed over his family, left them in the dirt while Howard made millions off tech Anton helped build. But this guy's gone from justified anger to a vendetta with no boundaries. He's risking innocents just to make a point. If he's not stopped, there'll be a hell of a lot more."

Diego rolled his shoulders, eyes fixed on the display of Vanko's known associates. "So what's the plan? Wait for him to make a move on Stark and swoop in for cleanup?"

Nero nodded, glancing at the crew assembled around the dimly lit screens. "Yes and no," he started. "In the original timeline—Vanko's 'plot' is two folded. First, he hits Tony alone, goes public, gets humiliated. Then, a weapons dealer steps in to break him out, arms him with tech, and lets him wreak havoc all over the city. First part? We let it play out. Let Stark handle him—play hero, gain his spotlight. Second part? Not happening. We're not letting Vanko get out of hand just because someone wants a vendetta-fueled puppet."

Sofia nodded thoughtfully, pulling up the details on the screens. "Right. If we're blocking the second part, I'll keep eyes on the players that could break him out. I have some intel on Hammer; he's tied up in all kinds of dirty deals."

"Good. Hammer's the one who funds Vanko after his first fight with Stark. We'll cut that before it starts," Nero said. "Otherwise, we'll just be on the sidelines, letting him trash the city, watching innocents get dragged into some private war."

Maria tilted her head, one eyebrow raised. "So we're letting him bomb his debut and making sure no one else joins the show?"

"Exactly," Nero replied. "It's a good chance for us to play the hero, earn some recognition. But if we let him loose with Hammer's backing? We'll be no different from Ross, letting chaos happen just to sweep in later."

As Sofia was flipping through her channels, her phone lit up. She tapped a button, putting the call on speaker. "Erwin, what's the situation?"

From the other end, Erwin's voice came through, laced with irritation. "He's refusing to take the medicine. If he keeps this up, it won't be a villain that kills him—it'll be alcohol or the metal poisoning. He's partying more than he's resting."

The team's faces grew tense, a collective frown spreading across the room. But Nero chuckled, unbothered. "He'll be fine. Just stubborn. Let him feel the consequences a little. How's everything else going on your end?"

Erwin sighed, a hint of frustration seeping into his voice. "I'm alright, boss, just tired of this tightrope act. Fury's on my neck more than usual. I think he's still suspecting something's off."

Nero chuckled, unfazed. "Not surprising. Don't let that grizzled look fool you; the man's sharper than he looks. Fury's a super soldier with centuries of instinct on his side. He's got a knack for smelling out things that don't add up. Stay under his radar. Anything else?"

"Yeah, one thing." Erwin's voice lowered slightly. "He's getting more insistent on gathering intel about the Neogenes. Wants details, possible recruits. Right now, he's trying to piece together what he can from small scraps of data. He thinks SHIELD can control them if he can control Warren."

Sofia rolled her eyes, leaning back with a smirk. "Good luck with that, Fury. Neogenes aren't exactly waiting in line for government sponsorship."

Nero was unbothered. "Let Fury chew on that for a while," he said, glancing over the group. "Warren's safe, and it keeps Fury chasing shadows instead of real leads. He'll be busy."

Erwin's affirmation faded as the call clicked off, leaving the team in silence for a beat, eyes shifting back to Nero.

Nero gave a final nod. "Until Ivan Vanko makes his move, you're all free to handle your own business. But stay close. We'll need to handle Stark's mess when it goes off. And Donald's…situation should be surfacing around then, too." He crossed his arms. "So be prepared for things that might not fall under 'normal.'"

Anthony chuckled dryly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Supernatural? We talkin' magic or monsters here?"

Nero's eyes gleamed as he looked at Anthony. "Higher," he said simply, leaving the rest in suspense. He had kept Donald's secret closely guarded, even from Maria and the crew. Donald's true identity—the God of Thunder—wasn't Nero's story to share, but rather a truth that Donald would uncover for himself in time.

Anthony squinted at him, clearly not satisfied with Nero's cryptic answer. "Higher than supernatural? What, we talking ancient relics? Aliens?"

"Aliens?" Diego cut in, smirking. "Look, if we're doing aliens, I'd better be armed with something more than that dinky ring you passed me, man."

Sofia raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. "Can we stay grounded? It's one thing to deal with disgraced generals and vendetta-fueled Russians, but aliens? Do we even have anything that'd stand up to tech like that?"

Nero just shook his head, laughing quietly to himself. "Trust me. We're not exactly out of our depth here. It's more about being prepared for what's coming, even if we can't quite see it yet."


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