Chapter 17

The wind howled against the weathered building, its ferocity a constant reminder of the storm ravaging the world outside. Inside the small room they had taken refuge in, the chill seeped through every crack and crevice, making it barely adequate for keeping out the cold. Snow piled up against the windows, creating a stark, white barrier that obscured the world beyond.

Alex sat by the door, his knife still in hand, the weight of recent days pressing heavily on his chest. His muscles ached, his mind racing with restless thoughts. Despite the shelter's relative safety, sleep eluded him. His gaze continually darted to the entrance, half-expecting someone—or something—to burst through. Tension had become his new normal.

Frank was propped against the far wall, clutching the rifle he'd scavenged. His eyes were half-closed but alert, a testament to the vigilance required in their situation. Daz, having finished his search of the cabinets, now sat huddled in a corner under a blanket, scrutinizing the map he had taken from the commander's corpse. His lips moved silently as he tried to decipher the scribbled notes, piecing together their enemy's movements.

Sarah lay curled up near the fireplace. Though no fire burned, she attempted to find some comfort in the cold, hard floor. Her breathing was slow and almost peaceful, yet Alex knew better. None of them would find real rest tonight.

Alex's gaze shifted back to Daz. "Find anything useful?"

Daz looked up, his brow furrowed with concentration. "It's hard to be certain, but it seems they've been tracking us for some time. There are a few locations circled further south—potential bases, maybe."

"More soldiers?" Sarah's voice was soft, her eyes remaining closed.

"Possibly," Daz replied. "Or more survivors. Hard to tell. But if they have people stationed in these areas, we need to be cautious."

Alex nodded, his mind already working through the implications. "We can't keep running forever. If they're tracking us this closely, they'll catch up eventually."

Frank shifted, rubbing his hands together for warmth. "So what's the plan? You thinking we head straight into the lion's den?"

"We'll have to," Alex said, his voice steady. "If we can get ahead of them and locate one of their bases, we might figure out how to throw them off our trail for good."

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Or we might get ourselves killed."

"That's always a risk," Alex replied dryly. "But staying here is a death sentence, and heading back north isn't an option. We cross the border, head south, and hope for a break."

Sarah opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. "And if we don't find anything useful?"

"Then we keep moving," Alex said. "We adapt and figure out our next step as we go."

The room fell into silence, the only sound the steady whistle of the wind outside. For a moment, it almost felt peaceful. But the tension was palpable, like a coiled spring ready to snap.

After a pause, Sarah sat up, pulling her jacket tighter around her shoulders. "We should move at dawn, before the snow gets any worse."

Alex nodded in agreement. "If we're lucky, the storm will slow them down too. But we can't count on it."

Daz folded the map and tucked it into his jacket. "I'll take the first watch. You all get some rest."

Alex stood, stretching his stiff legs. "Wake me in a few hours. We'll rotate."

Daz gave a curt nod, already moving toward the window, his eyes scanning the snow-covered landscape for any signs of movement. Alex walked over to Sarah, crouching beside her.

"You holding up?" he asked quietly.

She gave him a small, tired smile. "I'm here, aren't I?"

Alex studied her face, noting the exhaustion etched in her features, yet also the quiet resolve. Despite everything, Sarah had become the glue holding their group together, even if she didn't realize it.

"Get some rest," he said softly. "We've got a long day ahead."

Sarah nodded and lay back down on the cold floor. Alex watched her for a moment before turning away, settling into a corner. The chill in the air gnawed at him, and despite his heavy eyes, he knew he needed to rest while he could.

His mind wandered back to the commander they had killed earlier. The surprise in the man's eyes, the blood pooling on the snow. That moment replayed in his mind, a constant reminder of the brutal choices they had to make.

It didn't matter that the man had been an enemy, that he would have killed them without hesitation. The guilt was a weight that grew heavier with each passing day.

But there was no time for guilt. Not now. Not when survival was all that mattered.


The Next Morning

They set out before dawn, the sky still dark and overcast. The snow had eased slightly, but the wind remained fierce, cutting through their clothes like knives. Each step was deliberate and cautious, the treacherous terrain forcing them to move carefully. The world around them was eerily silent, the usual sounds of nature muffled by the thick blanket of snow.

Daz led the way, the map clutched in his gloved hand, his eyes scanning the horizon for familiar landmarks. The storm had obscured much of the landscape, making navigation challenging. But they pressed on, knowing that stopping could mean disaster.

Sarah walked beside Alex, her steps steady despite the harsh conditions. Frank followed close behind, his rifle slung across his back, his eyes constantly scanning for threats.

Hours stretched on, each step growing heavier. The cold was relentless, sapping their strength with every gust of wind. But Alex refused to slow down. They had to keep moving, stay ahead of their pursuers.

Suddenly, Daz raised a hand, signaling for them to stop. He crouched down, examining something in the snow.

"What is it?" Alex asked, his breath misting in the frigid air.

Daz stood slowly, his face pale. "Tracks."

Alex's heart skipped a beat. "Human?"

Daz nodded, his voice tight with tension. "Fresh. And there are more than one."

Frank cursed under his breath, tightening his grip on his rifle. "We've got company."

Alex scanned the horizon, his eyes narrowing. The tracks led further south, disappearing into the snow-covered landscape. Whoever they belonged to, they were close—too close.

"We stick to the plan," Alex said, his voice calm but resolute. "Keep moving. Stay low. Be ready for anything."

They resumed their trek, moving quickly but quietly, the tension palpable with each step. The enemy was near, but whether they were ahead or behind remained unclear. All they could do was keep moving and hope they weren't walking into a trap.

As they pressed forward, the snowfall began to ease, revealing more of the terrain. In the distance, Alex spotted something—movement. A group, barely visible through the trees, moving parallel to them.

He signaled for the others to stop, gripping his knife tightly.

"They're tracking us," Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible.

Alex nodded, his eyes fixed on the distant figures. "Stay low. We can't let them see us."

They crouched behind a snow-covered ridge, watching as the figures moved further into the trees. The group's pace quickened, the tension rising as they realized they were being pursued.

But Alex knew one thing for sure: They weren't going to be the prey for long.