Chapter 30

The forest enveloped them in darkness, the lingering scent of smoke thick in the air. Alex led the way, adrenaline coursing through him as he fought to catch his breath. Behind him, Jack and Frank kept pace, their heavy breaths mingling with the rustle of leaves.

"We need a safe spot to regroup," Alex said, glancing back to ensure everyone was still with him. Though the sounds of chaos had faded, the memory of the explosions loomed large in his mind, a stark reminder of their narrow escape.

Eva fell in step beside him, her face pale but resolute. "Do you think they'll come after us?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"They might," Alex replied, his thoughts racing. "But we've thrown them off for now. We need to keep moving."

Jack suddenly halted, a determined look crossing his face. "What about Sarah? We can't leave her behind."

Alex nodded, recalling the last time they'd seen her—a poignant reminder that their group was incomplete. "You're right. Let's head to the cave first. If she's waiting for us there, we can regroup."

They pushed on, urgency driving them through the thick underbrush. At last, they reached the small clearing that concealed the cave, moonlight filtering through the branches above. Relief washed over Alex as they approached, hoping Sarah was safe inside.

"Stay quiet," he urged, slipping into the cave's cool air, a welcome reprieve from the heat of their flight. The dim light revealed a familiar silhouette at the back.

"Alex! You made it!" Sarah exclaimed, rushing toward them, her relief palpable as she scanned their tense faces. "What happened? I was worried you'd gotten caught."

"We had a close call," Alex replied, catching his breath. "We blew up the ammo depot, but the guards are on high alert. We need to move quickly."

"What's the plan?" Sarah asked, concern etching her features.

Jack stepped forward, his tone serious. "We need to gather intel on the soldiers and their movements. But first, we should secure this area."

Eva nodded in agreement. "If we can figure out their patrol routes, we can set up a diversion to draw some of them away from their base."

Frank shifted, a thoughtful look on his face. "We should also check the perimeter for any supplies we can use."

"Right," Alex said, determination surging within him. "We'll split up tasks. Sarah, can you help scout the cave entrance? Make sure it's secure while we check for threats outside?"

"Of course," she replied, moving toward the entrance with focus.

As they prepared to leave, Alex hesitated, recalling the tension from their last encounter. "Wait. Let's check the ammo depot again. We might have missed something."

The group nodded, and they crept back to the depot, cautious of any remaining threats. Inside, the air was heavy with the smell of gunpowder and metal. They moved silently, scanning for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, they heard voices—a low murmur echoing from a side room. Alex motioned for silence, his heart racing. They edged closer, pressing against the wall to listen.

"I can't believe they blew the place," one voice said, frustration clear. "We're going to be short on supplies for weeks."

"Not if we get to the cache outside the city," another voice replied. "We can replenish what we lost. But we need to hurry before those idiots get caught."

Alex exchanged glances with Jack and Frank. They were clearly dealing with more than just guards—they had unwelcome visitors in the depot.

"We have to take them out," Jack whispered, his voice tense.

"No noise," Alex replied firmly. "We can't alert the rest of the base. Let's split up. I'll take the one on the left; Jack, you handle the right. Frank, you flank them from behind."

They nodded, moving with practiced stealth. Alex slipped into the shadows, positioning himself behind the first intruder. The man was distracted, fiddling with his gear, oblivious to the threat lurking just feet away.

With a swift motion, Alex lunged, clamping a hand over the man's mouth while using the other to pull him into the shadows. The intruder struggled but was no match for Alex's grip. Within moments, he lay still, breathing heavily but silent.

Meanwhile, Jack had taken down his target with equal efficiency. Frank quickly subdued the last intruder, ensuring they were all secured before they could raise an alarm.

"Nice work," Alex said, his voice barely above a whisper as they regrouped. "We'll need to tie them up. We can't risk them escaping and alerting the base."

As they worked, Eva's eyes widened. "What if they have intel? We should interrogate them."

Alex nodded, realizing the potential value of their prisoners. "Let's secure them first, then we can figure out what to do next."

Once the intruders were bound and gagged, Alex stepped back, looking at his group. "We need to find out what they know about the base and their movements."

"Who wants to do the questioning?" Jack asked, a hint of dark humor in his voice.

"I will," Eva volunteered, her determination shining through the fear. "They won't expect me to be aggressive."

"Alright," Alex said. "Keep it quiet and focused. We don't want anyone outside getting wind of this."

As Eva approached the nearest bound intruder, Alex felt a surge of hope. They might be able to gather critical information after all. The tension in the air was palpable, but this could turn the tide in their favor.

"Let's get to work," Alex urged, watching as Eva began her questioning. They had survived the night.