Chapter 12: Crystal Lake

As they continued through the dense foliage of the Great Forest, Sir Elias handed Oasis a small pill, its surface shimmering with an iridescent glow.

"Swallow this pill, Oasis," Sir Elias instructed, his voice low and urgent.

"It will mask your presence and eliminate even your scent. We must be cautious until we reach the lake, and we need to get there before nightfall."

Without hesitation, Oasis accepted the pill and swallowed it, trusting in Sir Elias without question.

As they walked deeper in the forest, Sir Elias began to speak, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom accumulated over years of experience.

"Oasis, in this world, there are countless mystical creatures, each with its own rank and level of danger," he explained, his tone grave.

"These creatures range from harmless to incredibly perilous, and it's crucial to understand their nature to survive."

"Mystic beasts are ranked from F to S, with each rank signifying their strength and ferocity," Sir Elias continued, his gaze scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.

"Starting from F rank, these creatures are typically not too dangerous. However, even within this rank, there are some docile creatures and others that can be incredibly vicious if provoked."

He paused for a moment, allowing Oasis to absorb the information before continuing.

"Moving up the ranks, we encounter E rank beasts, the most common of which are goblins. These creatures are highly aggressive, often traveling in groups and displaying a tenacious fighting spirit. They can pose a significant threat if we're not careful."

Sir Elias's voice grew more solemn as he delved into the higher ranks.

"Beyond E rank, we have D rank beasts, such as the bloodthorn goblins we encountered earlier. These creatures are evolved forms of their lower-ranked counterparts, possessing greater strength and cunning."

He continued, his voice steady as he outlined the ranks of mystic beasts.

"Also, it's important to note that among a group of beast species, there are different examples."

"Goblins, for instance, have ranks ranging from E-rank beasts up to C-rank. Additionally, on rare occasions, there are Goblin Lords at B-rank, although they are very rare."

"Then there are C, B, and A rank beasts, each more formidable than the last," Sir Elias explained, his expression grim.

"And finally, we have the S rank, the pinnacle of mystical creatures. These beings are incredibly rare and possess power beyond comprehension."

"They are the stuff of legends, and encountering one would be a fight for survival."

As Oasis listened to Sir Elias's words, a sense of awe and trepidation washed over him. He realized that the world beyond Mossy Hollow was far more dangerous and unpredictable than he had ever imagined.

"But rest assured, Oasis," Sir Elias reassured him, his voice filled with conviction.

"One day, with hard work and dedication, you will be strong enough to face and defeat a group of bloodthorn goblins. It may seem daunting now, but I have no doubt that you will rise to the challenge and emerge victorious."

As Sir Elias and Oasis trekked through the dense foliage of the Great Forest, they finally emerged into a clearing that took their breath away.

Before them stretched the Crystal Lake, its pristine waters shimmering like liquid diamonds under the golden hues of the setting sun.

The lake was a sight to behold, its surface reflecting the vibrant colors of the sky above. Dragonflies flitted about, their delicate wings catching the fading light as they danced above the water's edge.

Butterflies fluttered among the blooming wildflowers that dotted the shoreline, adding a splash of color to the tranquil scene.

The air around the lake hummed with a magical energy, as if they had stepped into another dimension entirely.

It crackled with the promise of untold mysteries and hidden wonders, filling Oasis and Sir Elias with a sense of awe and wonder.

"Wow," Oasis breathed, his voice barely a whisper as he took in the breathtaking sight before him. "It's... it's beautiful."

Sir Elias smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with pride.

"Yes, it is," he agreed, his voice filled with reverence.

"The Crystal Lake is a place of incredible beauty and magic. It's said that the waters here are blessed by the spirits of the forest, imbuing them with healing properties and mystical energy."

As they approached the lake, the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the water's surface.

The tranquil scene stirred something deep within Oasis's heart, a sense of peace and belonging washing over him like a gentle wave.

"This is it," Sir Elias said softly, his voice tinged with emotion as they finally arrived at the edge of the lake. "Our new home for the next eight month."

Oasis's eyes widened in wonder as he took in their surroundings. Nestled at the foot of a towering oak tree, a small cave beckoned to them, its entrance hidden by a curtain of ivy and moss.

"It's perfect," Oasis whispered, his voice filled with gratitude as he gazed up at Sir Elias.

As Sir Elias and Oasis marveled at the breathtaking sight of the Crystal Lake, Sir Elias reached into his cloak and withdrew a scroll adorned with intricate symbols and arcane markings.

With practiced precision, he unfurled the scroll, revealing a series of meticulously inscribed runes and sigils that danced across its surface.

With a focused expression, Sir Elias channeled his magic into the scroll, infusing it with his own energy.

As his magic intertwined with the script, a surge of power rippled through the parchment, activating the hidden enchantment contained within.

Instantly, the air around them began to hum with energy as the scroll's magic sprang to life.

Waves of shimmering light radiated from the parchment, weaving together to form a protective barrier that encircled the entire perimeter of the lake.

The barrier pulsed with a vibrant energy, its ethereal glow casting a soft luminescence over the tranquil waters of the Crystal Lake.

It expanded outward, creating an invisible barrier that stretched as far as the eye could see, warding off any potential threats and safeguarding their sanctuary.

As the last traces of magic faded from the scroll, Sir Elias rolled it up once more, the enchantment now complete.

With a satisfied nod, he tucked the scroll away, knowing that their haven at the Crystal Lake was now shielded from harm.

"There," Sir Elias said, his voice filled with quiet determination. "We are now protected."

Sir Elias clasped Oasis's shoulder, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. he said sincerely "Your training will now begin."