Happy endings do exist

Genevieve, having formally addressed the court, approached Anya. Her crimson dress, once a symbol of defiance, now seemed imbued with a newfound regality. As they reached a secluded corner, Genevieve reached out, her touch sending a familiar warmth through Anya.

"You did it," Genevieve said, her voice soft, a stark contrast to the commanding tone she'd used moments ago. "We did it."

Anya smiled, a genuine, tired smile. "Together," she corrected, her fingers brushing against Genevieve's.

A comfortable silence settled between them, a shared language that transcended words. Anya knew they would discuss the future – the challenges of ruling, the rebuilding of trust within the kingdom. But for now, they simply basked in the quiet intimacy of the moment.

Genevieve broke the silence, her voice barely a whisper. "Come," she said, "let us escape this celebratory chaos for a moment."

Anya followed her out of the throne room, the cool night air a welcome relief after the stifling atmosphere within. They walked along the palace gardens, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow on the manicured lawns and sculpted hedges.

They reached a secluded gazebo, its white latticework bathed in the silvery moonlight. Anya sank onto a cushioned bench, Genevieve settling beside her. A comfortable silence settled between them, punctuated only by the chirping of crickets.

"Anya," Genevieve began, her voice laced with a nervous tremor Anya had never heard before. "There's something I need to tell you."

Anya turned to face her, her heart skipping a beat at the vulnerability etched on Genevieve's usually stoic face. "Anything," she replied, her voice a gentle encouragement.

Genevieve took a deep breath. "These past few weeks," she began, "we've faced unimaginable challenges together. We've fought for justice, for the future of this kingdom, and for each other."

Anya's breath caught in her throat. The unspoken truth hung heavy in the air, a shared secret waiting to be acknowledged.

"And in the midst of it all," Genevieve continued, her hand reaching for Anya's, "a feeling blossomed between us, a connection that transcended friendship or duty."

Anya squeezed her hand back, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs. "I felt it too, Genevieve," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

A slow smile spread across Genevieve's face. "Good," she breathed, her thumb stroking a gentle circle on Anya's palm. "Because, Anya," she continued, her voice dropping to a husky murmur, "I love you."

The words hung in the air, a beautiful declaration that shattered the last vestiges of their unspoken feelings. Anya's eyes welled up with tears. "I love you too, Genevieve," she confessed, her voice thick with emotion.

Genevieve cupped Anya's face in her hand, her thumb wiping away a stray tear. Then, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Anya gasped, her eyes widening in surprise.

Tears welled up in Anya's eyes, blurring the image of the ring nestled within the box. Inside, nestled on a bed of white satin, lay a ring, a simple band of gold adorned with a single, sparkling diamond, intricately engraved with a design of two intertwined serpents – a symbol of their shared struggle, their unwavering bond.

"Anya," Genevieve began, her voice filled with a quiet intensity, "we have faced down a Tyrant and emerged victorious. Now, I face you, not as a Queen, but as a woman who loves you deeply. Anya, will you do me the honor of becoming my queen, not just by my side, but in my heart?"

This wasn't just a proposal; it was a declaration, a promise of a future built on love, trust, and a shared vision for their kingdom.

Anya's vision blurred with tears. She looked at the ring, then back at Genevieve, her heart overflowing with love and a newfound hope.

"Genevieve," Anya began, her voice trembling with a mix of excitement and uncertainty, "I don't know what to say. This is…it's more than I could have ever dreamed of."

Genevieve squeezed Anya's hand. "I know," she replied, her eyes filled with a tender love that mirrored the warmth in Anya's heart. "But I want you to know, Anya, this is more than just a declaration of love. It's a promise. A promise of a future together, a future where we can be ourselves, free from the constraints of this rigid court."

Anya's heart swelled with a mix of joy and trepidation. The future, once shrouded in uncertainty, now seemed filled with endless possibilities. Yet, a nagging doubt lingered.

"What about your father?" she asked, her voice soft. "Will he accept us?"

"I've spoken with my father," Genevieve continued, her gaze filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. "He's accepted our relationship."

Anya's breath caught in her throat. This was a revelation, a dream she hadn't dared to hope for. "Really?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Genevieve nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "He understands," she said, "that love knows no bounds, no societal restrictions."

Anya's eyes welled up with tears. This was more than she could have ever hoped for. The woman she loved, the woman who had stood by her through the darkest of times, was now accepted by her family.

"And what about the kingdom?" Anya asked, her voice filled with a mix of joy and uncertainty.

Genevieve's smile broadened. "I've assured him that our love will not interfere with our duties. We will continue to work for the betterment of the kingdom, together."

Anya's heart swelled with pride. Genevieve, her queen, was not just a lover, but a partner, a collaborator. Together, they would build a new era, a kingdom where love and justice reigned.

As they continued their stroll, the moon climbed higher, casting an ethereal glow over the palace. Anya and Genevieve, their hands clasped together, walked towards a future filled with promise.

"So how about it? Will you Marry me?" asked Genevieve with a smirk.

"Genevieve," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "yes. A thousand times, yes."

In the quiet of the moonlit gazebo, under the watchful gaze of the stars, Genevieve slipped the ring onto Anya's finger. It fit perfectly, a silent promise of a future built not just on duty, but on a love that had blossomed amidst the thorns of betrayal and bloomed into something extraordinary. The serpent had been vanquished, and in its place, a new dawn was breaking, a dawn illuminated by the promise of a kingdom ruled by love, justice, and a bond that defied definition.

As their lips met under the watchful gaze of the moon, a new chapter unfolded, not only for them but for the kingdom.


Moral of the Story: Live your life for you not for other people, because at the end of the day its your one and only life and it should be lived to the fullest with the person you love.