Chapter 18

Lightning flashed all over his body, and Luffy appeared in front of Garp as if he had teleported.

"This trick again, you need to realize logia elementalization is useless against me!"

Garp covered his arm with armament haki and punched down directly.

However, Luffy had no intention of confronting him head-on.

He just swayed in front of Garp, and then used the mobility of lightning to quickly change direction and come to his head.

"Go eat my feet, you stinky old man! Lightning Axe!"

Luffy right leg was wrapped in terrifying lightning, raised high above the head and chopped down.

Unfortunately, Garp had already captured it through his observation Haki, and easily raised his hand to block it. He also grabbed Luffy calf with his backhand and threw Luffy to the ground mercilessly.

Luffy couldn't help but scream in pain again.

Just as Garp swung his fist, wanting to teach this kid who didn't respect his elders a lesson.

A dazzling lightning flashed across Luffy's palm, and Garp was shaken, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his eyes.

Taking the opportunity to quickly stand up to Garp, Luffy had no intention of showing mercy.

Several consecutive Tempest Kicks flew out and hit Garp's chest head-on.

But under the unreasonable defense of the armament haki, Garp was not damage at all.

Even his clothes were safe and sound under the protection of the armament haki, which made Luffy very angry.

'Learn, I must learn Haki as soon as possible! '

He did two more backflips to distance himself, and after getting close to the wall, he stepped on it and charged up to launch himself.

He gathered all his strength and lightning into his fingertips, and flew to stab Garp's heart.

'Lightning mode : Finger Gun! '

Just as his attack was about to hit, the voice of the lookout on the mast suddenly rang out.

"Found it! Vice Admiral Garp, we found traces of the Iron Fist Pirates ahead!"


Hearing this, Garp dodged Luffy's attack and chopped him in the neck into the floor.


Another mouthful of blood spit out, and Luffy fainted.

Garp rubbed his wrist and asked Bogart for a telescope to observe.

Sure enough, in front of the right side of the warship, at the four o'clock direction.

A medium-sized three-masted sailing ship appeared in the field of vision.

But they seemed to have discovered Garp and his group as well.

The ship was turning around quickly, preparing to escape .

"Hahaha, I finally found them.

Brats, go full speed ahead. Today I want to see whose fist is stronger!"

Garp laughed and commanded the warship to speed up and chase after the pirate ship.

When he looked back, Luffy had already climbed out of the floor.

He was eating big mouthfuls of food to quickly recover from his injuries and fill his energy.

"Grandpa, how much is the bounty for the Iron Fist Pirates? They are very brave to have that name."

Garp watched the bruises on Luffy's face fade away quickly.

While feeling satisfied, he also thought narcissistically that Luffy is indeed his grandson, with a good talent.

"The Iron Fist Pirates, the captain is named Simon, born in the West Sea, and has only entered the Grand Line in recent months.

His bounty is 32 million. His characteristics are known from his name, he is very good at physical skills, especially boxing.

As for the others, only the vice captain with a bounty of 9.7 million has some strength."

"Oh, that doesn't sound good."

'It seems that he is a newcomer who just came from the four seas.

His strength may be similar to that of Original Luffy when he just entered the Grand Line in the canon.

Or maybe worse. '

After figuring this out, Luffy was no longer sleepy.

He finished the food in one breath.

Then he took a few deep breaths, and his originally bulging belly miraculously flattened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wounds on his face and the teeth in his mouth also recovered and grew back instantly.

Seeing this, Chil, who came over to deliver food, was amazed and envious.

Luffy didn't care about anything else, and quickly got close to Garp, and asked with a smile:

"Grandpa, leave this group of pirates to me. I want to test my strength."

Glancing at the brat, Garp sneered and said:

"Now you call me grandpa? Didn't you call me "stinky old man" happily just now?"

"Hehe, what are you talking about? Why don't I remember it?"

Luffy laughed and refused to admit it.

Garp was also annoyed by his thick skin, and snorted coldly and nodded in agreement:

"Humph, whatever you want, he's just a few tens of millions anyway, not worth my effort."

"Great, I won't be polite then."

With a cheer, Luffy turned and ran towards the marines who were carrying shells.

After borrowing a box of shells, he jumped directly onto the dog's head on the bow with it in his arms.

As the warship gradually approached, when the pirate ship was only 300 to 400 meters away from them.

Luffy took a deep breath, grabbed the shells with both hands, shouted, and threw the shells with all his strength.

"Canonball Fist!!!"


The cannonball moved in a straight line and arrived at the pirate ship in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, the position was a bit off, and it exploded more than ten meters away from the ship.

Luffy did not lose heart, and continued to pick up a cannonball and throw it over.

After several shots, the people on the pirate ship seemed to know that they could not escape, and finally plucked up the courage to start fighting back. Boom boom boom~

After several cannon shots, Luffy at the bow cursed inwardly and threw the cannonball in his hand directly.

Unfortunately, he missed again and failed to make the cannonballs of both sides collide in mid-air and explode to cancel each other out.

He had no choice but to use Tempest Kicks to block the incoming cannonballs.

Garp, Bogart, and Zier behind him had no intention of coming forward to help. They just stood there with their arms folded and watched him perform.

Boom boom boom~

Another volley

"Damn, throwing a broken cannonball is useless, it's better to rush over and do it directly."

After complaining, Luffy waved his hand and an electric net flew out, detonating all the cannonballs in the air.

Then he simply flashed away, leaving only bursts of lighning in the place

"This bastard boy, he obviously didn't practice well enough, but he actually blamed it on my special moves.

Damn it, wait and see how I deal with him when he comes back!!"

"Luffy has only been training for a few days, and it's already quite remarkable that he can reach this level."

Zier persuaded helplessly, but Garp was still furious.

Finally, Garp took out a loudspeaker and shouted towards the pirate ship:

"Luffy, you little brat, if you let a pirate escape, you'll never come back again!!"



[Up to Chapter 60 available and 10 chapter Weakly Update at]
