Chapter 22

Compared to Cook's shock, Luffy didn't care.

While Cook was still screaming, he had already eaten most of the food in the refrigerator.

"Hmm, this shredded squid is delicious, and this canned orange is also good.

Oh, and there is pudding, wow, this is super delicious, Cook, do you want to try it?"

"Hey, bastard! What are you doing? That was our midnight snack, and you ate it all!"

Cook looked at the mess in the refrigerator and rushed over, saying bitterly.

Luffy didn't care at all. After eating the last bite of pudding, he burped and looked around.

Suddenly he found something written behind the door, so he walked over curiously.

'The training will officially begin at 6 am tomorrow. Please get up early, wash up, and gather at the training yard before 5:50.

Please pack your personal belongings properly and keep the dormitory clean.

Snacks and drinks in the room will be replenished by a dedicated person every week.

If you finish eating early, please use the Den Den Mushi in the room to call 1122 to contact the logistics staff for supplies.

Before 12 o'clock at night, everyone must return to the dormitory, turn off the lights, and go to bed.

No noise or quarrels are allowed at night, and conflicts and fights are strictly prohibited.

Violators will be dealt with according to marine law, and serious offenders will be directly expelled from the elite training camp. '

The rules are not many, and they are not strict.

Luffy wrote them down after reading them once, and told Cook the above content.

Cook was a little surprised after listening, "That's it? That's all?"

"Well, no more"

"I'm sure now, we are here to enjoy life."

Cook nodded, and coming to this conclusion, he was not polite.

He directly picked up the Den Den Mushi in the room and asked someone to send more snacks and drinks over.

The reason was that there was a giant foodie in his dormitory, which confused the receptionist.

Before the food was delivered, Luffy decided to go out and visit new neighbour at Cook's suggestion.

The next room, dormitory No. 112.

Knock knock knock~

"Hello, is anyone there? I am the new neighbour at No. 113 next door, and I want to make your acquaintance."

Cook knocked on the door gently and told them why he was here.

They asked him to wait for a while, and soon the door was opened.

A tall young man with pink hair opened the door and walked out, smiling and introducing himself to them:

"Hello, new students. I'm Binz, and I just arrived today.

Come in first, and I'll introduce my roommates to you."

After saying that, he made way and invited the two to come in.

The two of them didn't hesitate to say thank you and walked into dormitory 112.

After looking around and finding that the layout of the room was similar to theirs,

Cook locked his eyes on the white-haired young man who had just gotten out of bed and rubbed his eyes, as if he had been sleeping before.

"Um, sorry to disturb your rest.

I am Cook from next door, a newcomer who just reported in.

This is my friend Luffy, we are both classmates who graduated from the new recruit camp of the headquarters this year."

The white-haired young man saw that it was his neighbour who came to visit, and he also stood up and smiled and stretched out his hand to greet him:

"It's okay, I came here yesterday and have slept all day."

He shook hands with Cook and Luffy.

The young man was surprised to see Luffy, who was obviously young, but soon smiled and calmed down, and began to introduce himself.

"I'm Gavin, I've been in the Marine for two years, and I'm here today on the recommendation of the Chief of the East Sea Branch."

At this time, Binz, who opened the door for the two, came over with a drink and distributed a can to each of the three.

After thanking him, Luffy asked Gavin in surprise:

"Are you from East Blue too? Which branch?"

"Hey, Luffy, are you from the East Blue too? I'm from the 77th branch."

Gavin was very surprised. He didn't expect to meet a fellow east bluer when he first arrived at the headquarters. Luffy shook his head, "No, my hometown is the Goa Kingdom in the East Blue.

It's just that my grandfather brought me to the headquarters when I was born."

"The Kingdom of Goa, sounds like something I remember."

Gavin stroked his chin and thought carefully. He seemed to have heard of this country from Captain Brin.

But he couldn't remember it clearly. He only remembered that a veteran marine officer had some connection with it.

"Binz, what about you? Where are you from?"

Luffy turned to ask Binz. He remembered this character who appeared in the movie and he became interested.

"Me? My hometown is just an ordinary, unknown island on the Grand Line. I was lucky enough to be spotted by the local branch and later recommended here."

"Luck is also a part of strength. If you are lucky to an exaggerated degree, the enemy will be dead without you having to do anything."

Cook joked with a smile, and everyone smiled slightly, then raised their drinks and clinked glasses.

"Do you know? I asked around yesterday and there are more than 100 students in our elite camp.

I don't know how many will stay when they graduate."

After drinking something that seemed to be watermelon juice, Luffy nodded and replied:

"I asked before I came here, and heard from a certain white-haired smoker that no more than half of the elite camp graduates in the end.

Based on 100 people, there may be only about 40 people left in the end."

"40 people, this is too exaggerated, I don't know if I can stay."

Binz heard this number and suddenly felt a little unconfident.

Luffy didn't expect that his personality when he was young would be like this, without the confidence to dance anytime and anywhere in the future.

Cook saw his worry and hurriedly comforted this new friend:

"It doesn't matter. Being able to enter the elite camp already shows that you have the potential.

After that, it's just a matter of whether you work hard or not. As long as you work hard enough, you will have no problem graduating from the elite camp successfully."

Gavin also chimed in to comfort his roommate.

"That's right, the elimination rate of the elite camp is so high.

It's mainly to eliminate some unqualified guys, such as the second generation who were paid to get in."

As he said this, he paused and looked around at the three people with an uncertain look.

"There shouldn't be such a guy among us, right?"

The three of them shook their heads, and Gavin was relieved.

"But..."Cook deliberately prolonged his tone, looked at Luffy with a smile, and said in a sarcastic tone:

"There might not be an idiot young master among us, but there is a big boss with a strong background."


[Read up to 50+ chapter ahead and more Weakly Chapter Update at]
