A Night of Terror

As Chen Liuhe gradually approached, Qin Ruohan remained calm and composed. She couldn't believe that someone as clearly inexperienced and rustic as Chen Liuhe would dare to pose a threat to her.

Looking at his sweat-stained shirt, worn-out liberation shoes, and suit pants—worth less than fifty bucks combined—she thought, what kind of courage could such a person have?

But she was wrong. Just as she was maintaining her composure, Chen Liuhe suddenly accelerated and, in the blink of an eye, was right in front of her.

In Qin Ruohan's terrified gaze, Chen Liuhe grabbed her arm and yanked her to the side.

At the same moment, a deafening "thud" sounded as the window glass shattered, and fragments of the wooden coffee table next to Qin Ruohan's previous position flew everywhere. A smoking bullet hole appeared.

"Keep quiet. If you want to stay alive, shut up. There's a sniper!" Chen Liuhe snapped at Qin Ruohan, who was about to scream. The fear made her shiver uncontrollably.

She saw the smoking bullet hole and was instantly terrified, realizing she had narrowly escaped death.

Chen Liuhe was fuming inside. He couldn't believe his bad luck had led to this. If it hadn't been for his exceptional sense of danger, honed through countless life-threatening situations, Qin Ruohan would likely be dead right now.

"Bang!" Another shot rang out, shattering another piece of the window glass. Chen Liuhe, ignoring everything else, quickly rolled with Qin Ruohan and avoided a sniper bullet that pierced the floor.

Without delay, Chen Liuhe scooped up Qin Ruohan and darted to turn off all the lights in the living room. Instantly, the room was engulfed in pitch darkness.

The two hid behind the bar counter at the entrance. From the steady sound of Chen Liuhe's breathing, it was clear he was completely calm and collected, exhibiting an unusual level of composure.

Through small gaps, Chen Liuhe glanced at the rooftop of an apartment building across the street. His vision couldn't reach hundreds of meters away, but he was certain he could pinpoint the sniper's position within three meters!

"Domestic KUB-88 sniper rifle, with a maximum range of one kilometer," Chen Liuhe precisely identified the sniper's weapon. "Tsk, using a sniper rifle with such range and powerful penetration indicates an experienced shooter."

"Bang!" Another loud noise, and a sniper bullet went through the bar counter's wooden panel, narrowly missing Chen Liuhe's neck.

Terrified, Qin Ruohan, clinging to Chen Liuhe, screamed and held onto him tightly. She looked at Chen Liuhe, who remained unfazed, not even a muscle twitching on his face.

After waiting for a few more seconds with no further sounds, Chen Liuhe glanced down at the shivering Qin Ruohan and said, "Alright, stop screaming. The sniper has left."

"How do you know?" Qin Ruohan was genuinely scared. She had never experienced such a scene before; it was something out of a movie.

"As a professional sniper, the most instinctive reaction when a kill shot fails is to retreat immediately. If they don't, they become easy targets for encirclement. This is a fundamental response for any sniper," Chen Liuhe explained casually.

Of course, this was the standard response. But for a sniper of Chen Liuhe's caliber, he often made a habit of taking a smoke at the sniper's spot after killing the target, waiting for people to surround him, and then taking them all out.

"Heh, beautiful lady, it seems you're not an ordinary person if someone's using a sniper rifle to kill you," Chen Liuhe said, standing up nonchalantly, not concerned that the sniper might return.

Even if the sniper had a perfect view of Chen Liuhe, they would still find it difficult to harm him. A seasoned sniper, from aiming to shooting, required time—unfortunately for them, Chen Liuhe's reaction speed was far superior. He could accurately judge and dodge the shot at the very moment the sniper fired.

This was his terrifyingly exceptional skill!

"You really had a rough night. Now, you can pay me. Eight hundred bucks, no negotiation. I saved your life; it's definitely a bargain," Chen Liuhe said calmly, surprisingly composed for someone who had just experienced a shooting.

"I can pay you, whatever amount you want, but please don't leave. I'm terrified," Qin Ruohan pleaded, gripping Chen Liuhe's clothing. Her fear was palpable. At this moment, Chen Liuhe was her lifeline.

Even if someone were foolish, they would realize Chen Liuhe was not an ordinary person.

"Ha, scared, are we? Don't try to play the innocent. If someone can bring a sniper for you, you're no simple character," Chen Liuhe scoffed. He turned on the living room lights and said, "Even if you're scared, you should call the police. What's the use of finding me? Besides, if they dare to use a sniper, they likely aren't afraid of you reporting it. Take care of yourself."

"You really won't help me? I know you're not an ordinary person and have the ability to help," Qin Ruohan's misty eyes were filled with desperation.

Chen Liuhe shook his head. "Unfortunately, you misjudged me. I'm just an ordinary person and can't handle such dangerous matters."

Hearing this, Qin Ruohan felt disheartened. "Fine, we're not related, and I shouldn't have dragged you into such a dangerous situation." She took out a stack of money from her purse and handed it to Chen Liuhe. "You saved my life. This is your reward."

Chen Liuhe smiled and didn't take the whole stack but pulled out eight bills. "I'm a person of principle. I won't charge more than what's fair. I'll take only what's mine and nothing more."

Despite his righteous words, he longed to pocket the entire amount. However, he was wary of Qin Ruohan potentially causing trouble for him. To be safe, Chen Liuhe decided to only take what he was owed.

"By the way, here's a friendly tip: the sniper earlier probably didn't really intend to kill you. It's likely they just wanted to scare you. Keep that in mind."

Chen Liuhe had assessed from the first shot that even if he hadn't tackled the beautiful homeowner, the shot would have only grazed her delicate face, unlikely to be fatal.

Soon after Chen Liuhe left, an anxious and frightened Qin Ruohan received a call from an unknown number. Hearing the voice on the other end, she became enraged. "Give up. I will never let your wild desires succeed!"

Chen Liuhe, who had just reached downstairs, heard her furious words and smiled. He didn't expect her to be so fiery.

Chen Liuhe wasn't someone who would help others out of the goodness of his heart, nor was he a cold-blooded executioner. He didn't want to see the beautiful homeowner in danger and not lend a hand, but he knew she likely wasn't in real danger. The person targeting her had other motives, not aiming to kill her.

Moreover, Chen Liuhe had seen too many such situations, so many that he had become somewhat numb. Having finally escaped the world of deceit and danger, he wasn't eager to invite more unnecessary trouble.

Climbing onto his old tricycle, Chen Liuhe looked up at the floor where the beautiful homeowner lived, shaking his head with a wry smile. "It seems being a versatile handyman is a high-risk job. I'll need to find a different path."

The next morning, Chen Liuhe prepared breakfast: pickles and porridge. After he and his sister finished eating, he continued his routine of delivering Shen Qingwu to school on his tricycle.

Throughout the day, Chen Liuhe pedaled his old tricycle through the streets, doing the everyday tasks of ordinary people to make a living.

Of course, Chen Liuhe had a new task today: job hunting. He visited over ten recruitment companies with his incomplete resume, but none of them showed any interest. Each one gave him a disdainful look upon seeing his resume and told him to leave.

After yet another failed interview, Chen Liuhe, with a dejected expression, walked out of a real estate company, feeling somewhat disheartened. He squatted by his old tricycle, smoking and staring at his resume.

What's wrong with this resume? Are the interviewers blind? Don't they see the exceptional qualities I possess?

If anyone knew Chen Liuhe's thoughts at that moment, they would surely spit in his face.

This is what he called a resume?

Name: Chen Liuhe

Age: 25

Gender: You decide

Education: Infinite

Skills: Capable of anything

Work Experience: Served in the army, carried guns, dodged bullets, suffered injuries, and was sent to the southwest for deep reform.

Especially the last point. Everyone eventually discovered that this shameless person's so-called "deep reform" meant serving time in a prison in the southwest, making him a genuine labor reform convict.

And look at the gender, education, skills—what nonsense is this? For such an imprecise resume, every interviewer would immediately pass.

Moreover, with Chen Liuhe's criminal record, it's no surprise he couldn't find a job.

What's more, Chen Liuhe was aiming for managerial-level positions, and if he managed to get a job, it would be a crazily unlikely situation!