Chapter 0074 Both wise and brave

Fu Jianfeng saw the impasse, he was terrified, rushed up and hugged Chen Liuhe's feet: "Six brother, six master, you forgive me, I was wrong, I am not a thing, please tell them to interdict, I don't want to go to jail ah."

Chen Liuhe trampled Fu Jianfeng to the ground with a foot, and even had no interest in saying a word to him, for him, Fu Jianfeng did all this, even if it was not enough to die ten times or eight times!

"What about Qin Ruohan and the other two women you brought in? Now that the truth has been revealed, they still don't release the person?" Chen Liuhe looked around and said.

"Let him go, what are you still doing?" Li Tie finished, nature is the deputy director to take charge, deputy director hurriedly opponent under the people roared.

Not two minutes, Qin Ruohan three people were brought out of the interrogation room, when they saw the three people, Chen Liuhe's face suddenly gloomy down.

This is only less than two hours, Qin Ruohan's face has become extremely haggard, his face even has a clear palm print, the corners of his mouth are bruised, and a little blood did not have time to wipe.

And little girl with red sister two people more miserable, dishevelled, red sister's hair wet, the whole person is in a coma, is carried out.

"Sixth brother, you quickly let someone send sister Red to the hospital ah, she was just covered with a towel face water, has been hypoxia passed out." Small yuan a see Chen Liuhe face grievance cry out.

'Animal! Chen Liuhe turned and kicked on Li Tie's chest, and Li Tie's whole body flew out, hitting the wall and tumbling to the ground, clutching his chest and contorting his face.

"Hey, how can you beat someone at the police station? Stop it!" Around the police chaos, someone rushed up to stop Chen Liuhe.

No matter whether Li Tie is a criminal or not, they can't stand to see Li Tie being beaten in person, right? What if someone gets killed?

"Get out of here! Chen Liuhe's expressionless spit out a word, that look, that chill, scared these police officers are a step back, swallow hard, did not dare to come forward to stop.

Chen Liuhe walked to Li Tie as if no one were there, Li Tie's face was ugly as eggplant, he struggled to get up, his face was panicked: "What do you want?" Don't mess around, this is a police station!"

"Police station?" Chen Liuhe did not drop his voice, and another foot, Li Tie screamed, and was trampled down by him, and a tooth fell out, a mouth of blood.

"For selfish desires, you really can do anything, but you still stand every day under the heavy words' serve the people ', your conscience has been eaten by dogs?" Don't people like you deserve death by a thousand cuts?" Chen Liuhe's heart burns with anger.

Perhaps because Qin Ruohan face palm print and mouth bruising, or perhaps because of the tragedy of the red sister, in short, Chen Liuhe heart anger straight up.

They were victims, framed, but instead of getting a fair trial, they were treated inhumanely, not by coercion.

Chen Liuhe is not a good man, let alone a clay bodhisattva, when he is angry, he will be very scary!

"You don't mess around," Li Tie was terrified by the momentum of Chen Liuhe, and the tone was trembling.

Chen Liuhe stepped on his face, hard to grind a circle, Li Tie slap face become bloody, he issued a ghost howl howl howl, spread through the office hall.

"That's enough! I know that you have been treated unfairly today, and that your stomach is full of grievances, but that is no reason for you to openly hit someone, now stop!" Deputy Director Gao wanted to see nothing, but look at Chen Liuhe that cruel, let him have some bottomless, had to stop.

"Brother Chen calmed down." Xu Shirong also opened his mouth to advise, Chen Liuhe is not wise.

"Is that enough? Not enough. I'm doing the people a favor." Chen Liuhe did not return to the head, when he was angry, Tianwang Laozi could not stop him!

Down the body, Chen Liuhe picked up Li Tie, grabbed each other's head hard hit on the strong.

"Bang" Li Tie seven halo eight element, head bleeding, blood along the head quickly dyed red face.

"Fuck you!" With his eyes open, Li Tieheng took out a gun in his waist and shot Chen Liuhe.

"Bang! Everyone stared, but the bullet did not shoot through Chen Liuhe's body, but passed through his waist and hit the ceiling.

Chen Liuhe face unchanged, a seized Li Tie's pistol, a hand to him hard up, stick against the gun, at the same time, Chen Liuhe put the muzzle into Li Tie's mouth.

"Do you believe I will kill you?" Chen Liuhe looked cold.

At this moment, not to mention Li Tie, everyone else was scared.

"Chen Liuhe, what do you want? Li Tie will be punished by the law, and if you kill him, you will also destroy yourself. It is not worth it. Please be sensible!" Gao Deputy Director scared look panicked, hurriedly said.

Li Tie, who had been lifted in mid-air, had his eyes full of terror, his body was shaking, and his throat was crying desperately for mercy.

"Ka-ching! Chen Liuhe pulled the trigger, suddenly issued a light sound almost did not let everyone's heart follow convulsions.

It turned out to be an empty sound, not a jam, because they noticed at this time that the magazine did not know when it had been removed by Chen Liuhe, and was lying quietly at his feet.

"You're lucky I'm a law-abiding citizen." Chen Liuhe sneered and let go of Li Tie.

Li Tie directly limp to the ground, crotch and pant legs are a piece of damp, pungent smell out, unexpectedly was Chen Liuhe scared of incontinence.

"Hoo" everyone was relieved at the same time, unconsciously were scared out of a sweat.

Just Chen Liuhe is really too terrible, a murderous air as cold as ice, no one will suspect that he really dare to kill.

'Arrest him! Deputy Director Gao came back to God, but there was no police action, not that they did not want to ah, but that they did not dare to move the horrible young man in front of them, the deterrent was too great.

"Are you sure you want to arrest me?" Chen Liuhe looked askance at Deputy Director Gao.

Deputy Director Gao said with dignity: "Although I also want to say a big welcome for your approach, but touching the law is touching the law, I can't take it as not seeing, I'm afraid you can't go tonight."

"Gao Bureau, Chen brother is also impulsive, forget it?" Xu Shirong intercedes.

Deputy Director Gao shook his head ruthlessly, so many people were watching, where did he dare to turn a blind eye? Otherwise, won't he be cut from the same cloth as Li Tie?

Chen Liuhe looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 10:30. He frowned and said, "You can't catch me. It's late. If I don't go back, my little sister will be worried."

"Well, I want to see if anyone can escape the king's law?" Deputy Director Gao waved his hand and shouted to the police: "Why are you still staring?" Arrest someone!"

However, just at this moment, the phone in Deputy Secretary Gao's pocket suddenly rang, it was his immediate supervisor, the head of the District Bureau.

"Gao, what the hell? Has the matter of Li Tie branch been handled yet? I tell you, we must be fair and strict, give Chen Liuhe a clean, if he lost a hair, I am asking for you!"

The phone came fast, hang up fast, is a full of anger reprimand, but let Gao deputy director be frightened, inconceivable look at Chen Liuhe.

He was wrong? The young man in front of you has such great eyes? Let the head of the district bureau personally call to ask!

Just and stern after directly said to Chen Liuhe a clean, as long as not a fool know what it means.

He immediately gave a bitter smile and said: "Chen Liuhe, underestimate you, you are the real hidden deep ah."

After saying this, he waved his hand: "Forget it, you go, Li Tie is also deserving of crime, and it is reasonable for you to vent your resentment in your heart."

The fast change let people fall eyes, Chen Liuhe is placid shrug, beckoning, with Qin Ruohan swagger out of the police station.

Red sister was also carried out, sat in a police car, went straight to the hospital, accompanied by little girl.

Outside the police station, the sky was like ink and a crescent moon hung high.

Chen Liuhe took a breath and smiled, "The air outside is still good."

Qin Ruohan is still in a state of confusion and shock, she does not understand how they were suddenly released, how Li Tie and Fu Jianfeng several people were so executed?

You know, when she was in the interrogation room just now, she was once desperate, and she was tortured into confessing, and she even felt that she was going to fail this time.

It all turned so fast, so suddenly!

"Chen Liuhe, how did you do it?" Qin Ruohan asked like a dream.

Chen Liuhe smiled: "Black is black, white is white, this is not what you said yourself?"

Xu Shirong, who came out with a smile, said, "General Qin, you are really lucky, with Brother Chen such a big gentleman by your side, I see you ah, in the future, it is really the sky falling all have no fear."

Said, Xu Shirong sincerely to Chen Liuhe put up a thumbs up: "Chen brother, brother only two words, admire, this thing I really took, wisdom and courage double all these four words used to describe you, it is more appropriate."

Qin Ruohan did not know so: "Boss Xu, what happened?"

Xu Shirong smiled the whole thing, including Chen Liuhe to teach Huang million of the three things succinctly said, surprised Qin Ruohan face of incomprehensible, a face of worship looked at Chen Liuhe.

Isn't this guy so sick? It's all figured out!

"Chen Liuhe, how on earth did you do that?" Qin Ruohan asked about the same words again, but the meaning was different.

Chen Liuhe understated: "Very simple, since we are white, then they must be black, want to plant evidence, you must lie, as long as I put their lies through, everything will be broken."

"It's that simple?" Qin Ruohan was surprised.

"Of course, for some people with big breasts and no brains, it's still a little difficult," Chen quipped.

Qin Ruohan this rare not angry, his face is still full of wonder, and full of happiness.

This guy's sudden birth, just like her Prince charming in the fairy tale, as long as they are in danger, there is no he can not pull the tide!