Chapter 0185: Great Feelings

So many people, so big battle, so ruthless situation, before and after less than ten minutes, it's okay?

This again let Qin Mo thick surprised to see him at a glance, in that case just now, Chen Liuhe can still come back intact, and see that nothing happened, she suspected that this guy is in the end with those people talking, or with those people fighting it?

She now finally knew why Shen Qingwu had been so calm and unworried from beginning to end, because she had already known that Chen Liuhe would not have any accidents at all, or she had enough understanding of Chen Liuhe's abnormal fighting force to conclude that those people could not cause him any harm.

She wondered what was going on in her heart, and there were ripples in her heart.

"Chen Liuhe, are you doing too many immoral things? Let the enemies come to the door, or such a big battle, wish to chop you up, what kind of revenge?" Qin Mo Nong asked, of course, the tone is not without a trace of irony.

Chen Liuhe smiled and said, "Hey, people are narrow-minded now, the last time I went to whoring, I just met their boss, two people also saw the same girl, and finally the girl was convinced by my handsome appearance, the boss didn't hate me?" You brought someone here tonight to chop me up? Do you think I'm wrong? Everyone depends on the level of appearance, I am better and it is very frustrating."

Qin Mo thick nature will not believe Chen Liuhe's nonsense, immediately turned a disgusted big eyes, also too lazy to go to the bottom of the matter, in short, she found that in front of this slutty deception of women's feelings of the man is she can not see through.

"Uncle Chen, Niu Bi, your shameless degree has reached the peak of the realm, is definitely my model, strongly request to put in the textbook for us to learn." Zhao Rudong ungrudgingly extended a thumb and praised repeatedly.

Not waiting for him to continue to suck up to heaven, Shen Qingwu cast a not salty not light eyes, the voice is slow: "How is the moral copy?"

Hearing the words, Zhao Rulong's fairly neat face suddenly collapsed, like a frost-beaten eggplant, how to say: "There are still seventeen chapters"

Lifting his eyelids, Shen Qingdance said plain: "Can you back?" Recite it again."

"Uh" Zhao Roulong's small eyes called a panic ah, embarrassed, or stiff-headed: "That road can be road, very road." A good name, a very good name. The nameless beginning of heaven and earth, the mother of all things. Uuhh"

Look at Zhao Ru long that obviously can not back the look, Chen Liuhe smiled: "So often no desire to see its wonderful, often want to see its exciting." The two are named with the same name, the same is called the mysterious, the mysterious and the mysterious, the wonderful door."

Without missing a word, the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching was filled, and Chen Liuhe laughed and scolded: "You can't even memorize the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching, is it embarrassing?" If someone like you still acts as a pretender, he is at best an uneducated low-level rascal who will never be able to ascend to the hall of elegance in his life."

"Uncle Chen, do not bring such a stone, you say light, the full text of the Tao Te Ching 1700 words, you can recite?" Zhao Rudong said unconvinced.

Chen Liuhe shrugged his shoulders and was too lazy to answer, but Shen Qingwu seemed to deliberately attack Zhao Rulong and said: "Do not have to compare with him, you are far from qualified, he has the four books and five classics back at the age of seven, moral classics can be his nonsense to pick up girls to frighten people, he was seven years old realm don't say you now, again, in another ten years, you are not necessarily up to."

Smell speech, let alone Zhao Ru long was fooled a leng leng, even Qin Mo Nong is also surprised to stare at Chen Liuhe more than a few eyes, seven years old familiar back four books five classics?

Is that true? To know that this is not a vernacular, but difficult to understand the classical Chinese, the meaning of esoteric inexplicable, contains the sage's great feelings and ideological realm, read is difficult to understand, back up naturally very difficult.

However, this from the mouth of Shen Qing dance, also can not tolerate Qin Mo thick to question, because she knows Shen Qing dance's character, never empty words.

When did you begin to read the Four books and the five Classics? Was she like 12 or 13? Thought of here, her face can not help but blush, she is the rising star of education in the world of education, even than the present slingshot when the cynical guy

Zhao Ru Long worship looked at Chen Liuhe, just did not kneel down, if let him know, Chen Liuhe was hard to read the four books and five classics, just to make himself better pretend to pick up girls, do not know how will do

"Whether you are inspirational to do Hangzhou's top fopper, or inspirational to do Hangzhou's biggest scum, remember, the belly inside can not be empty, the gold of the outside of the inside of the people, have no inkling, can not withstand scrutiny, will always be inferior people."

Chen Liuhe lazily said: "Only the belly has the goods, can go further and further on the road of loading force, with my rich experience to tell you that there is no disadvantage, there is no loading force, there is no bubble can not get the girl."

"Don't look at the brothers have not read the book for a few years, even the junior high school diploma is not, but the ink in the stomach of the brothers, there are still a few catties." Chen Liuhe said rather complacently.

Qin Mo Nong was astonished: "This is the reason to support your hard reading of the Four books and five classics?"

Chen Liuhe turned his eyelids and said, "Otherwise? What am I reading this stuff for?"

Qin Mo Nong disdained, Chen Liuhe in her heart just established some of the positive image collapsed, she laughed: "Sure enough, a person's moral character determines his ideological realm, the starting point is always so dark."

"I am not those who shout slogans every day to promote culture, uphold justice, but behind the dirty things, sanctimonious hypocrites, brothers never hide their great feelings deep inside." Chen Liuhe spoke loudly.

"To be a cultured rascal? To cheat with a few drops of ink on your body?" Qin Mo Nong curled his mouth: "It is simply a fallacy."

"Neither myth nor truth can deny the fact that I am awesome." Chen Liuhe shamelessly said.

Qin Mo thick disgust rolled his eyes, are too lazy to talk to Chen Liuhe more than what, in short, she found that this guy no matter standing in any point of view of any position, there is a smart mouth.

"Uncle Chen, high, is simply high, you are my model, quickly teach me two moves, let your heroic majesty shining on my naive and ignorant mind." Zhao Rulong very shameless holding Chen Liuhe thigh.

Qin Mo thick speechless: "really wrong people's children!"

Chen Liuhe is also a foot to kick Zhao Ru long: "Quickly roll aside to copy the book, uncle hungry, want to bowl noodles pressure."