A Sudden Meeting

"I'm not a child, Merlin; when I am done, I'll call you to come pick me up," a lone figure said adamantly before turning off his phone and stuffing it into his pocket.

The figure took slow and steady steps as it wandered through the company's main corridor, his footsteps echoing through the hollow space as each step he took was followed by the awakening of the lights which had felt his presence. He passed through the entrances of each department, drifting through doorway after doorway, only taking a few seconds to look at each department until he reached a certain one.

He paused after opening the door, staring blankly as the formerly dark place became bright.

Right before him was a huge banner with the words- Happy Birthday. There were traces of struggle on the banner as if someone had been trying to remove it, but it stubbornly remained before being left, presumably to be dealt with the next day by the said person out of frustration.

The figure finally moved, his formerly steady steps filled with heaviness and hesitation, but soon he was in front of the banner, his long, slender, pale hands tracing its tattered edges wistfully. Within the silence, a sniff was heard, and the figure broke down weeping.


"Ngggh…." Elara moaned as she stretched her aching body. Turning off the alarm, she arranged the items she had been using, packed her stuff, and began her journey home.

'So tired… I'll have to change my plans, sleep in as soon as I get home and complete everything by midnight.'

Yawning as she walked out of her department's entrance to the main corridor, she was intrigued to find the entrance lights of the animator's department on. That was odd, someone was there?

Wasn't she, apart from the security guards, the only one still around?

"Well, none of my business am too hungry for this!" Elara exclaimed dramatically before walking away towards the main corridor… only to turn right back.

'Fuck! I let my curiosity win me over! But seriously why is someone there? They're usually the earliest bunch to leave even during projects since they had equipment at home to complete their work, so, how come?'

She stealthily walked through the entrance until she reached the doorway, and sneaking in a glance, her eyes were met with the well-defined back of a blonde male. She nearly gasped in awe; if their back was so good-looking, how would the front be? Wait, isn't this person…! Fuck! It's the CEO! Oh shit!

Elara's mind rattled in panic and just as she was about to tiptoe away in a flurry, she heard a painful gasp startling her. Was the CEO okay?

She stopped dead in her tracks but was cautious enough not to rush towards the male. But she couldn't shake off her worry; what if the next day he died and after checking the cameras, they blamed her for not saving him?! Even worse, a life would be gone because of her cowardice! But dear boss, what the hell are you doing? If you're sick, move to a hospital, you can more than afford it!

Or was it a unique constitution that kicked in certain cases?!

Elara's mind was running through so many thoughts but the conclusion landed on the fact that she had to intrude. So, curtailing her reluctance, she took slow steps toward the steady figure, her heartbeat elevating with each step. When the male didn't move, even till she was two feet away, she gritted her teeth and decided to throw all caution to the wind.

Tapping the shoulder before her, her heart constricted as the male flinched and when he turned back to face her, she stumbled back with a fluster.

She found herself dazzled. After all, she had only ever heard about the beauty of the Neva Medias' CEO and had never seen it, even in pictures, mostly because she always forgot to search for it even after planning to because of her co-worker's enticement.

And maybe she was being punished for it because nothing could prepare her for the type of beauty that stood before her.

The man towered over her and she had to look right up to properly gauge his features.

He was a broad-chested young man around 6 feet something tall, with a lean yet athletic build. He had an angular face with high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a straight nose. His thin red lips stroke a beautiful contrast to his pale skin, and his full brows and lashes softened his features, giving him a more androgynous look.

Combined with his medium layered platinum blonde hair that fell just past his ears and stunning almond gray eyes, he looked like the biblically accurate description of Lucifer. He was a vision of loveliness, representing everything a human shouldn't possess, indeed, such beauty shouldn't be held by a human!

No wonder he was sorted after by everyone alike both male and female, regardless of gender. This guy could turn a chronically straight man gay with just his presence! Did he come from a bloodline of angels? Holy hell, he was simultaneously the most attractive male, female, and human. What the fuck?!

"You… what is it?" The gorgeous blonde asked coldly, all traces of weeping had mysteriously disappeared. But Elara had keen eyesight and could see the hidden traces, messy streaks of tears probably wiped in a hurry, along with the redness in his eyes that hadn't abated.

Snapping out of her daze, she immediately replied, "Sorry for intruding, sir; I was worried something was wrong with you, so I interrupted your privacy. My deepest apologies!"

Seeing the sincerity in her apology, the blonde calmed down, retracing his menacing aura but the suspicion in his eyes did not abate. He still upheld his stern demeanor, but inside, he was panicking; just how reckless could he be to have allowed some random staff to catch him in this situation? He wouldn't even want his assistant to catch him, talk more of another staff!


"Here sir. I know I might be intruding but I can help you! You can just talk and I'll listen…" Elara blurted out in a panic, "O-o-or I'll talk and you'll listen, anyone that helps!"

'Please don't fire me; oh God, I should have left when I could.'

As much as she was just throwing around random crap in an attempt to save her distressed ass, deep down, she did want to help; something about the man's situation… reminded her very vividly about her situation back then. No one helped her; rather, no one could help her, but she somehow managed to overcome it all and came out even stronger.

She knew how it was then, that despair, that terror that encapsulated one when they found out every path was blocked; that there was no solution to the problems that kept on spawning, that feeling was the absolute worst.

"Do you even know who I am?" the man asked condescendingly, his haughty eyes boring a hole into Elara's clear ones. He found himself startled by the clarity, there was nothing there, no scorn, no calculations, just a strong desire to help.

It was either she was a master at shadowing her intentions or she was sincere. He refused to believe the latter, although he trusted his ability to see through deception; in the end, he was human, and there was always someone out there who could do better; maybe this young lady before him was just the one.

Well, there was only one way to find out then.

"Speak. I'll listen."

Elara smiled, her eyes sparkling with delight as her chubby cheeks puffed up in a charming manner startling the man. This lady…. was kind of cute when she smiled.

"Before that, will you please take this hanky to wipe your face, Mr Terrence? I'll try my best to make sure you feel better after this session."