
After having an amazing time at the pet store, Terra and Elara left the store wearing a pair of matching outfits with cute puppies branded on them, hamster keychains, and lastly, a kitten hairpin completely embodying the aesthetics of avid animal lovers.

"Wanna get some snacks before leaving for the park?" Terra suggested while pointing at the snack bar not too far from the store.

Elara's eyes brightened as a smirk adorned her face, "You know me so well!"

The duo purchased a couple of snacks, including ice cream, to ease up the heat from the blazing sun.

While driving to the amusement park Terra had booked, she suddenly spoke while pointing at her purse, "Ah right, your phone, in case you need it."

Elara hummed instinctively, capturing Terra's attention, who glanced at her to find her with a face stuffed full of cookies.

Terra laughed heartily, "You still have that habit I see! You look like a chipmunk, how adorable."

Elara huffed while rolling her eyes, "Yeah yeah."

"Or do you prefer squirrel~?" Terra teased endlessly.

"I don't care!"



A few minutes later, they entered the amusement park and, after checking in, decided to have a go at the trendy rides, mostly because it was recommended by the chatty receptionist and they didn't know better.

While waiting in line for their turn Elara discussed with Terra about her journey back tomorrow.

"Your fans must be so curious about who you spent so much time with," Elara started with a cheerful smile.

"I just tell them I had fun with my girlfriend, and they know better than to be overtly curious about my private life," Terra replied nonchalantly.

"But I'm not your girlfriend?" Elara corrected with raised brows.

To this, Terra simply stared at her indescribably, leaving Elara questioning in confusion, "What?"

"Nothing~," she giggled, leaving Elara annoyed. Don't get people all curious and then leave them hanging, you annoying woman!

"Anyways," Terra continued, "you should watch me more and try to always keep in touch as much as possible."

Elara scoffed, facing Terra with a scowl, "I watched every one of your videos and only stopped calling for a while because you seemed so busy–which you explicitly stated in your video, so don't guilt trip me, lady."

Terra grimaced guiltily; she had only said that to find a justifiable reason to take a break to see Elara; who would have thought Elara, who watched her videos, would believe that and misunderstand her intentions?

"Well, I–" Terra tried to explain but was cut off by a male voice.


Turning around they were shocked to see the culprit. At least Elara was because Terra couldn't recognize the male, although his insanely good looks, even while being covered, vaguely reminded her of someone rather annoying.

"Terry?!" Elara exclaimed in shock garnering them more looks than they were already getting. Elara was sure if taking pictures of others, with the attention Terrence was getting, he'd have become a celebrity overnight.

Although he had on a face cap, a pair of glasses, and a mask, his good looks were still radiating uninhibited. The man in question furrowed his brows at Terra who was also glaring daggers at him. Ignoring her futile protests, he leaned in closer to Elara, who was immediately pulled away from him into an embrace by Terra, her every stance declaring: mine, infuriating Terrence to no end.

Both beauties glared heavily at each other while Elara, who was the cause of the whole thing, was tightly nestled in Terra's embrace. Having two hot people, a man, and a woman, non-verbally fighting over someone wasn't a drama you came across so easily; thus, most people became very invested.

Feeling the intrigued gazes stabbing at her from every angle, with the two culprits unaffected, Elara knew she had to take matters into her own hands to prevent things from escalating.

Deciding to take whatever this was away from the public eye, Elara easily freed herself from Terra's death hug, leaving the female distrust; why did someone as dainty looking as Elara possess such strength?!

"Let's move to somewhere else," Elara suggested with a nervous smile, though her next action of immediately leaving without waiting for their approval made it known this was more of a demand than a suggestion.

Soon, they went to a more secluded area, and even though they still got stares, which was inevitable with the exotic beauties accompanying her, it was much better. It suddenly hit her that compared to the two, she was more unremarkable.

She was pretty, but her good looks paled in comparison to the duo surrounding her. In other words, they made her look like a potato.

'Well, at least I am on par with Star, or I'd have been the unfortunately lucky human surrounded with beauty while being subpar myself.'

What a way to have your self-esteem destroyed, it reminded her of a certain SCP, SCP-056, was it?

Elara was snapped out of her thoughts by Terrence's cough, which brought her back to reality.

"Ah… yes," she said guiltily averting her eyes from Terrence's piercing gaze, "Am glad you're here?"

"Me too! You sure do have a knack for ruining plans, eh?" Terra snapped rudely, earning her a glare from Elara which made her huff in displeasure.

Terrence scoffed, striking a more relaxed posture as he spoke, "I had no choice since a certain individual stood me up."

Elara chuckled guiltily, speechless on how to reply, but Terrence continued anyway, "Not only that, but even my calls were ignored, and I had my line blocked. I truly was hurt greatly today."

Glancing at Terra whose face had visibly warped in anxiety, his lips curved unnoticeably, "Ela, do you not like me anymore?"

Staring into the male's exaggerated pitiful look like a bullied puppy, Elara was dazzled for a while before it clicked; she didn't block anyone!

"I didn't–"

"Yes, I know," Terrence cleverly cut her off muttering in a sad voice to further enunciate how much he had been wronged, "I know I needed to consider your long-time friend who you haven't been in contact with for a while now but I didn't exactly expect to be blocked…"

'This sneaky bastard! Playing the pity card…' Terra thought in annoyance.

Elara went silent for a while, and when Terrence finally looked to gauge her reaction, he was stunned by the look on her face.

Ever since he met Elara, he found out she was a very cheerful person who almost always had a smile and an amiable countenance. This was the first time he had seen her show such… iciness.

He felt chills down his spine, not because she looked terrifying or intimidated him but at the thought of the intent behind such countenance. The thought that Elara was so infuriated by him—her demeanor warped into something so chilling left his heart thumping–—with worry. He did not like it.

However, he seemed to have thought wrong because the next moment, Elara gave him a smile before dragging Terra away, leaving him all alone.



"Why?" Elara spat sternly, glaring glacially at Terra who was seriously shaken up.

Throughout the years of their friendship, the time she had seen Elara lose her cool could be counted on one hand and those times had mostly been during the beginning of their relationship when Elara had shut everyone out.

After they had gotten closer… Elara slowly dispatched that look till she completely banished it…. until now. And just like before, it was still as exhilarating as ever!

She loved everything about Elara: her sweetness, kindness, and most especially, her impressive ability to effortlessly mask her true self behind those façade. But even more than anything, what she adored most was Elara's pure form– like now!

The scrunched brows, the sharp gaze, and the look of furry visibly showing a strong attempt to contain her rage was so… So thrilling! As thrilling as a drug.

Elara frowned heavily as she spoke through gritted teeth, "I thought we stopped this Terra? What are you? A fucking junkie?"