Please Stop Flirting!


Elara sneaked out a few pictures from the posed couple and, after getting one from a perfect angle, left to attend to more important matters—food.

The two grooms were gorgeous, so good-looking Elara couldn't tell which one was Terrence's brother as then it'd make sense with the angel-like gene flowing through his family.

The taller and more reserved male had long black hair, which he had tied neatly into a ponytail, and beautiful peach blossom eyes with pretty emerald pupils that left one dazzled at a glance.

The shorter and more chatty one had short black hair and intimidating pheonix eyes with piercing amber-colored pupils, which added to his sharp aura.

They were both lovely, almost like a yaoi couple who walked straight out of a manwha—no wonder many ladies were adamant about taking pictures with them.

Rich or not, it seemed even they couldn't resist.