90 years ago, a war between humans and an alien species that called themselves the 'Gods' began. These Gods had access to an invisible force called Divine Energy that granted them extreme super strength, speed and durability, as well as the abilities to fly and breathe in space. However, humanity happened to be nearly just as compatible with Divine Energy as the Gods, granting them a chance at rebellion.
The Gods had been slowly managing to defeat the human forces, driving them back, until just 3 years ago. Humanity gained a new soldier, one who went by the codename 'Artificial Deity'. This man singlehandedly managed to change the tides of this war, setting them in humanity's favor.
But now, the Gods have thought of a counter to this formidable weapon. Lilac Klaria is the Daughter of the Gods' 5th Ruler, and she has been ordered by her mother to infiltrate humanity's most prestigious military force, the Godkillers, in order to weaken them from the inside.
But as she gets closer and closer to the humans on her Godkiller team and learns humanity's side of the war, will she really be able to go through with it?
Only time will tell, but until then, she must survive in the heart of this war, on a planet filled with foes so far beyond her level. And in order to do that, she must remember that above all else, she must keep going.
- This is more of a passion project than anything, so I don't have any set in stone chapter upload schedule, but I'd say to expect chapters every Monday and Sunday