Modern Day - NewYork 2001
"Freaking hell Mars, why the heck are we in this part of town." I asked, looking at the surrounding area. Every step took us away from the warmth of our parked car. Bringing us even deeper into the slums of the city. If anyone asked me, this whole place should be burnt down and paved over.
I cursed, scraping the bottom of my leather shoes to the nearest of anything.
Fucking hell!
I struggled with the damn ledge and shoe. Also whatever the fuck had stuck on my new pair of leather Italians. Agony because I had paid a small fortune for them too. Close to shouting, I instead glare dagger at the damn person whose fault all this was. Not that he gave two shits.
Mars, the bastard, just stood there with his cigarette in hand. His black flinty eyes just stared back at me. Damn handsome bastard.
I grunted in disgust.