The Thickness Of Blood

It took a day, thanks to the fast, Magickally capable horses, to travel along Netzar, cutting through all of the roads as they managed to head to the following region: Damasia.

When morning came, Nasiah looked out the window to spot the beauty of an entirely new land. It was unlike the dense forest and mountainous region of Netzar. Instead of groups of mangroves all bunched together, It was more akin to a grassland with a few clumps of trees spread apart every now and then. 

It was rather flat, too; some parts curled down and up into hills, but it was not as much as Beshera. He saw the people already, they wore much less distinguished clothing, more rural based with leather and cotton. They had shorter sleeves, too, less puffy and noble-like but still with their own charm.

He could even make out the cities here. They were much closer together, unlike back in Netzar, with no division via large dangerous forests here, none at all.