Meanwhile At The City

David had an inkling it was going to be in the region of Damasia. Cayna was not an option, doing business directly by the Queen's land was just asking to get found out. 

If they did it in the next region of Babyl, well, there wouldn't really be much land for them to hold it on anyway. That place was essentially cut apart. It also held a bad image with many not fearing to go there.

If they did it in Netzar, they would be much too close to important trading hubs and zones that they would have control over. It was best to avoid these types of places when doing meetings like this.

Now, right here in Damasia in a quaint little city with someone like Elisabeth at the helm with her contract with the Mazzikin? That's a prime place.

While he sent off Nasiah to get to safety and to, of course, learn what life was like in the world, he needed to set up defenses and countermeasures for possible assassination attempts.