No Man’s Land

Babyl was not what it used to be. Once a long time ago, it was the largest region of Balthalem. It was so big, in fact, that it was divided into multiple groups and states that could have been called their own region and country.

The people prospered, and the many nobles lived in peace. That was until the seeds of rebellion were planted into their mind, and they began to desire more. They wished to move away from Verichiel and conspired to make their own lands and nations.

Of course, finding new land out there in the world was hard. Especially since the continent closest to Balthalem, Galfania, was horrifically infested with monsters.

They couldn't do anything about it, especially since even Verichiel's predecessors failed in truly conquering such a land as it was incredibly hostile; not even with their Magick and advancing technology could such a place be taken over.