It only went downhill from there. The massive whale in the sky, the shark attacks and the carnivorous fish still needed to be dealt with all at the same time. It was all so much more hectic than it should have been. There had to be no room for error; their best fighter was distracted while Jophiel and Elyia were unconscious.
Nasiah had to think fast about what and who needed to be saved, and by now, he believed he found his answer.
"Jon, can you please go deal with the whale. I'll handle the sharks and scales."
He turned to his cousin, who was holding Naomi protectively as she was in the middle of fainting once more. She was lucky she at least pissed herself in the ocean earlier so that nobody would find it out.
Jon nodded and jumped up towards the whale while Nasiah rushed towards the sharks that flew at them all. He imagined that each and every one of them were like blade strikes, attacks coming at him from all possible angles.