Phanuel, for once, was a little dumbfounded from the Dahg to the Jinn, and even before that. Whenever she would talk to her enemies, they usually do not back down.
They mostly double down and then become even more aggressive when fighting her, or even before they fight her.
It was very new that someone actually took the offer and just walked off. In her whole life of fighting, that usually happened because of others, not at all because of herself. While Forcas was the main component and voice in the conversation, Phanuel knew that a lot of the reasons why the Jinn backed down was because of her own voice.
And so she stood there, arms crossed, staring down at the ground, perplexed as she grumbled in utter silence. A confusion in her mind that constantly rang out at her like a bell on a mountaintop that never seemed to end.