Passing time [1]

Having some trouble in upadating this but hey shower it with powerstones!


One thing I realised as time passed: the reason I didn't care about keeping track of time because I apparently don't change.

Makes sense when you're not anything organic, honestly.

"So, you're what's been bothering the people here?" I asked not expecting a response.

It's been... months? - I think I heard the astrologists in the observatory say a couple of months, to be exact - since Gilgamesh went on his journey.

Things calmed down for the most part. Uruk was completely repaired, most people recovered physically and mentally, and Enkidu and I had all the work handled.

Well, mostly Enkidu handling the office work. I handle the grunt work. I'm grateful, actually. I've seen how much tablets Siduri brings him.

I don't want to suffer through that.

Anyway, I was sent to the observatory near the ocean today because there was apparently something attacking the fishermen and anyone who gets near the water with it being too big for the guards to handle.

That thing revealed itself to be a REALLY large snake. It was probably large enough to easily eat a cow in one bite. It had a mixture of green and blue scales and a couple of fins at each side of its head, probably as a sign of being aquatic.

I was standing in the shores in front of the observatory. I told the guards, astrologists, and whatever other researcher there to wait inside while I dealt with the problem. As soon as I arrived at the edge of the water, the snake burst forward.

"I don't suppose you're gonna leave peacefully?" I joked with a shrug.

The snake hissed at me and reeled its head back. It threw it forward and shot a stream of boiling water at me, hot enough to melt the flesh right off anyone else's bones.

Sadly for the snake, I wasn't anyone else. I instantly turned to my water element and held my hand upwards. The water would instantly stop in front of me and start collecting itself into a large bubble that kept getting bigger as more water tried to reach me.

"Did you just try attacking me with water?" I laughed at the snake's effort. "Let me tell you two things. First, THIS is how you attack with water,"

I pointed my arm upwards and the bubble shifted to look like a large, thin blade above me. Angling it just right, I swung downwards and the blade followed, cutting the snake in half right between the eyes with an terrifyingly clean precision. "And second, you don't try to use elements against an Elemental."

I didn't actually expect an answer as the snake dropped dead with the ocean water around it starting to turn red from the blood.

Handling monsters like this has been pretty easy after I stopped holding myself back.

"Well, that was easy," I said while wiping my hands. "Now, to tell those guys-"

""sniff"... "sob*"

"What the-!?" I stopped in my tracks as I heard " crying.

I started looking around at where I believe the sound came from. It actually sounded like it came from the ocean, but I couldn't tell from where. It definitely didn't come from the snake. It was further... plus the snake's dead.

I changed to my wood element and started sensing the area around, thinking it's something I couldn't see.

I didn't feel anything around beyond the usual magical energy in the air and the fading energy of the snake. "I can swear I heard something," I mumbled to myself but eventually shrugged my shoulders. "I'll worry about that later. If I remember correctly, Enkidu wanted to see if I can create new roads to the city." The voice I heard was definitely something I didn't expect.

Back then, I definitely knew it was a matter of time before I meet a god for the first time. But, the one I ended up meeting was definitely one I was never expecting.


All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad

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