End of Greek Arc [2]

"You made ANOTHER deal with Hades?" Stheno asked as we sat around in the living room of the house.

"You keep making deals with gods. Are you gonna make a deal with Dionysus next?" Euryale asked sarcastically before placing her hand on her chin and looking down. "Actually, that would get us some pretty good wine..."

"Yeah, that would be useless for me, so no thank you," I shook my head at her before she got any ideas.

Believe me, I tried to taste wine. Mostly because Gil tried to force it in my mouth yelling 'even a tree can appreciate the wine from Uruk!', but I didn't drink or even taste a single drop.

"What was the deal about, Zack?" Medusa asked.

"The Shapeless Isles will be transported under Hades domain in the Reverse Side and kept safe there. No more of anyone trying to attack these Isles," I explained.

The Gorgon sisters all stared at me with wide eyes. After blinking a few times Stheno asked, "Are... are you serious? Is this for real?"

"Yeah, that sounds too good to be true," Euryale added. "Is there a 'but' in that sentence?"

"No, not really," I shook my head.

"This is... this is wonderful!" Medusa walked up to me and held up one of my hands. "Now we don't have to fight or be bothered by invaders! We can finally stay in peace!"

"Ahaha... about that," I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "I'm... not going."

The whole room fell quiet again. "W-What do you mean you're not coming?" Medusa genuinely didn't seem to understand.

"You said there was no drawbacks to the deal," Stheno pointed out.

"This isn't part of the deal. This is my own decision," I explained while shaking my head. "You girls are safe from now on... there's no reason for me to stay."

"We WANT you to stay!" Medusa raised her voice which caught even her sisters by surprise. "Why would you leave? Do you have something else to do? Then we'll just wait here and-"

"Medusa!" I cut her off. "Let's say I did stay here and we were transported to the Reverse Side... then what? What are we gonna do?"

"We'll stay in peace alone. Isn't that enough?" Tears began gathering in Medusa's eyes.

"It truly sounds like a dream come true but... it's not for me, I'm sorry," I shook my head and looked down, unwilling to look her in the eyes.

Seriously, what would I do in the Reverse Side? We would run out of things to talk about and, while Medusa doesn't mind because of her mentality as a goddess, I personally do not feel comfortable just sitting and doing nothing for eternity.

It was somewhat harsh, but true. I honestly don't enjoy being inactive.

I liked... no, I loved Medusa and her sisters, but there was no reason for me to stay anymore.

I was standing in the shores, ready to leave while the

Gorgon sisters stood behind me. "Well... this is goodbye." I said as I looked at them one last time.

"Yes, yes, on you go," Stheno carelessly waved her hand.

"You're still here? Just go already," Euryale copied her sister.

Honestly, their whole 'I don't care' act would have been more believable if it wasn't for the fact they haven't looked at my direction once. For all their attitude, these two hate goodbyes.

"Please stay," Medusa said again. "If you don't like something here, we can change it." Wow, the fact she straight up said she'll change it without even hinting that she'll take her sisters' opinion into this. That just shows how serious she is, but sadly there was no 'it' to change.

"I'm sorry, I really am," I said growing a flower between my fingers and placing it in her hair. "But, I have to go."

With that, I turned to my water element and jumped back to the ocean. I began swimming away and it wasn't long before I made quite the distance between me in the island.

When I looked back, severe large pieces of black diamond, like the one that the Hades' proxies used, surrounded the island and began glowing.

I watched as the Shapeless Isles vanished in a flash of light. I know Hades will keep his end of the deal, so I know for a fact the Gorgon sisters are on their way to the Reverse Side if they're not already there.

"It's better this way," I said to myself as I began swimming away. "They're safe now."

This does bring a question, though.

What do I do now?


All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad

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