Clean Up Duty [3]

"So... The world is dying?" Zelretch hummed while rubbing his chin.

"More like 'bleeding out'," I corrected him. "The separation of Humanity and the Planet caused some serious damage to the latter and it lost its ability to keep making Magical Energy."

"Which means, sooner or later, humans will outlive the planet and it will die out," Zelretch concluded with a grim look.

"You're taking this better than I expected," I said, noticing the lack of panic or shock.

"There were already theories in the Mage Association related to why the Mystics of the world seemed to be declining. What I just heard was confirming what we thought," Zelretch answered before raising one of his brows. "Why are you asking for my help with this?"

"Because I believe your Second Magic is what I need to help Earth," I explained.

Second Magic benefited everyone. It made both Alaya and Gaia healthier. It can theoretically generate endless magical energy for eternity. It's the key to helping Earth, I know that.

I just need to figure out how.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you," Zelretch said solemnly.


"Remember what you told me?" Zelretch asked and I gave him a confused look. "The world hates True Magic and takes counter measures against it. Any attempt I make at helping will be denied. With your help, theoretically, it IS possible to create something that might help the planet, but we'd need something compatible with both my Second Magic AND the Planet to do that."

... Wait... Compatible with Second Magic and the Planet?

"Actually... There is something like that," that statement managed to get a look of shock from Zelretch.

Third POV:

Zelretch was beyond confused. Following Zack as they travelled inside Nature's Law - the Reality Marble Following them as they walked, they seemed to be headed to a location only Zack knew of.

The Magician knew that, while they appeared to have only walked a few miles, they were most likely on another part of the world now. Zelretch knew that the Reality Marble itself was moving on Zack's will.

There was a sudden but slight shift in the air that Zelretch recognised. It was a Bounded Field. Trees different from the ones that usually inhabited Nature's Law now appeared. The new trees looked grey, somewhat burned, and covered in ash.

They kept walking, Zack not explaining or talking through the ordeal. Soon, they reached the largest tree Zelretch had ever seen... or the leftovers or the largest tree Zelretch had ever seen. 3

It was a large burned bark with barely anything left above the ground. Burns and ashes covered the entirety of the remains and very little of it looked like wood anymore.

Zack walked up to the bark and held his hand against it, looking sadly at the remains of the tree before steeling his look at turning to Zelretch. "Try seeing if your Magic can work with this."

Zelretch nodded and bent down to touch one of the remaining branches of the tree. Putting some magical energy through his hand, the Magician's eyes widened as the energy of his Kaleidoscope passed from his hand, through the branch, and into the ground without any problems.

.. Yggdrasil," Zelretch mumbled, realising the identity of the Tree.

Long ago, Zelretch had done his research on possible materials that would be great catalysts for his Second Magic. Wood from the Tree of the Nine Realms was at the top of his list. But, sadly, he never knew where the Tree was, and even if he did, the Norse age of Mystics had ended long before his time.

"Can you use materials from this to create the Mystic Code that you told me about?" Zack asked, breaking Zelretch's train of thought.

"It should be possible," Zelretch stood up and sighed. "But we'll need more than currently present... And I don't believe Yggdrasil can offer us more," he commented sadly as he looked at the burned tree.

"Don't worry about that," Zack knelt down and touched one of the last remaining branches that wasn't completely burned.

Zack's body began changing. It was very similar to his wood form, however, the wood that made up his body now seemed to lean to a golden color and there was a rainbow colored hue from between his limbs.

"Okay, we have enough materials, now what?" Zack asked.

Zelretch blinked a few times before gaining a smile that unsettled Zack and crossed his fingers together. "Now... We experiment."

First POV: Zack

Two. Weeks.

It took me and Zelretch two whole weeks on nonstop experimenting and work to get the right Mystic Code ready to help the planet.

Every single time we faced a problem. Either the Mystic Code didn't give enough power, or it gave too much power and it burned itself out, or it straight up exploded from just being exposed to Second Magic without any inhibitors.

One of the Mystic Codes straight up Teleported to another dimension. Even Zelretch's clairvoyance couldn't find that one.

We almost gave up after the Mystic Code that actually turned to goo, but we kept trying and we finally got them right. Two Mystic Codes, both the size of a small mountain, made of rainbow crystals in the shape of a tree.

Yggdrasil is dead, but I swear that I won't let the world she loved so much die.

This leads me to where I am now, which is the North Pole. It was... rather Anticlimactic. With my Reality Marble Following me everywhere, almost saw nothing of the snow and ice.

But I wasn't there for sightseeing. When I was absolutely sure the area I was in was at the very top of the planet, I placed waved my hand and the Mystic Code appeared in the sky. The lower half of the Mystic Code was made of World Tree roots, so it should connect to the planet without a problem.

I dug a hole before slowly placing the Mystic Code inside it. Once it was buried inside, it would activate a Bounded Field designed by Zelretch that would make sure that no one short of a Magician or a Magus on their level would find it. All other humans and ordinary beings would never be able to even know it was there.

I did the same at the South Pole and returned to Zelretch. "Okay, so how are we looking?" I asked.

I was standing at the edge of Nature's Law and watching Zelretch work from outside of it since his equipment doesn't work inside my Reality Marble.

One piece of equipment was more important than the other right now which was a model of Earth with a rainbow crystal at the top and bottom. The model was made of glass and the inside was glowing white. It was supposed to monitor Earth and the Mystic Codes, which aren't active yet.

"Everything is set in place," Zelretch's air was far more serious than usual, staring intensely at the orb. "Now, to turn them on."

I quietly watched as he raised one of his hands and pointed at the orb. His finger glowed and the Mystic Codes activated.

Me and Zelretch watched intensely as the Mystic Codes began glowing. Energy would be generated around the crystals and then sucked in before being transferred to the Earth through the roots.

We just had to see if the energy goes through.

One pulse. The energy didn't go through. Second pulse. Still nothing. After the fourth pulse, it started to look like it wasn't happening. But, then, at the tenth or eleventh pulse, something happened.

The white energy inside pulsed with the Mystic Codes.

The next pulse was followed with a clear image of the energy going through the roots and going straight to the planet.

"We did it..." I mumbled before throwing my fists in the air. "We did it! WE JUST FIXED EARTH!" I laughed in the air as the white glow of the model got brighter.

Yggdrasil, I wish you were here to see this! The planet, the world you loved so much, is going to live thanks to you!

"Hahaha!" Zelretch was also pretty thrilled, clapping like he just saw the world's best show. "I can't believe it! My second Magic was just used to power the entire planet! I wish Solomon was here to see this!... Actually, knowing him, he probably already saw it at one point but didn't say anything."

"That's one of the drawbacks of having an all-knowing teacher, I guess," Zelretch and I laughed for a few moments before we settled down. "Thank you. I truly can't thank you enough."

"Are you joking? Not only did I get to work with materials from Yggdrasil itself, but also use that work to fix the planet, I have bragging rights on all Magus for the next millennium now," Zelretch chuckled before turning around and waving his hand. All his equipment vanished in a flash of rainbow lights. "If you need help with anything like this, I'm more than happy to oblige."

"I'll be busy for a while, actually, but thanks," I said as I watched him walk away. Now that I finished fixing Earth, I have only one more thing left to do.

Fix the relationship between Gaia and Alaya.


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Title :- One with Nature

All credits to XanaShadow

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